On the second day after Fang Jingzhou arrived, Luo Bei received an invitation from Jiang Sihan. Over the past few months, Jiang Sihan’s popularity had skyrocketed. Although he wasn’t considered a top-tier celebrity yet, it was clear from his number of followers on Weibo that he would likely reach that level within a year. Some people are just naturally suited for this path, and Jiang Sihan was one of them. He had a certain aura about him. Over the past few months, he had acted in television dramas and taken on numerous endorsements. However, his agent, Brother Liu, positioned him as mysterious and aloof, so even if the pay was high, Jiang Sihan wouldn’t take on variety shows.

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According to Jiang Sihan, he didn’t really have any place to spend money. When he was filming, he would stay in the hotel provided by the production team, and they would provide him with meals. He wasn’t picky about food. When he wasn’t filming, his schedule was also quite full, and his company would arrange accommodation for him. So it can be said that his money is earned but not spent. He quickly saved up enough for a down payment on a large three-bedroom apartment. He was also very quick in buying the house, and he didn’t have any specific requirements for the decoration. After two or three months, when he had some time, he wanted to invite his friends over to see his new home as a housewarming celebration.

There’s no need to say how envious Luo Bei is. In a few days, she came to see Jiang Sihan’s new home, along with his friends.

The location of the neighborhood was pretty good, and Luo Bei had seen it before.

What surprised Luo Bei was that Jiang Sihan had also invited Yu Wei.

Fang Jingzhou and Gu Qianyan were playing games in the living room, while Yu Wei was chatting with Luo Bei on the balcony. Although it had been two months since Jiang Sihan moved in, there was still a bit of a smell in the house. Fortunately, they were just visiting and wouldn’t stay for too long.

Yu Wei leaned on the railing and looked into the distance. She smiled at Luo Bei and said, “I thought you would be with Ah Han.”

Luo Bei shrugged. “That’s not really possible. But there was a reason why I didn’t explain myself back then.”

“I understand,” Yu Wei took a deep breath. “He won’t like me, I’ve come to terms with it. But don’t you think it’s a pity? Ah Han clearly…”

Before she could finish, Luo Bei interrupted her with a smile. “Not at all. I already have a boyfriend whom I love very much, and he loves me too. We’re very happy together.”

Yu Wei nodded. “So you already knew?”

Luo Bei turned to look at Gu Qianyan, who was sitting on the couch playing on his phone with Fang Jingzhou, and smiled. “I’m actually not that oblivious. Xiao Jiang didn’t have to say anything, I understood his intentions. My boyfriend also didn’t say anything, and I also understood his feelings. So I can only be the most oblivious person, otherwise I’d be letting their good intentions go to waste.”

Yu Wei burst out laughing. “That’s true. But your boyfriend is also very handsome, so it’s not a loss!”

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Luo Bei proudly straightened her back. “That’s for sure.”

Both of them were very attractive in terms of looks!

Jiang Sihan had received quite a few red envelopes from Gu Qianyan during their chats, and their relationship had actually improved compared to before.

Sometimes, when it came to matters of the heart, even if there were three people involved, it didn’t necessarily have to be a fight to the death. In the world of adults, everyone knew how to cherish things and didn’t want to destroy the peace.

Ever since Fang Jingzhou found out that Gu Qianyan had a very large company, he had been wanting to go take a look. Gu Qianyan naturally agreed, and when Luo Bei had some free time, Gu Jianyan brought her and Fang Jingzhou to visit the Gu family’s company.

The Gu family’s building is very close to the city center and occupies a whole building. In fact, the building has a history of over 20 years. When Grandpa Gu bought it, the price was nothing compared to now, it was a bargain. It was renovated again a few years ago and now it looks low-key and grand.

Luo Bei has applied to many big companies before, but very few of them have a whole building to themselves. Most of them occupy several floors, and there are many different companies in one building. In a city where every inch of land is precious, not just any company can afford a whole building.

Gu Qianyan’s office is located on the eighth floor. Luo Bei thought she would meet many of Gu’s employees, but when she came up from the parking lot in the elevator, she only saw Gu Qianyan’s assistant and secretary. Everyone looked busy, and the phones rang incessantly. Nobody had time to look around and observe. Upon closer inspection, it was actually not much different from an ordinary company. The secretary’s desk was covered with colorful sticky notes, her coffee had long gone cold, and she hadn’t had a chance to take a sip.

Maybe this is the atmosphere of Gu’s company, where no one wastes a single second.

Gu Qianyan’s office is not as luxurious as Luo Bei had imagined, it is decorated similar to the female boss’s office, but twice as large.

There are several sofas, a large bookcase filled with folders, and his desk, which is also piled high with files, indicating how busy he is on a regular basis.

Fang Jingzhou sat on the sofa, looking around, and finally said to Luo Bei, “Uncle Xiao Zhou’s office is so big! It’s even bigger than my living room!”

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They arrived just before lunchtime. Gu Qianyan picked up the phone on his desk and made an internal call to his assistant, “Go to the cafeteria and order a few dishes for me, three meat dishes, two vegetable dishes, and a soup.”

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qianyan rolled up his shirt sleeves and said, “You guys have fun. I still have some things to take care of here, so I won’t accompany you. If you get bored, you can go downstairs. There’s a mall nearby.”

“Okay, you go ahead,” Luo Bei said, then whispered to Fang Jingzhou, “Let’s speak softly so we don’t disturb Uncle Xiao Zhou’s work.”

Fang Jingzhou quickly covered his mouth with his small hand and nodded.

It’s true that men who work diligently are the most handsome.

Gu Qianyan was fully engrossed in his work, and even the outside world’s noises were automatically blocked out. He focused on his computer screen and was completely undisturbed.

Fang Jingzhou hugged Luo Bei’s arm and whispered, “Beibei, your office is smaller than Uncle Xiao Zhou’s.”

Luo Bei laughed, “Of course, his is a big company, and mine is just a shop.”

“But I believe that one day, Beibei will also have an office that’s just as big,” Fang Jingzhou said. “I want to be like Uncle Xiao Zhou and Beibei in the future, with a big office.”

Many children have many dreams when they’re young, such as becoming a scientist or a doctor. Fang Jingzhou hasn’t even officially become a first-grade elementary school student, but he’s secretly set his goal to become a boss and have a big office.

Luo Bei couldn’t help but marvel in her heart that the plot was indeed powerful. Even though she has changed Fang Jingzhou’s childhood and personality, he should still follow the trajectory of the novel’s plot and become a domineering CEO in the end.

On second thought, does this mean that she and Gu Qianyan have influenced him?

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Luo Bei didn’t treat Fang Jingzhou’s words as a child’s play, on the contrary, she nodded seriously and said, “Then study hard, and your dream will definitely come true.”

Although it was more than twenty years before he became the CEO…

The assistant quickly brought the food, and he took several glances at Luo Bei, of course, when Gu Qianyan didn’t notice. He thought to himself, Is this Mr. Gu’s girlfriend? She looks really pretty, but what about the little boy next to her…? The assistant couldn’t help but imagine Luo Bei as the wife of a domineering CEO, running with the ball.

But that’s not right. This young lady looks younger than him, at most 22 or 23 years old. The little boy is probably six years old. If he is her child, does that mean she gave birth at 17 or got pregnant at 16? The assistant looked at Gu Qianyan, who was still working, and shook his head firmly. No, Mr. Gu is not such a crazy and vulgar person.

Luo Bei thanked the assistant politely, and the assistant left the office with doubts in his mind.

Could it be Mr. Gu’s younger brother? But I haven’t heard about him. It’s also possible that he is this young lady’s brother. That’s possible…

The assistant felt relieved as he solved the mystery.

Luo Bei sat on the sofa with Fang Jingzhou, and Gu Qianyan sat opposite them. All three of them were a little hungry.

Gu Qianyan glanced at his schedule and asked, “Beibei, do you have time at the beginning of the month?”

“I’m not sure. Is there something you need?”

Gu Qianyan pointed to Fang Jingzhou who was eating, “Isn’t he about to start school soon? I don’t think he’s gone on a trip yet. How about the three of us take four or five days off and take him out for a trip? We’ve been dating for so long and haven’t had a chance to really travel together.”

Fang Jingzhou was thrilled to hear this, but unlike other children who would eagerly agree, he looked at Luo Bei with a sense of responsibility. He really wanted to go, but if Beibei and Uncle Xiao Zhou were very busy, then he would let it go.

Luo Bei hadn’t thought of this, nor had she thought about whether she had the time. She replied, “I’ll start working on my urgent tasks tomorrow, and taking four or five days off shouldn’t be a problem. I also wanted to take my Grandma on a trip. You know, I was planning to take her to Thailand during the Chinese New Year, but there were too many things going on at the time, and it got postponed.”

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She remembered what Gu Qianyan had said to her when her Grandma was in the hospital, not to become a slave to work and money, and that family is very important.

“It’s summer now, and Thailand is even hotter than here. We’ll suffer if we go there. Why don’t we go somewhere cooler instead?” Gu Qianyan suggested.


Gu Qianyan then looked at Fang Jingzhou and said seriously, “We’re taking you on a trip, but since it’s still half a month away from the beginning of the month, let’s not consider budget or luxury travel. Let’s just go on a normal trip. But we still need to prepare more than 10,000 yuan. Where can we get this money from?”

Fang Jingzhou was good at math, and he now had some concept of money. He knew that the money he had saved and the money his Grandmother had given him were far from enough for the more than 10,000 yuan. He hesitated and asked, “Should I ask my Grandmother?”

Gu Qianyan immediately put on a stern face and said, “Who told you to go ask your Grandmother for money? Think of something else.”

Fang Jingzhou also realized that his answer was wrong and thought for a moment. “I’ll go collect bottles. The Grandma next door told me that bottles can be sold for money, and I usually give her the bottles.”

Gu Qianyan rubbed his chin. “Well, you might have to collect bottles until you graduate from junior high.”

Luo Bei didn’t interrupt their conversation and grinned as she watched one adult and one child brainstorming to earn more than 10,000 yuan, which was quite interesting.

Fang Jingzhou then said, “I’ll go work!”

Gu Qianyan said, “Hiring child labor is illegal.”

Fang Jingzhou had a mournful expression on his face. “I really don’t know what to do…”

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