When Gu Qianyan saw this message, although he felt down, everything was within his expectations.

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Let’s not talk about Luo Bei. Even he himself, whether it was him with his past personality or him now after returning to his original identity, the number girls who come to find him every few days is not few. Of course, he didn’t pay attention to them before his memory loss, let alone now. Even he could encounter this kind of situation, let alone Luo Bei. She is beautiful, kind, and usually very gentle. As a man, he knows the nature of men deeply. Who doesn’t like someone like Luo Bei? So, when he meets a rival who comes to pry a corner, it’s not surprising.

But this rival is somewhat smart. Knowing that “opportunity knocks but once,” while he is not in the store, this person simply came to work in the store and spends every day with Beibei…

Although it’s not surprising, Gu Qianyan still feels a little upset when he thinks that such a person is next to Beibei.

If his rivals had the quality and hardware conditions as good as Xiao Jiang’s, that would be great. Xiao Jiang is so good. His character is also good. Even if he realizes his own feelings and understands everything, he can still say nothing and give blessings straightforwardly. This is not something that ordinary people can do. There are so many people in this world who use the guise of feelings to do despicable things.

When he thought of this, Gu Qianyan wanted to send a red envelope to Xiao Jiang again.

As he thought so, he immediately sent Xiao Jiang a five-yuan red envelope and complained, “Xiao Jiang, someone else is trying to win over Beibei again.”

Jiang Sihan received the red envelope. Although he was on the set now, he was currently resting, so he had some free time to chat with Gu Qianyan. When he saw this message, he was stunned and asked, “What?”

Gu Qianyan immediately repeated to Jiang Sihan what the apprentice told him.

Jiang Sihan calmly replied, “It’s okay, just get used to it. Don’t worry, Beibei is not that kind of person.”

Gu Qianyan : “I know, but I still feel a bit uncomfortable.”

Jiang Sihan : “Alright, let’s stop talking about it. Five-yuan worth of talking time is up. Let’s talk again next time.”

Gu Qianyan : “….”

The next day, around noon, Gu Qianyan deliberately took a two-hour lunch break and had his assistant pack some good food from the cafeteria. He then went to the shop.

When he saw the young man, to be frank, Gu Qianyan was a bit disappointed because he didn’t look like he had much fighting power.

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Luo Bei came down from the attic and was surprised to see Gu Qianyan there. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

Gu Qianyan pointed to the packed box on the coffee table and said, “Didn’t you say the food in my company’s cafeteria looked tempting yesterday? I packed some dishes and invited everyone to eat together.”

“Oh, okay.”

He really brought a lot of food. The apprentice, the lad, and the master all gathered around the table. Luo Bei also called the customer service clerk from the warehouse, and with Gu Qianyan, they looked at the dishes, which were indeed very rich.

Four meat dishes, two vegetable dishes, and a corn and pork rib soup.

Luo Bei took a bite of the fish-flavored shredded pork and couldn’t help but praise, “The chef in your cafeteria is really good at cooking.”

“I still think it’s not as delicious as your Grandma’s cooking. By the way, I have time on Saturday. Let’s buy some flour, chives, and pork and let your grandma make dumplings. I’ve been thinking about it for days.”

Gu Qianyan is still very scheming. He said this to tell the lad who coveted his girlfriend that he and Beibei are not only boyfriend and girlfriend, but also have a stable relationship. They have already met their parents. Those who have eyes should stop having inappropriate thoughts now.

Luo Bei didn’t notice Gu Qianyan’s little trick, and she didn’t notice the lad’s feelings for her. She is not someone who likes to focus her attention and thoughts on others and unimportant things. She has been busy like a dog these days, and still has to squeeze time to date Gu Qianyan. Where does she have time to observe others?

“Okay, my Grandma has been talking about you these days. Besides dumplings, what else do you want to eat?” Luo Bei asked.

Gu Qianyan gave her a thumbs up in his heart and said as casually as possible, “Since we’re making dumplings anyway, let’s also make some buns and hand-pulled noodles. I love those.”

He likes noodles and the like. Grandma Luo’s best dishes are dumplings, buns, and hand-pulled noodles. Gu Qianyan can easily eat two big bowls of her hand-pulled noodles.

“Okay.” Luo Bei remembered it.

The relationship between the apprentice and Gu Qianyan was already good, and now he happily said, “I suggest you guys think about the feelings of us single dogs. Brother Zhou, don’t eat all the dumplings. We have all tasted Grandma Luo’s cooking. It’s really delicious.”

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The customer service girl doesn’t talk much, but she’s very nice. Every time she orders takeout, she will bring some food for Luo Bei.

She also said, “Yeah, we also want to eat the dumplings.”

Gu Qianyan sighed, “When everyone’s schedule lines up, let’s go to Beibei’s house and cook ourselves. You guys eat like wolves, at least a few dozen each. How can we have enough dumplings?”

“Brother Zhou, that’s what you said! When we all have time, we’ll buy groceries and go there ourselves!”

The master cleared his throat, “You haven’t asked if Sister Bei agreed. Your Brother Zhou hasn’t married your Sister Bei yet, how can he make the decision?”

Gu Qianyan : “…”

Luo Bei smiled, “We’ll all go when we have time! There’s plenty of space in my house, but you can’t go empty-handed!”

“We know, we’re all conscientious people.”

The lad had just started working there recently and couldn’t join in the conversation. He could only stand on the side and eat. He looked at Gu Qianyan and thought about his own situation. He felt a sense of inferiority that he couldn’t explain.

He looked at Luo Bei and wondered if she would like him. He had no particular skills, no high education, and came from an average family. He was simply not good enough for her.

After dinner, Gu Qianyan didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he went up to the attic with Luo Bei and whispered some things that couples say to each other.

In front of Luo Bei, Gu Qianyan was not someone who could keep his thoughts hidden. After chatting about this and that for a while, he couldn’t hold back and said, “I came here today with a purpose.”

Luo Bei was taken aback. “What purpose?”

“To pledge sovereignty.”

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At first, Luo Bei didn’t understand, but then she realized what he meant and was relieved. “Who are you pledging sovereignty to?”

“Your new recruit downstairs. I know all about him.”

“What do you know?”

“He has inappropriate thoughts about you and covets your beauty,” Gu Qianyan took her hand. “Although I wasn’t in the shop, I know everything that happens there.”

At first, Luo Bei didn’t understand what he meant, but after hearing his words, she knew that it was something the apprentice had told him. She hadn’t thought about it before, but now that Gu Qianyan had brought it up, she said, “Okay, I’ll go confirm it. If he really has those thoughts about me, I’ll handle it myself.”

Gu Qianyan nodded. “Actually, I trust you. What kind of person you are, I know better than anyone else. But you have to understand a man’s jealousy. Knowing that there’s someone around you who likes you, it’s impossible not to mind it. But on the other hand, I don’t mind if someone likes you. I just mind if that person’s character is not good enough… After all, our relationship is here, and someone who wants to get closer to you while knowing it is definitely not a good person.”

He is not a stingy person. Not to mention Xiao Jiang’s feeling to Beibei, there was also Zhan Qi who liked Beibei in the past, but does he mind them? No, he doesn’t mind Beibei hanging out with them because he trusts these two people.

Whether it’s Xiao Jiang or Zhan Qi, they sincerely wish him and Beibei well. Given their personalities and character, they definitely don’t have any ulterior motives, and they won’t try to make a move even if they spend time together with Beibei. It’s all within the scope of friendship and they won’t cross any lines.

But what about the new recruit? As the apprentice said, he has been working at the cafe across the street and he must have seen him with Beibei. He knows that Beibei has a boyfriend but he still tries to make a move. Regardless of the reason or how much he likes her, this behavior is not of a good character.

Luo Bei let out a sigh and said, “Don’t worry, if he really has feelings for me, I will handle it.”

Things are different now. She has a boyfriend, and when her boyfriend explicitly expressed his concern, she still has to do something to put his mind at ease.

After hearing this, Gu Qianyan was completely reassured and left with satisfaction.

Luo Bei spent the next day or two observing the lad. Although he didn’t do anything too conspicuous, she had been liked by some people before, so she knew what was going on.

She couldn’t understand why the lad would have feelings for her in that way. They hadn’t met or interacted before. Even though he was now working here, she was busy in the office and didn’t have much contact with him, so she didn’t understand.

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One day, as the end of the workday approached, Luo Bei called the young man into her office.

Under Luo Bei’s gaze, the young man’s ears began to turn red.

Luo Bei used to think he was naturally shy, but now it seems that he’s not. She sighed in her heart and said, “Xiao Yang, let’s settle your salary today. You don’t have to come to work tomorrow.”

The lad thought he had misheard and looked at Luo Bei foolishly, not understanding why.

“You’re actually diligent and smart, and you learn quickly, but I don’t think you’re a good fit for our shop,” Luo Bei paused. “I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”

It’s not wrong to like someone, but in the shop, she’s the boss and he’s an employee. Even if there’s no Gu Qianyan today, even if she’s not in love, she won’t let someone with that kind of intention stay in her shop.

In the adult world, there’s no need for too many words, everyone understands in their hearts. Although Luo Bei didn’t say anything, the lad understood that he had been rejected.

After a brief silence, the lad nodded and said, “Okay, thank you.”

The next day, the lad didn’t come, and the apprentice learned from Luo Bei that he had been dismissed. He couldn’t wait to send a message to Gu Qianyan, “Brother Zhou, it seems like Miss Bei fired that lad!”

Gu Qianyan immediately sent a message to Luo Bei, “My girlfriend is the cutest girlfriend in the world, and I won’t accept any rebuttal.”

Luo Bei replied to this message in seconds, “So shouldn’t you explain some things as well?”

At first, Gu Qianyan didn’t react, but soon he realized that he had the apprentice as a spy, but Beibei seemed to have a spy too…

And who could that spy be?

It goes without saying, haha.

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