The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 108: Seeds

The next day, Rode stepped into the Hede Training Ground on time.

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This is a super large training ground located in the northernmost part of the Kimberly Academy, with complete facilities.

All combat classes for students are completed here.

Combat classes are a very important part of the curriculum, but as a one-year freshman, Rode has only been here once because of his special student status.

The eastern part of the training ground is a huge castle-like building, which has been designated as the base of the secret branch.

The academy guards, who rarely show up, are now guarding the front of the base, with strict vigilance.

Rode presented his special student badge, and a guard led him in.

The interior space of the castle is large and brightly lit.

As soon as Rode entered, he saw Teacher Miller, who nodded at him lightly, "Go and get to know your companions."

Rode turned his head and saw many students wearing strange clothes in the spacious hall for the first time.

Most of them are between eighteen and twenty-two years old, very young, full of vitality, high fighting spirit, and the belief that they will not surrender to anything.

They gathered in groups of two or three, talking enthusiastically, with bright eyes full of expectations for the upcoming trials and battles.

Rode hadn't seen any other special students, but he quickly found a group of familiar faces here.

The Raisin Trio.

They have already been discharged from the hospital and are chatting in a corner.

Rode greeted them in surprise, "Hey! Raisin, you guys are here too!"

They turned their heads and immediately showed a look of surprise when they saw Rode. They ran over together, and Karamon shouted, "Rode! I knew I would meet you here!"

Rode glanced at his body, "Has your waist grown back?"

Aig raised an eyebrow, "It grew back a long time ago, and it's even stronger than before. I'm always talking about finding a girlfriend."

Karamon angrily said, "What do you mean? I got my body shattered back then, all for the sake of saving you! If it weren't for my strong healing ability, keeping my soul from dissipating, you wouldn't have seen me again!"

Rode smiled, "Don't be angry, I have already avenged you. I shot the Black Priest to death."


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The three of them exclaimed in unison, their eyes widened.

Rode briefly explained the process of the matter. In order to keep a low profile, he attributed the main credit for killing the Black Priest to the illusion of the Dean.

After listening, the expressions of the three were different. Raisin's expression was "Well done, it's a relief", Aig's expression was "The revenge is complete, a huge burden has been lifted", and Karamon's expression was a mixture of relief and some reluctance.

Rode considerately did not mention the Black Priest's peculiarities, so as not to cause further impact on Karamon's young heart.

Raisin patted his shoulder with a smile, "It seems like you are highly valued. His Excellency the Dean has given you all his soul creations. If we work together with you on missions in the future, the position of the leader can only be taken by you."

Rode smiled and asked, "Are you also members of the secret branch?"

"Yes." Aig pointed at Rode's belly and said proudly, "Although we are not special students, the secret branch has also recruited some outstanding and experienced combatants with great potential. Our trio is considered the top figures among the remaining students."

"There is also good news to tell you."

Karamon leaned closer and whispered, "Under our persistent reports, that bastard has been temporarily suspended. The Internal Affairs Adjudication Office is currently investigating him."

Rode knew that the "bastard" he mentioned was Manolobana, the Iron Mask.

He really was suspended. Rode thought that they were just talking at that time.

Aig excitedly said, "That's right, a judge has already contacted us. They are collecting evidence of his crimes and suspect that he is a traitor infiltrated by the Doomsday Cult. They have been secretly investigating him for a long time. I told them everything we know. That scumbag is doomed!"

"I will testify against him on the day of the trial!"

Raisin's burly face was also full of smiles, "Brother Rode, we will go to court together on that day!"

Rode nodded, suddenly feeling as if the sky had brightened.

"Then it's settled."

Aig raised his hand and shook hands with Raisin and Karamon.

The four of them turned their heads together, and Rode suddenly felt a kind of power.

"Cheers! We will win! Overthrow the Doomsday Cult! The fire will illuminate the world!"

Rode shouted along with them. The loud cheers attracted many nearby gazes, but they didn't care at all. They looked at each other, and the surging passion echoed among them.At this moment, a voice came from not far away, calling their names.

Raisin smiled and said, "Brother Rode, we'll go ahead first. Hopefully, we'll have a chance to work together again."

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Rode nodded, and the three of them turned and walked over.

Rode was in a very happy mood. This was the best news he had heard so far.

If the Iron Mask was completely finished, then he would no longer be a threat. After killing all the Doomsday Cultists, he could live without worries.

He looked around and quickly recognized more familiar faces in the crowd.

Red armband, wandering bard Shaw.

Shiens, Annabel, Beowood, Annawista, and Red Bee, who all received awards together.

There was also Frank from the Mushroom City, the "Golden King" Marlin who was still eating like crazy, and the "Sufferer" Yushan who looked sickly.

There were more acquaintances than he had imagined. Rode went over and greeted each of them.

Most of them were surprised to see Rode here, as if they didn't have much knowledge about his deeds.

This made Rode breathe a sigh of relief. He really didn't want his sewer name to be spread around.

Afterwards, Rode saw someone very unexpected.

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"Uh, Sister Mina, you're here too."

Mina was wearing a white uniform of a logistics personnel, looking at him with a resentful expression. "Little Rode, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You promised something, but you actually stood me up. I misjudged you."

Rode felt a little embarrassed. "It's not my fault. Teacher Miller dragged me away directly. I couldn't do anything."

Mina sighed lightly.

"Never mind, just don't embarrass me during the test later. My invitation to you is still valid. It's okay if you want to continue staying in the academy. If you have time, just chat with the teacher about academic theories."

Rode smiled and said, "Of course, there's no problem. I will explain it to the teacher. Sister Mina's feet are very smooth and lovely, making people unable to let go."

"Alright, alright, go and submit your report first." Mina drove Rode away with great disdain.

Mina's joy +21

Humanity +2

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Huh, women are really hypocritical creatures.

Rode was very satisfied. Humanity was accumulated bit by bit like this.

Why not do a small favor when it's so easy?

On the other side of the hall, there were many people surrounding a person. Rode saw a familiar face here again - the teacher of the Monster class, the blind-eyed Mole. He was collecting data reports from the students together with another instructor and verifying their authenticity.

Mole's classes were very few, but each one left a deep impression on him. Most of Rode's understanding of the Black Mist and monsters came from him.

Rode handed in his report, and Mole took it with his prosthetic hand, glanced at it with his prosthetic eye, then looked up. A wrinkled face revealed a creepy smile. "It's Rode, I knew I would meet you here."

Rode politely said, "Hello, Teacher Mole."

Mole waved his fake nose. "What's good about me? I'm not good at all. I can't get better as long as I can't see those arrogant bastards from Calill fall on the ground."

Rode didn't know how to respond, so he could only awkwardly smile.

At this moment, a large group of people walked in from outside the hall.

Among the leaders, Rode recognized one of them. He was the dean of the First Division, Vila.

The other person was wearing a rare black robe, with a sickly pale face and a peculiar emblem on his chest -

A huge black snake coiled around a shining giant sword, with flames burning at the tip of the sword.

About half of the people in the crowd behind him had the same emblem.

The other half were teachers from the academy.

Rode had a faint realization in his heart. These were probably the people sent by the "Voice of the Inhuman" from Calill, and the giant snake and sword were their emblem.

They walked to the center of the hall, and Vila lightly clapped his hands. His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the entire hall.

"Good day, students and teachers. I'm glad we can meet here. This is another step we bravely take towards the unknown, marking the enrichment and precision of our teaching and nurturing methods, fully unleashing the potential of each student..."

Rode knew that there must be higher-level figures present at the scene when he heard half of Vila's speech.

He looked around and quickly found several different people in the crowd.

Their eyes were full of appreciation, constantly nodding, and sometimes whispering to each other.

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After Vila finished speaking, they politely applauded and left inconspicuously.

Then, Vila's speech suddenly changed.

"Students, you should know our mission and tasks. I'll only say one thing, I hope you remember."

"Stay alive, don't sacrifice lightly. The seeds that die won't take root and sprout. Only those who stay can bloom.""My speech is over, now I invite Lord Caliel to speak."

Amidst the enthusiastic applause, the man in the black robe stepped forward.

A cold smile appeared on his pale face, and his sharp, slightly hoarse voice instantly filled the hall.

"Dear students, I am the current Caliel. Being able to see me here means that you are the best, the most mature, and the most adapted to brutal combat. The gentle environment of the academy is not suitable for the growth of you brave ones. You crave for battle, for killing, for explosive growth between life and death. Abandon those boring studies, dull and useless knowledge, and long and ineffective meditations. I will bring you an unparalleled experience, and you will fall in love with this unrestrained feeling."

The hall was silent, everyone was stunned by his words.

Caliel didn't care, he continued, "Next, we will conduct combat tests to understand your actual combat abilities. After that, we will conduct professional and efficient combat training. Note that I will not wait for you to finish training before going out on missions. The monsters wandering in the black fog will not cooperate with us. Kimberly's secret branch has been included in the official combat sequence. When the General Military Department assigns tasks, I will immediately select some of you to set off."

He revealed that icy smile again.

"Please be mentally prepared, you are no longer flowers in a greenhouse, but the solid walls protecting them."

Vera led the applause, and the enthusiastic applause soon drowned the hall.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Fight for the fire! We will win! Long live Thalorian!"

The neat voice immediately echoed throughout the hall.

"We will win! Long live Thalorian!"

Vera's face turned a little pale, and Caliel's smile grew even bigger.


Afterwards, many teachers and logistics staff got busy. Accompanied by a rumbling sound, the rooms around the hall sank down, turning it into a very spacious circular arena.

The rest and logistics rooms were moved underground, and people could walk straight down through the entrance, a very ingenious design.

The students were divided into many groups. They needed to demonstrate their abilities, combat skills, destructive power, reaction to sudden attacks, and adaptability to team combat in front of the teachers and instructors.

The teachers and instructors would give a combat rating score based on all the situations to determine their actual combat capabilities.

Rode glanced around, there were about three hundred students on the scene, and less than half were special students.

As a pilot measure, this was quite reasonable.

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