The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 114: Emptied

In the end, Rode took out all the core materials that Mina was missing and almost rebuilt the spiritual generator from scratch.

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Mina's soul seemed to be related to repair and manufacturing. The materials in her hands bent, folded, and stuck together on their own, turning into the shape she wanted. A complex-looking component was quickly made in no time.

A huge cheer echoed in the basement. The sword-bearing warriors had experienced the ups and downs of despair and hope, and finally received the good news of ultimate success.

Only Beowood felt strange. "How do you have everything up your sleeve?"

Raisin was concerned about another issue. "How did you store these spiritual materials?"

The most valuable materials that were bought with great effort were taken away by more than half. Rode felt as if his body had been emptied and said discontentedly, "We came here to repair the instrument. Why didn't we carry the important materials it needed with us?"

Mina explained, "The damage to the spiritual generator far exceeded imagination. It suffered severe spiritual overload and was completely destroyed internally. Generally speaking, the structure of the spiritual generator is very strong and stable, and it is impossible to be damaged so severely unless it receives a report in advance. Therefore, those expensive materials would not be carried with us unless we received a report."

She suddenly looked at Rode suspiciously.

"This isn't your conspiracy, is it?"

Rode shrugged. "Do I have that much influence? The king is not my father, and besides, who would I conspire against? Are you referring to the muscular Steel Hand officer?"

Steel Hand patted his chest and laughed heartily. "Regardless, we are extremely grateful to Miss Mina and Mr. Rode for repairing our instruments."

His words were very sincere. In such a short period of time, Rode had received more than ninety points of humanity from them.

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His humanity had already surpassed four hundred and was heading towards five hundred.

Mina smiled a little. Making new instruments, repairing broken ones, and learning new knowledge were her favorite things to do in her life.

Suddenly, she thought of something and her face darkened. She said, "The evil spirits that attacked the spiritual generator are not ordinary monsters. Ordinary evil spirits almost cannot damage the spiritual generator. Before coming here, I always thought that it might be the infiltration of evil spirits that caused a break in the spiritual generator."

Steel Hand frowned.

"I only remember those evil spirits were crazy, forcefully attacking the spiritual barrier. The spiritual generator was just slightly overloaded at the time, and there were no special signs."

A squad leader shouted, "No matter what's strange, we'll kill them all when they come next time!"

"Yes, yes! Kill them all!"

"Don't be too happy." Mina frowned. "The cracks on the crystal cannot be repaired. I need a special kind of monster ash to maintain its use."

Steel Hand smiled. "We lack everything here, except for monster ash."

"What I need is the ash of a crawler. Other monster ashes with residual regeneration can also be used as substitutes."

Steel Hand pondered for a moment. "No problem. There should be some in the warehouse, and there are also many crawlers in the northwest swamp. We can hunt them to obtain the ash."

Beowood stretched his arm. "Captain, time is tight. Let's start assigning specific tasks now."

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Steel Hand nodded slightly and led everyone back to the command room. In the basement, only Mina, who was repairing other damaged parts of the spiritual generator, and the logistics personnel of the Sword Gate who admired her, were left.

In the command room, Beowood introduced the characteristics and abilities of each team member in detail.

Steel Hand was surprised to find that there were actually three level six combatants among them.

As the commander of the Sword Gate, he himself was only a level six combatant.

A squad leader exclaimed excitedly, "We're stable! With four level six combatants, the Sword Gate cannot be breached!"

"That's right!" Another soldier shouted, "We'll kill those damn things without leaving a trace! Hahaha!"

What made them even happier was that the other members of the team were also strong. Although their combat levels were not high, they all had unique skills and impressive records.

Especially one person who had the qualifications of a formal combatant but was still a reserve combatant in terms of rank.

His combat power evaluation score was only a pitiful 5, but his record made him feel like he had 5000 points. He had participated in multiple missions, cleaned the sewers alone, hunted down Doomsday Cultists, and killed the Black Priest alone.

Ordinary people did not have such a glorious record.

And he was also a legendary complete clairvoyant.

Steel Hand hadn't been this happy in who knows how many days.

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But he also knew that although their combat power was much stronger than before, they still couldn't be careless.

How to maximize the effectiveness of everyone was the most important question to think about now.

After discussing with his deputy for a while, Steel Hand proposed their suggestions.

"Mr. Mole, you are a Torchbearer. When the fire falls, you will be the Fire Guardian responsible for protecting the sacred fire."

Mole nodded slightly without speaking. The existence of the covert branch was top secret, and the defense personnel of the Sword Gate only knew that they were a reinforcement team dispatched by the General Staff of the Army. They had no knowledge of which legion the team members belonged to or their specific identities.

This kind of thing was not uncommon, so Steel Hand didn't ask further.

"Mr. Darkleaf, you possess the Green Madness trait and have strong close combat abilities. Please lead a combat team to eliminate threats near the Sword Gate."

Darkleaf nodded.

"Mr. Bach, you are the powerful Moonlight, possessing unparalleled long-range combat abilities. Please guard the Sword Gate fortress. With your powerful Moon Arrows, I believe no monster can threaten us."

Bach also remained silent and nodded.

"Captain Beowood, Captain Raisin, I need you both to lead two patrol teams separately, clear the monsters behind the Sword Pass to alleviate the pressure on the rear villages, and ensure the smooth transportation of our supplies and communication safety."

Beowood and Raisin responded in unison, "No problem."

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"The Sword Pass is still haunted by a large number of residual spirits. They have a fixed patrol route and were originally dormant in the Wasteland of Corpses. The changes in the Black Tide woke them up. According to the time estimation, the next attack should be around dusk in three days. This is very dangerous because by then the monster tide will have reached the Sword Pass. We absolutely cannot allow the spirits to merge with the Black Tide and attack the Sword Pass. If the spirit generator has another problem, it would be disastrous."

"Therefore, we need to eliminate the spirits on the Wasteland of Corpses in advance."

Bach took another map and spread it on the round table.

"The spirits are not a whole group, they are composed of many branches. This is the approximate patrol route I have drawn during this period. You can see that they are very scattered, but the final convergence point is at the Sword Pass. According to the inference, this may be because the spirits are the residual souls of an ancient legion, and the Sword Pass is the only path through the Dead Mountain Range."

"Due to the special nature of the spirits, we need the assistance of high spirit seers for hunting. Mr. Rode, Miss Annabel, my warriors, Mia, Ian, Rag, and five combat personnel, will form a hunting team to hunt the spirits on the wasteland."

"We also need to form a team to hunt crawlers in the Great Marsh."

"Finally, we need enough personnel to stay in the Sword Pass."

After careful discussion, Steelhand and Beowood determined the specific members of each team and left ten permanent warriors and rotating personnel in the Sword Pass.

In this way, the warriors set off with confidence and hope, their morale high.


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