The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 119: [Spiritual Quartet]

"Get out of the way!"

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An Ye swiftly flew over, lightning-fast, and drew the gray umbrella behind him, striking the black light with a backhand.


The black light exploded, and the black smoke that burst out shrouded the sky above the city wall, but was quickly dispersed by the flames.

"What are you staring at?"

An Ye opened the gray umbrella and stood in front of Rode, the surface of the umbrella covered in spiritual light, with powerful spiritual energy flowing on it.

"Don't probe it too much. There is a huge gap between your spiritual energy level and its. You won't be able to see many things, and it will also anger it."

Rode quickly crouched under the city wall, knowing that he had encountered a formidable enemy he had never seen before. He couldn't apply his previous experience to it. Before fully understanding it, he shouldn't act rashly, lest he become a liability.

An Ye slightly raised his voice and said, "Everyone, don't move. Don't observe it directly. Hold your breath, stop using spiritual energy, and try to suppress the fluctuations of your soul. Wait for it to enter the range of the fire."

The city wall instantly quieted down.

Rode closed his Soul Eye and saw through the gap in the wall that the shadow had already reached the edge of the fire. It lingered at the boundary between light and darkness for a while before suddenly stepping in.

In the next moment, the true appearance of the monster appeared before his eyes.

It was a huge humanoid creature at least four meters tall, covered in black fur, with massive claws and a bow-legged stance.

The flames on it only flickered for a moment before extinguishing.

It slowly walked towards the Sword Pass, neither fast nor slow. Sparks flickered on its body, and faint black smoke rose from it, quickly dissipating into the air.

"Its power is diminishing."

An Ye lowered his voice, but everyone heard it clearly.

"This is a Corruptor, a very powerful monster from the southern swamps. It has extremely high spiritual energy defense, keen perception, and possesses a very powerful corrupting ability. Once hit by its attack, both the soul and the body will decay. Be careful when dealing with it. We have had many excellent fighters die at its hands. We must not repeat such a tragedy."

Kalaman asked, "What should we do next?"

An Ye carefully observed the monster and answered softly, "The best choice is to continuously consume it using safe means."

Egg asked in a low voice, "Instructor, will the power of the fire be greatly diminished?"

An Ye shook his head, "Once the Guardian Fire lands, it forms a field of fire. After seven days, the field becomes stable, and the power of the fire is as unshakable as a towering mountain. It won't easily diminish. Once the dark presence steps into the field of fire, it gradually melts away like ice and snow, unless it can attack the core of the Guardian Fire."

"So, do we just wait?"

"If possible, that would be the best choice, but not now."


A loud noise came, and the city wall trembled slightly. Everyone on it felt the shaking.

Kalaman exclaimed, "The city wall is going to collapse!"

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An Ye shouted, "Don't panic! With the spiritual energy generator, its spiritual energy has been specially modulated to enhance the durability of the bluestone. It won't be easily destroyed."


Another sound, and everyone not only felt the shaking but also heard the sound of crumbling stones.

"Not good!"

An Ye suddenly stood up.

"Kalaman, check the status of the spiritual energy generator!"

Kalaman immediately took out the crystal chip on his body, which was a short-range spiritual energy communicator that could directly communicate with the three main rooms inside the fortress.

Kalaman input spiritual energy into the third engraving on the crystal chip and shouted, "Mina, how is the spiritual energy generator?"

After a few seconds of silence in the communicator, Mina's voice came through.

"Not good. Two hits have consumed 10% of the energy. The energy replenishment of the spiritual energy generator is insufficient, and my spiritual energy is also not enough. The shattered red crystal has reduced its effectiveness. The ashes of the crawler cannot fully replace it."


The third sound, the entire fortress was shaking, and the sound of crumbling stones rang out like popping beans.

A sharp voice came from the communicator, "Not good! The energy of the spiritual energy generator is dropping rapidly! Stop it..."

Before the sentence was finished, the voice quickly lowered and lengthened, replaced by another deep voice.

It was Steel Hand, the commander of the Sword Pass.

"The city wall! The city wall! What's the situation now? Do you need reinforcements?"

This was a spiritual energy signal from the operations command room.

An Ye made a decision in a second, "Not needed for now. Please observe carefully."


After a brief word, the voice quickly disappeared.

An Ye's face turned pale, but he quickly stood up and said, "Beowood, Raisin, Annabel, aim at the Corruptor and wait for my command."

"Egg, try to restrict its movement with white smoke."

"Kalaman, strengthen and heal me."

"Others, provide long-range cover for me."

After speaking, An Ye leaped out of the city wall.

Egg followed closely behind, and Kalaman raised his hand, casting a white light on An Ye.

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The gray umbrella in An Ye's hand had already lit up, and a powerful spiritual energy fluctuation emitted an awe-inspiring aura.He shouted loudly, his whole body shining with spiritual light. The turbulent spiritual power greatly enhanced his hands, and he heavily smashed the spirit-filled gray umbrella on top of the monster's head.

With a muffled sound, a large pit was smashed into the ground, and the monster fell into it.

There was a small cheer from the city wall, but when Rode activated his Soul Eye, he knew that the monster had not been greatly injured.

An Ye obviously knew this too. Instead of directly engaging with the monster, he dragged it in circles in front of the Sword Gate.

The speed of the Corruptor was very fast, and its long claws were like thunder and wind. But An Ye was also very agile. The large umbrella in his hand danced up and down, picking, flicking, smashing, blocking, opening, and closing, successfully blocking all attacks.

And he often used the force to fly away. With a flick of the gray umbrella, he could glide in the air for a long time.

Aig floated in mid-air, repeatedly disturbing the Corruptor with white smoke. However, the power gap was too great, and the white smoke was easily torn apart like paper. He then turned to help An Ye, using the white smoke as a ladder to assist him in his nimble movements.

This three-hundred-yard area in front of the Sword Gate was his activity range.

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Every time An Ye turned back to the Sword Gate, Karamon would quickly heal him and enhance his spiritual power.

To be honest, Rode once thought that none of them were as useful as Karamon.

The Corruptor became more and more violent in the continuous battle, but An Ye always kept his distance from it, not allowing it to easily touch him, constantly consuming its firepower.

Gradually, the fire on the Corruptor's body became uncontrollable. The flickering sparks became bigger and lasted longer.

Suddenly, a ball of fire ignited and never went out.

The movements of the Corruptor also became noticeably slower. Rode clearly saw that its spiritual power was weakening.

This tactic was indeed effective.

If they could continue like this, its ultimate fate should be the same as the other monsters, covered in flames and burned to ashes.

However, Rode quickly discovered that more monster shadows appeared in the distance, and there were also large and small black dots in the sky.

Obviously, the real wave of monsters was only coming now.

An Ye was a bit unstable. He tried to counterattack while retreating and defending, but the raging Corruptor did not give him any space and almost endangered him several times.

Suddenly, the Corruptor opened its huge mouth, and black gas shot out from it.

An Ye immediately opened his gray umbrella.

But in the next moment, the Corruptor followed suit. Its claws covered in black fur pierced through the weakened umbrella surface caused by its opening, almost disemboweling him.

An Ye instantly realized the opportunity and immediately solidified his spiritual power, freezing himself and the monster in place, shouting, "Shoot!"

Beowood, Raisin, and Annabel had been waiting for a long time. They immediately released the metal rods of the bed crossbows, and with three loud noises, three giant crossbow arrows flew through the air and hit the Corruptor directly.

But under such a huge impact, the Corruptor only swayed slightly, and the giant arrows shattered into pieces instead.

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Oh no!

This Corruptor is in its complete form!

An Ye's heart sank. He knew it was not good. It was very dangerous for him to be frozen here with the monster. There was a lag in transitioning back from the static state of spiritual power.

This momentary pause was enough for the monster to kill him.


He shouted loudly, fully solidifying his spiritual power, not allowing the monster to break free.

"Go and call Bach!"

But the Corruptor's spiritual power was very strong, at least surpassing him by a large tier.

The Corruptor trembled slightly, and a powerful spiritual power surged from its body. It could no longer be contained.

What should he do?

Just as An Ye was about to grit his teeth and fight with all his might, suddenly, a super strong spiritual power fluctuation came from the city wall.

He felt delighted. Did Bach, that introverted guy, come up so quickly?

But almost immediately, he sensed that something was wrong.

No, this was not the spiritual power fluctuation of the Moonlight. This spiritual power fluctuation had a strong rhythm, pushing and pressing back and forth, layer upon layer, becoming more and more grand. It was not at all like the serene and distant feeling of the Moonlight.

An Ye turned his head slightly and saw Rode standing on the city wall.

He raised his right hand, forming a gun with his hand, and his index finger pointed directly at An Ye's direction. A powerful spiritual power gathered on his fingertip, and a bright yellow light shimmered in the air, revealing a giant cannon.

The aura of destruction was released from the air. Even though they were so far apart, An Ye couldn't help but tremble.

This, this was his spiritual power cannon?

An Ye instantly remembered.

Was this how the "instant shot" fire seed ability worked? Did those idiots from the Mechanical Research Institute go crazy again? You call such a mighty and powerful spiritual power cannon "instant shot"?

On the city wall.

Rode was already engulfed in a powerful storm of melodies and notes. The air trembled, spiritual power boiled, and unknown souls screamed. Layer upon layer of melodies overlapped, and the violent power flowed like a rushing river, making it almost impossible for him to control.

But he still shouted with all his might, "Aig! The moment I shoot, drag the instructor away!"Aig's face had turned as white as his smoke. It had only been a few dozen days, and the little follower behind them had become so strong?

But in the midst of battle, he didn't have time to think too much. He shouted, "Alright!"

He transformed into a stream of white smoke, swiftly flying behind the instructor.

Meanwhile, in Rode's ears, the melody was getting higher and higher. The grand symphony layered upon itself, as if it enveloped the heavens and the earth.

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The others on the city wall couldn't hear the melody, but they could feel the spiritual energy that was surging wave after wave.

Everyone's faces turned pale. The aura of destruction made them instinctively feel danger.

Suddenly, like iron horses breaking through the ice river, like the melody breaking the strings, the accumulated spiritual energy burst out.

The fourth melody.

[Spiritual Quartet]


A huge white light sprayed out, the path of destruction piercing through space.

Aig quickly turned into white smoke, grabbing the instructor and running, but the massive explosion still affected them.

In that instant, the sky and the earth changed colors, and space became as turbulent as the ocean.

Dark Leaf was thrown far away, crashing into the mountain wall.

Aig turned his whole body into white smoke, narrowly escaping disaster.

When the white light fell, the monster was nowhere to be seen.

On the ground outside the Sword Gate, a long trail was left behind, blasting out an incredibly large pit.

The people on the city wall were stunned, only Karamon's crystal piece kept shouting:

"City wall, city wall, what's going on?"

"What is this huge spiritual energy fluctuation? Have reinforcements arrived?"

"Please respond, respond if you hear this!"

No one spoke.

It was as if the sound had been used up by the previous loud noise.

Only Rode was joyfully watching a very thick black line crossing the sky and entering his chest.

But his expression soon became somewhat puzzled.

[Soulless +11520]

So many soulless?

Where's the soul?

Did I blast it to pieces?

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