The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 15: Hahaha

Rode walked out with the gray-clothed man under everyone's gaze.

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The entire public lounge was silent, not a sound was heard.

Everyone knew about the Bureau of Internal Adjudication, its reputation had long echoed throughout the entire royal city, but the number of people who had truly seen it was few.

And today, most people were seeing the real Bureau of Internal Adjudication for the first time, seeing it take away a person.

Their companion.

It wasn't until Rode and the gray-clothed man had left for a long time that there was a sound in the public lounge.

It was Wayne's mournful cry.

"Will Rode not come back?"

As if a switch had been flipped, the lounge erupted in various sounds.

"Is this true?"

"It couldn't be fake, right?"

"It's impossible, the academy wouldn't let impersonators in, and the adjudication badge couldn't be counterfeited."

"Oh my god, the inspector, this is a big shot second only to the adjudicator."

"What did he do?"

"I don't know...I heard in town before that some doomsday cultists intentionally poured corrosive water into the water tank, and the Bureau of Internal Adjudication only sent investigators to catch people."

"No way?"

Everyone found it hard to imagine what could have caused the inspector to personally take action, and they all spoke out their imagined reasons, but many people were optimistic because the inspector looked polite and didn't look like he was catching criminals.

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Only Kassan didn't speak, her face was gloomy and her expression was uncertain.


At the moment when the long-awaited trial finally arrived, Rode wasn't as nervous as he thought he would be.

And the gray-clothed man, Lauren, was also friendly. When they walked out of the lounge door, he smiled and said, "Hello, my eyes are full of you, Mr. Vemil's White Wolf asked me to say hello to you."

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Rode was a little stunned, "You know that too?"

Lauren smiled, "Of course I know, Miss Green Feather told me everything."

He gave him a meaningful look with his gray eyes.

"Otherwise, you would have been undergoing special interrogation in our dungeon long ago."

Rode felt a little fortunate in his heart, my divine skill was not in vain, and choosing to cling to the big shots was the right choice.

He was also a little worried, he had only mentioned White Wolf saying hello to him just now, but the blue and white miss didn't, which proved that his skill was not yet up to par.

Looks like I need to practice more.

Rode thought to himself.

This inspector seems easy to talk to, maybe the situation isn't as bad as I thought.

The two walked through the tree-lined path and arrived at the main road of the academy, where a blue-purple four-wheeled carriage was parked on the side of the road.

It was simple in style and wide in body, a very standard carriage.

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Except there were no horses.

Lauren opened the door and smiled, "Get on, my eyes are full of you, sir."

Rode was a little unhappy, how can you just say my true name like that?

But he didn't have the right to protest now, he could only silently step onto the carriage and sit inside.

The space inside the carriage was even more spacious than he had imagined, but the benches were wooden and very hard.

Lauren then got on the carriage and sat opposite him.

Then, the carriage started.

The wheels made a slight clattering sound on the cobblestone road, and the scenery outside the window moved backwards, with the students on the road making way for it.

No one was surprised by the horseless carriage."Okay." Rode thought to himself, "This is just another strange thing in this strange human society."

But then he realized that it wasn't really that strange. After all, the people here could use even stranger powers. What's wrong with a carriage that doesn't need horses? In my world, cars don't need horses.

Lauren had been observing him with interest all this time, and only spoke up now:

"Rode from Redstone Village, congratulations on becoming a student of Kimberly Academy. You are now a Firekeeper and I hope you will fight to protect the fire in the future."

Rode replied politely, "Thank you, I will."

"But you should know that being a student of Kimberly does not exempt you from such a serious crime."

Rode felt a slight chill in his heart.

Lauren looked at him with his grey eyes, his voice deep and magnetic.

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"Rode, you need to understand that all the evidence now is very unfavorable to you. The only reason you haven't been thrown into prison yet is because Guardian Green Feather has vouched for you. Although I also support her judgment, the Internal Affairs Judgment Hall does not base its evidence on emotions and subjective inference. We can only judge based on facts. If your suspicion reaches a certain level, we will initiate a special investigation."

Rode nervously asked, "What will happen in a special investigation?"

Lauren calmly replied, "Your soul will be destroyed, and your soul body will be shattered. Only one out of ten people survive."

Rode felt a chill creeping up his back. "What should I do now?"

"Cooperate with my investigation to the best of your ability. Your attitude is crucial, and that's why I came to see you today." Lauren pulled out a letter from his pocket and placed it on the table. "Do you recognize this?"

Rode looked carefully at the yellowed paper with clear handwriting, but he only recognized a few words.

"I don't recognize it."

He looked up and saw Lauren's grey eyes fixed on him.

"This is a letter you wrote to the clerk of the Grey Moss Street Affairs Office, Grey Cat Alley, requesting that he place a box at a designated location using a code word."

Rode felt uneasy.

"I don't remember..."

Lauren nodded. "I know. Yusef testified for you, and your soul state is very complicated. But you can ignite the soul fire, which proves that its state is within an acceptable range."

Rode felt a little relieved, but also worried. "So are we going to find him now?"

Lauren shook his head. "Grey Cat Alley has been missing for a long time. We only found his body in the sewer of Iron Shield Street yesterday."

Rode felt a sinking feeling in his heart and had a bad premonition.

"What do we do now? Is there any other clue?"

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Lauren said, "Someone confirmed that Grey Cat Alley went to the Blessing Church the day before he disappeared, but the priest there was found to be a member of the Doomsday Sect and has fled. I found a clue using a special method and learned that he is currently near the outer city of the Lower District. You need to come with me to investigate."

"Okay." Rode didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

"I remember you are in the Starfire Sequence. What is your soul fire?"

Rode felt a little depressed and reported the official answer. "Black Rice Bucket."

Lauren didn't seem to be laughing. "What is your ability?"Rode hesitated for a moment before answering, "I'm not very sure myself, but I feel like my eyesight has become sharper."

"Have you learned combat before?"

"No, but Karaman teacher talked about how to use psychic powers in combat, although I haven't had any practical experience."

Lauren nodded. "It's okay. Follow me and try to use your abilities to assist me in the investigation."

His gray eyes looked at Rode.

"The chief officer in charge of this case is my teacher, Judge Ali Geli Dan Heixiong. This is your chance."

Rode felt like there was something more to his words, although he didn't quite understand, he still answered cautiously, "I understand."

After a moment, the horseless carriage stopped.

This was a dirty and muddy street, and even the lights in front of the dilapidated houses were dim.

Before getting off, Lauren suddenly asked, "What is your soul fire?"

"A black rice bucket."


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