The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 169: Pure Radian e

Thalorian's front line encountered a huge crisis. The Iron Armor Fortress, which served as the core of the defense circle, was breached, and dozens of human strongholds and passageways nearby were cut off.

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The General Staff has classified it as a major ongoing battle.

The Secret Branch will participate in this battle as a combat unit.

After discussions between Dean Vela and Secret Branch leader Kalil, it was decided that half of the members of the Secret Base would go to the battlefield to reinforce the old city of Baira and nearby human strongholds.

The other half of the members would serve as reserves for rotation.

Cheers echoed through the base.

Every student here is a warrior at heart.

Rotating tasks no longer satisfy them; the real battlefield is where they long to be.

And as combatants marked with the "strong" label, members of the "Top Class" are addicted to battle. Fear and death are jokes to them. It is their highest honor and lifelong pursuit to die in battle for humanity and the Holy Fire.

Of course, except for Rode.

He doesn't want to die at all.

But precisely because he doesn't want to die, he is even more eager than anyone else to join this battle.

However, the merciless instructor Soren once again refused him.

"If you can defeat anyone here, I will replace them and let you take their place."

This was a very cruel statement, blocking any possibility for Rode to use his social skills and face to achieve victory.

They can lose, but they cannot accept being removed from the battlefield.

Fortunately, Teresa, seeing how hard Rode has been training lately, couldn't bear to see him excluded again and came up with a solution for him.

She went to persuade Soren to lower the requirements to a foreseeable level.

Setting an impossible task would undermine one's confidence.

This made sense, and it was a request from her beloved student, so Soren agreed.

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"Rode, I remember your spiritual power intensity is 2,000 marks. I won't make it difficult for you. If you can increase your spiritual power intensity to 4,000 marks, I will allow it."

As soon as the words fell, Rode immediately smiled.

"Instructor, remember, you can't go back on your promise."

Soren smiled and said, "I never go back on my word."

He thought to himself that, according to the fastest record, it would take him at least a month.

A month later, the battle would definitely be over. In that case, I can't say I didn't give you a chance.

"It's a deal."

Rode's heart blossomed with joy.

When his spiritual power was 2,000 marks, his soul strength was only 1,200.

And now it had already reached 2,430. No matter how you calculated it, his spiritual power would definitely exceed 4,000 marks.

Sure enough, at the monitoring point of the Mechanical Research Institute, Mina once again provided Rode with a detailed full-body experience. The experience report she handed over made Soren's jaw dislocate.

Test subject: Rode

Spiritual power level: 3

Maximum spiritual power intensity: 4.12 thousand marks

Maximum spiritual power output: 760 marks

Average spiritual pressure: 231

Estimated total spiritual power: 450-1,810 thousand marks

"Very balanced data, without any weaknesses, no need for any adjustments."

Mina didn't hesitate to praise Rode.

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"Your spiritual power growth rate is unprecedented. After your spiritual power intensity exceeds 6,000 marks, you can come to me to increase your spiritual power level."

"How is this possible?"

Soren couldn't believe his eyes.

"I just went out and had a few field battles with Olivia. How could there be such a big change?"

He suddenly realized, "Teresa! You set me up!"

Teresa blinked innocently with her light blue eyes, her expression looking pure and lovely.

"Instructor Soren, this is the standard you set."

Soren angrily said, "You've been training with this kid every day. You must have noticed. Why didn't you remind me? Are you two in cahoots?"

Teresa smiled and said, "Teacher, you seem a little frustrated."

"What frustration? I've never been angry, not at all."

Soren suddenly calmed down and put the report back into his pocket.

"Little Rode is great. Keep up the good work."

Just when Rode thought he had succeeded, he was prohibited from going to the battlefield because he stepped out of the gate with his left foot.

Damn it!

I knew it. This guy doesn't follow the principles of martial arts at all. He never intended to let me go.

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Rode was furious but helpless.

The "Top Class" was entirely Soren's decision, and even Dean Vela couldn't interfere.

Just when Rode was about to swallow his anger and think of another solution, Teresa found him again.

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"Little Rode, I have another way."

Teresa looked at him with her light blue eyes, her smile timeless and always present."Teacher Soren has a memory crystal that he treasures greatly, not allowing anyone to approach it. Yet, he often looks at it himself. Perhaps it hides some unspeakable secret. I'll lure him out later, and you can take the opportunity to check his crystal in his room. If there's a password, try 9467, his favorite number."

"The rest is up to you."

A sense of foreboding suddenly flashed through Rode's mind.

Could he be a doomsday believer?

What if he discovered the secret and decided to silence Teresa and me in a fit of rage?

Rode checked the items he currently possessed. A hundred wooden puppets had been made, the Stone of Resurrection was in effect, and within this secret base, a hundred treants could certainly buy a lot of time.

As long as the noise was detected, he would definitely not be able to escape.

It should be fine.

"Alright," Rode agreed, "You must be careful. If Teacher Soren has any malicious intentions, you must protect yourself quickly. I will come to save you."

Teresa smiled and reached out to pat his head, but Rode stopped her, so she patted his chest instead.

"Little Rode, no matter when, I will always wait for you to come and save me."

Although Rode was uneasy, thinking about the power of a hundred treants, he still followed Teresa to the bottom of the base.

Rode hid in the distance, watching Teresa knock on Soren's door.

Soon, Soren, fully armed and preparing for an expedition, came out. The two talked for a while, then walked further and further away.

During this time, Soren wanted to go back and close the door, but Teresa stopped him.

He shook his head, seemingly helpless with his beloved disciple, and went along with her.

The moment his figure left his line of sight, Rode leaped up and sprinted into Soren's room.

It was a very simple room, filled with armor and weapons, with only a bed and a wardrobe.

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Rode quickly found a box in the wardrobe.

After entering the password as Teresa had said, the box popped open, and inside lay the memory crystal.

Picking up the crystal, it was clear from the worn edges that it had been used many times.

Rode took a deep breath and input his spiritual energy.

Soon, the image in the crystal unfolded before his eyes.

It was a space shrouded in white mist, accompanied by the sound of rushing water.

The camera's view moved downward, and a breathtaking scene quickly appeared before Rode's eyes.

It was a beautiful woman, showering under hot water. She had long, deep blue hair, and her features were very pronounced, with a three-dimensional beauty, like a mixed-race beauty sculpted from clay. She was tall, at least two meters, with an incredibly balanced and athletic figure. Her arms were slender yet hinted at steel-like muscles, her thighs were round and long, full of explosive power, her abdomen was white, flat, and had muscle lines, and her chest was white, majestic, and elastic.

The woman closed her eyes, enjoying the caress of the hot water, apparently unaware that she was being filmed.

About a minute later, she turned off the hot water, walked out of the bathroom naked with her eyes closed, and put on her underwear, armor, and long sword in turn.

A gallant female knight appeared before his eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, it seemed as if pure light radiated out, and a blue ripple flashed across her armor.

At this moment, Rode saw a line of text on the right side of her armor that shone like moonlight.

Pure Radiance, Moonlight Knight Olivia.


A soft hum came, and the image abruptly cut off.

Rode withdrew from the memory crystal, hearing a noise at the door.

Looking up, he met Soren's gaze.

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