The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 192: Arlan

Rode was originally ordered to return to the royal city.

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The highest council formed a special investigation team to determine everything about Theodore, and he was to be interrogated as an important key figure.

But Rode insisted on accompanying the team and returning only after completing all the tasks.

With the mediation of Green Feather, the royal city reluctantly agreed and requested that they not disclose any news about Theodore's death to avoid chaos and unrest.

After the takeover of the city of Soren, the elite combat cluster quickly set off.

Rode sat on Soren's spirit horse and finally had some free time to examine the dream in his mind.

He especially wanted to figure out what the "Dark Abyss" and "Blood of Glos" were.

However, after searching through his thoughts, whether it was in the storage, soul altar, or scattered items in the dream, he couldn't find these two things.

Rode felt very strange. The words that appeared in front of him were essentially the spiritual feedback given by the dream.

As long as they appeared, they must exist. It couldn't be that he was mistaken, right?

Rode began to search carefully.

When he looked at the words under "Dark Devourer" on the obelisk, he suddenly slapped his thigh.

So that's where it is!

No wonder it feels so familiar!

"Dark Devourer"

"Status: Constant Burning"

"Star Energy: Soul Erosion"

"Infusion: Unavailable"

"Adding Fire: Unavailable"

"Quantification: Dark Abyss, Eternal Mist, Blood of Glos"

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"Potential: Eternal Fire"

"Intensity: 30"

"Description: Omitted"

Among them, both "Dark Abyss" and "Blood of Glos" had lit up.

As long as he found the "Eternal Mist," the condition for "quantification" would be complete.

Rode had seen these words a long time ago, but he never quite understood what "quantification" meant or what it required.

Over time, he had ignored this aspect.

Unexpectedly, he obtained two of the materials at this moment.

Rode became excited.

The highest potential of the stars is "Eternal Fire." Can it still be improved after "quantification"?

"Dark Devourer" is the core of all his abilities, a very special star that is different from any other star.

If it is improved, what effect will it have?

Rode was filled with anticipation and secretly thought that he must obtain the "Eternal Mist" as soon as possible.

While contemplating, Soren lightly pulled the reins, and the spirit horse descended.

They had arrived at the Iron Fortress.

Just as its name suggests, the outer walls of the fortress are made entirely of refined steel fused with the blood of mountains. It is said to be the hardest substance in the world, at least twenty yards thick and eighty yards high. The walls are filled with heavy bed crossbows and psychic cannons.

The radius of the entire fortress exceeds twenty miles, and in the boundless darkness, it appears like a bright kingdom.

It is located at the forefront of the third battle zone, and apart from the outposts, lighthouses, and fortresses inserted into the dark world, there is no other obstruction ahead.

The Iron Fortress bears the main pressure of the Black Tide and is the towering tree that covers the third battle zone.

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The rear cities of Laisuo and Baila are just its supplements.

However, this miraculous fortress was not built by the Thalorian royal city. It is an ancient city ruin that has been submerged in darkness for countless years. Everything inside the city has decayed and fallen apart, leaving only the unyielding steel walls.

It took Thalorian a year to clear the monsters in this ruin, three years to fully occupy it, and decades of transformation and development to form the current Iron Fortress.

It has also become the largest barrier in the southwest of Thalorian.

And this barrier was almost breached.

When Rode saw the huge breach in the southern wall of the fortress, he was truly shocked.

The steel wall that seemed indestructible, like paper, was twisted and torn apart. Countless spikes on the cross-section showed how hard it used to be and how mercilessly it was torn open.

The monster that could break through this kind of wall is definitely not weaker than the Abyssal Serpent.

To Rode's regret, that monster had already been killed, and the Iron Fortress had cleared all the invading monsters, trying to regain control of the surrounding outposts.

And all of this was brought about by the legendary First Knight, Arlan.

The elite combat cluster briefly met with Arlan outside the fortress to discuss the allocation of operations.

Rode finally saw this legendary figure that had long been famous.

He had a slender figure, a suit of blue knight armor, a large shield in one hand and a large sword in the other, with a sword hanging from his waist. He had black disheveled hair, thin lips, a straight nose, star-like eyes, and a thin face. He looked elegant and composed, but the aura of conquest and slaughter never diminished.

At the moment they saw him, all the knights in the team dismounted and knelt on the ground.

"Greetings, First Knight."

All the priests also bowed.

"The victor of the oath never speaks of defeat."

Even Jon, Green Feather, and the others slightly bowed.

"Lord Arlan, good day."Arlan spoke gently, "Good day, everyone, may the fire always walk with us."

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In unison, everyone responded, "The sun will surely rise, and dawn will surely come."

The scene that followed was like enthusiastic fans meeting their beloved idol, they all rushed forward in an instant.

Rode, who was the focus of the team just a moment ago, was suddenly left unnoticed.

This Lord Arlan seemed quite impressive.

Rode blinked, quietly activating his spiritual vision.

Under the perspective of the Eye of the Soul, the souls of everyone were clearly visible, like clusters of mist in various colors, with the light of spiritual power flowing through the glowing veins within the souls.

Upon closer inspection, the mist appeared to be composed of countless vibrating string-like ripples, noisy and unstable.

Generally speaking, the stronger the person, the more intense the vibration of the soul, the more obvious the texture of the strings, and the brighter the light emitted from the mist.

But today, Rode saw a complete exception.

Arlan's soul was calm and tranquil, the light was bright but not dazzling, if it weren't for the presence of the light of spiritual power, he would seem just like an ordinary person.

"I have a scroll of Ghost God Record."

But without a doubt, he was the strongest here.

However, Rode noticed that a part of Arlan's soul was tainted black, with tiny black dust wandering in the veins of spiritual power.

This was a sign of soul erosion.

Long-term battles with monsters in the black fog would accumulate filth in the soul.

If not cleansed, the filth would gradually develop into an infection, corroding and decaying the soul.

This was irreversible, the Dean had fallen for this very reason.

Therefore, all combat personnel would not fight in the darkness for long, they would take turns returning to the royal city to be cleansed in the Soul Church.

Fortunately, the erosion Arlan suffered was relatively shallow, the filth was only accumulated on the surface, as long as he returned to the royal city as soon as possible, there should be no problem.

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Rode took another look at himself, there was no pollution in his soul, all the filth had been cleansed by his humanity.

And his total humanity was still in the five digits.

Well, he was indeed the born king of the sewers.

Maybe I can use this...

As Rode was pondering, Arlan, who was surrounded by people like stars around the moon, walked towards him, who was standing alone outside.

"Hello, little Rode."

He said gently.

"It's our first meeting, but I've heard stories about you. I'm glad to see another rising star. I look forward to you surpassing me in the future and becoming the guardian of mankind."

Rode exclaimed in surprise, "Really? You can see that?"

A series of coughs sounded behind him, especially Soren, who was blushing and his neck was swollen thicker than his thigh, his eyes seemed to want to tear Rode's mouth apart.

Arlan gently shook his hand and smiled, "Yes, I can see it."

Rode felt something added to his hand, and a very soft voice sounded in his ear.

"This is what Master Theodore asked me to give you through soul communication. Thank you, Rode, you gave the master the most dignified death."

Arlan gave him a slight smile and turned to leave.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

Rode instinctively clenched his hand, feeling something soft in his palm, like a ball of cotton.

At the same time, Arlan's voice came again.

"It's what I got after killing the giant zombie, it's the condensed primal trait. According to the 'Book of Origin', its name is."

"Eternal Mist."

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