The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 200: A single spark

The Fury Canyon is a huge canyon, with countless cracks split under the towering peaks, and countless corpse-eating creatures roam here.

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They are completely corrupted and no longer feed on corpses, but hunting warm life is still an instinct engraved in their souls.

This is an extremely dangerous location. All the teams that have gone out for conquest or hunting have listed this as an extremely dangerous area and will not choose to pass through here unless necessary.

But for them, this is a necessary route. Dmitri has made preparations for the worst, but he did not expect Rode's ability to penetrate physical matter to reach a depth of thirty yards.

Even through the thick mountain peaks, he could see the wandering monster souls on the other side.

The surge of spiritual energy greatly increased the intensity of the soul's eye. Rode even suspected that the king deliberately suppressed him when he said he didn't feel anything.

Hmm... in the future, when dealing with the king, remember that he is very petty and do not offend him.

Under the guidance of such a powerful soul's eye, they successfully passed through the Fury Canyon, without even seeing a single strand of a soul-devouring ghost.

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Toman was almost shocked: "What are you?"

Dmitri looked deeply at Rode and answered in a deep voice, "He is a complete soul seer."

Toman exclaimed, "Impossible, I have worked with several complete soul seers! No one is as abnormal as him!"

Rode smiled, "I told you, with me here, the mission will definitely succeed. Let's go."

Toman grumbled, "It's as if you saved the entire human race."

Although he was complaining, his momentum weakened a lot.

After leaving the canyon, the next location was Sword Bay.

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This is a complex area composed of mountain ranges, corrupted forests, and a city ruin surrounded by black mist. The composition of the monsters here is quite diverse, mainly the fallen human powerhouses from ancient times.

This makes Sword Bay a more dangerous area than the Fury Canyon. These former powerhouses have varied abilities and different ways of fighting, making it difficult for combat personnel accustomed to fighting monsters to adapt.

But with Rode's super strong soul vision, he once again led them through this area safely, even killing a living corpse that blocked their way.

This living corpse was wearing a decaying black armor, with strong concealment and perception abilities. Rode didn't see it until it was within a hundred yards, almost being discovered by it first.

Dmitri shook the "Silent Bell" and created a silent area, which could reduce the disturbance caused by the battle within a certain range, avoiding the spread of the aftermath and causing a tidal collapse.

After that, Toman and Dmitri attacked it, both of them had strong close combat abilities and quickly injured the living corpse.

And Rode, who was ambushing from behind, took the opportunity to rush up and kill it.

[The Soul of the Thief King Mitis]

Haha, it's really easy with teammates.

Rode looked at the newly obtained soul and couldn't help but smile.

This soul was completely different from the souls he had obtained before. Before the quantification of the "Dark Devourer," all the souls he obtained were a ball of fire.

To be precise, what he obtained were all souls of fire.

And now, this soul was a mist in the shape of a human, similar to what he saw with soul vision.

It was quietly sealed in the crystal wall of the soul altar, as if the monster had not died, but had entered a dream.

The change brought about by "quantification" was so great? Is this what the most complete soul looks like?

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The ability of the "Dark Devourer" has completely stepped onto a new level.

Rode was overjoyed and couldn't wait to study the "most complete soul" after the mission was over.

Dmitri shook the "Silent Bell" again and lifted the silent area.

The whole battle was quick, clean, and efficient. In the blink of an eye, the living corpse had turned into ashes, and the disturbance caused was very small. After being covered by the silent area, it was almost negligible.

It's just a pity that luck was not on their side, and there were no ashes.

Toman looked at Rode with a complex gaze and muttered, "Quite capable."

Rode smiled, "I told you, the mission will definitely succeed."

Toman sneered, "Don't be too proud, the real danger is still ahead."

Dmitri nodded, "The most dangerous thing is that after we place the corrupt matter at the first node, once the corrupt aura is released, a storm point will form here where the monsters will surge. We must cross a distance of 30 kilometers in a short time, facing the monster surge, and reach the second node to place the second corrupt matter."

Rode nodded slightly, and the danger was imaginable.

But he still believed that he would succeed and would definitely obtain the fragment of the Light Altar that controls the dream, because this was the task arranged by the Grand Dean.

After leaving Sword Bay, the last location was the Eternal Sealing Ground.

This is a wasteland covered with strong acid, and the thick black liquid continues to spread on the wasteland. Apart from the acid liquid monsters composed of strong acid, there are no other monsters here.

"This is a place where you can fly," Dmitri said.

"The principle is unknown. We speculate that there may be an ancient god hidden under the wasteland, and the strong acid and acid liquid monsters are all its derivative products. Its aura makes it impossible for other monsters to exist in this area."

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Rode was surprised, "There are ancient gods here too? Didn't the king say that there are no gods?"

Toman sneered, "Do you believe lies told to children?"

Rode certainly didn't believe it, but the view that "gods are more powerful creatures" was advantageous, and he was just a little worried."Will we awaken the ancient gods by placing the rotting matter?" Dmitri shook his head slightly: "It's highly unlikely. The slumbering ancient gods are hard to rouse."

Toman mocked: "Starting to worry, are you? What happened to that inexplicable confidence of yours?"

Rode did not reply, simply stating: "I can't fly, give me a lift."

Dmitri supported Rode's arm and soared into the sky.

Toman sneered: "You haven't learned the art of air-walking? Are you really a high-ranking combatant?"

No one paid him any attention, and the three flew on in silence.

Below was an endless expanse of dark brown land, with only the dark brown acid creatures wandering upon it.

Rode suddenly asked: "By placing the rotting matter so far from Thalorian, can we change the direction of the Black Tide?"

Toman said coldly: "You don't even know what the Black Tide is, do you?"

Rode glanced at him: "Isn't the Black Tide just the horde of monsters rushing towards us?"

Toman let out a scoff: "Another fool deceived by fairy tales. How did you even get into this team? You're not really as young as you look, only sixteen, are you?"

Rode frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Do you think the Black Tide is a disaster targeting us? An all-out assault by evil creatures on the righteous humans?"

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Toman spread his arms, revealing a smile cold as ice water.

"No, don't flatter yourself. In this cold, dark world, humanity is but a speck of dust; nothing cares about us. The Black Tide is a tremor within the dark world, a ripple caused by some unknown influence."

"It has no pattern and can occur at any time. What humanity can observe is just a small part; most Black Tides do not head towards Thalorian. In fact, we have never truly clashed with the real Black Tide. The city exhausts its wits and strength in defense against merely a small fragment of the Black Tide's aftermath. The endless horde of monsters we see is just the edge of a greater being brushing past us."

"The true Black Tide is boundless, its front alone surpassing the entire human domain of Thalorian. Yet such an existence is merely a splash in the vast dark world."

"What we are desperately resisting is but a droplet from that splash."

"The Thalorian humans, with their countless mighty warriors, are no more than insects dwelling in the corner of the Dead Ash Mountains."

"The Sacred Flame that sustains all human existence is but a spark in the boundless night."

Toman lowered his hands, his voice growing deep.

"So, humanity has no chance of victory; we are destined to perish. This is the era of darkness; the age of fire has long since faded."

No one spoke, only the howling of the wind remained.

Toman turned his head, expecting to see a face filled with despair and defeat, just like his own once was.

But what met his gaze was a smile.

"Insects have never been vanquished."

"And a single spark can start a prairie fire."

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