The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 208: Grand eremony

Five days after Rode returned from the front line, the Black Tide officially ended.

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According to the Legion's investigation report, the main force of the Black Tide has turned southwest, and the aftermath no longer sweeps through Thalorian.

The Legion's commander, Lester, personally reported this news to the highest council.

Thus, the four-month-long battle of the Black Tide came to an end.

The soldiers who had fought on the front line for four months could finally return to the royal city.

The people who had spent hundreds of days in darkness were finally about to welcome the first Sun Festival of the year 1325 of the Tesriwian calendar.

The news of the festival had already spread through the various districts' offices.

Paying attention to the date and weather was an instinct of the people of Thalorian.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and the restless atmosphere pervaded the entire royal city.

On that day, before night had passed and morning had arrived, the Sun Festival had already shown its power.

The light of the sacred fire shone brightly, and the black mist that had shrouded the royal city year-round dissipated like thin smoke.

The streets, which had been empty except for the patrolling guards, were now filled with people. The commoners greeted each other with smiles, busy with various household chores and discussing the upcoming celebration.

Volunteers organized by the major government halls cleaned the streets and painted the old houses with new paint, decorating the main roads with flowers and silk.

Girls sprinkled scented water into the sky, adding a strong atmosphere to the celebration.

When the clock pointed to the morning hour, the sun, which had been absent for hundreds of days, rose from the east, and the golden light spread over the mountains, shining on the countless residents and houses below the high walls.

Everyone bathed in this golden light, and the sky became unusually vast. High, white clouds roamed in the light blue ocean, and the light freely traversed the pure space. A clear breeze blew in, and the accumulated fear, anxiety, restlessness, and depression in their hearts all dissipated in this moment.

The people who had endured the darkness for hundreds of days finally waited for this day. They immersed themselves in this sacred scene, and their souls were purified in the light.

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It was not known how long it took for a cheer to rise in the royal city, and it surged like a spark falling into a powder keg, instantly engulfing the entire royal city.

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And when their king, accompanied by all the dignitaries, descended from the upper city, the cheers reached an unprecedented climax.

The king wore a royal robe of gold and white, with flame patterns, and a golden crown that seemed to be burning like flames on his head. He stood on the giant chariot prepared in the highest government hall, receiving the cheers and respect of the people of Thalorian.

Behind him, on a slightly smaller chariot, sat the First Elder Amado, the Grand Bishop Horus, and the First Defense Chief Dalin.

Behind them were the Guardians, the Legion Commanders, the Grand Prefects, the Bishops, the High Priests, the leaders of various important institutions and personnel, and the elders of the highest council.

Rode sat in the middle of a group of key members of the military, watching the surging cheers of the common people on the wide avenue. The faces of the houses on both sides were crowded with people, countless hands waving to them, and a faint fragrance filled the air. Ribbons and bouquets adorned the facades of the houses along the way, and the brilliant sunlight shone down from the sky.

In that moment, he felt as if he had come to a normal world, where the year-round black fog, deformed monsters, and terrifying darkness all seemed like a dream.

The queue of giant chariots slowly moved along the first avenue of the royal city, heading towards the main city gate.

There, they would welcome the victorious warriors.

Everyone on the chariot was dressed beautifully and brightly, and Rode was no exception. Molly personally tailored a set of fitted clothes for him.

After careful grooming, Rode looked refreshed. With his black hair and black pupils, tall figure, and handsome features, he exuded both charm and majesty. Even though he was sitting on the most crowded chariot, he still attracted many eyes.

Rode was originally sitting obediently next to Molly, as she had instructed, but he suddenly saw a few familiar faces in the crowd. They were the hunter teammates who had worked with him on the mission at the beginning, so he stood up and waved to them.

Unexpectedly, this wave of his hand caused a loud exclamation.

The next moment, hundreds of handkerchiefs were thrown onto the chariot, flying towards Rode like a swarm of butterflies.

Rode was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the humanity that surged up in his eyes.

This was also possible?

Although he had a lot of humanity, he didn't mind a little more.

So, Rode stood up and waved to both sides continuously.

His movements were like startling a flock of birds in the jungle, causing a surge of exclamations.

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Piles of handkerchiefs flew towards him like a swarm of butterflies.

Countless girls, young women, and women on both sides of the road opened their shells to the maximum, throwing their beloved handkerchiefs at the shining young man.

The handkerchiefs on the chariot quickly piled up like a mountain, and the commotion even reached the front chariot.

This kind of news naturally could not disturb the king.This is the most important celebration in Thalorian. The appearance of the king can greatly appease people's hearts, minimize the birth of monsters born out of despair, and reduce the soil for the survival of the Doomsday cult. It has a great effect on the stability and development of the entire Thalorian.

Any unexpected factors that appear during the celebration are first gathered in the hands of the first elder, Amado.

After listening to the report, Amado's face wrinkled like dry skin.

This is not a malicious disturbance, let alone the trouble caused by the Doomsday cult. The judgment chief, Lucien, is trustworthy and will not make any mistakes at this time.

But it is precisely because of this that Amado feels very unhappy.

"Let the boy stop. No one is allowed to steal the king's limelight during the celebration. The noble Fire Keeper should have noble conduct. He's so young and already attracting attention. What will happen when he grows up."

However, this order was opposed by the Grand Bishop Horus.

"The day of the celebration should be celebrated. I don't see any problem with it."

The first defense chief, Dalin, also said with a smile, "There's nothing wrong with being enthusiastic when you're young. In fact, we should be enthusiastic too."

Amado said coldly, "This is the rule. Only the king can receive the people's worship during the celebration."

Dalin was about to take out a cigarette, but thinking that this was a celebration, he put it back and smiled, "Lord Amado, rules are made by people. I think the people would prefer to have more people protecting them under the king."

Horus: "Yes, yes."

Amado closed his mouth.

Dalin stood up and waved to the crowd, causing a huge cheer.

Horus also followed suit, and everyone on the float behind them stood up.

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The cheers of the people grew louder. After all, there were more than just handsome men on the float.

In such a joyful atmosphere, they arrived at the main city gate.

In front of the city gate was a very spacious square, and the triumphal celebration would be held on this square.

The square was already crowded with people, and a large number of priests and clergy were maintaining order. After the float entered the square, it formed a viewing platform.

After that, everything was left to the Grand Bishop Horus.

After all, one of the main responsibilities of the Holy Church is to appease the people and be responsible for public prayers and sacrifices.

In essence, the celebration is also a kind of sacrifice.

The Holy Church's choir, choir, and nuns quickly arrived at the square and began the performance before the celebration under Horus's arrangement.

The huge city gate square was crowded with people, and even the houses in the distance and the high city walls were full of people.

Everyone stretched their necks and immersed themselves in the sacred hymns and beautiful dances.

Only Rode almost fell asleep. He thought there would be some amazing performance, but it turned out to be just singing and dancing.

The song with a religious worship nature was elegant and lengthy, and the dance with the theme of flames was rigorous and delicate. The people were completely immersed in it.

But Rode's experience was too deep, and he found the performance to be lacking excitement. The sacred singing was no different from a lullaby, and the nuns were wearing solemn church robes with hoods, and their faces couldn't be seen.

There were no high heels, black stockings, low-cut backless evening gowns, not even a shadow.

They were not as attractive as Miss Molly next to him.

At least the standard adjutant uniform perfectly outlined her graceful curves, and her slender legs were adorned with delicate hands like jade, and her delicate face carried the indifference of a goddess.

From the heart, it was quite attractive.

Molly noticed Rode's gaze, but she showed no expression and continued to watch the nun troupe dancing with flames on the square.

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After the performance, it was time for the usual speeches.

Horus used a strange crystal device to amplify his voice throughout the entire royal city.

But the deafening voice still couldn't resist the weariness brought by the old-fashioned and cumbersome rhetoric.

Of course, the people of the royal city did not think so. The cheers that rose and fell proved how exciting the Grand Bishop's speech was throughout the entire royal city.

But Rode had heard too many similar speeches. He couldn't keep his eyes open and simply leaned his head on Molly's lap and fell into a sweet sleep.

Molly did not resist and let him lie there quietly.

After some time, Rode was awakened by a deafening cheer.

He opened his eyes and saw everyone around him standing up.

Molly whispered to him, "The Knights are returning to the city, and Lord Arlan is among them."

For the first time, Rode saw an expression other than indifference on Molly's face. He quickly stood up and looked outside.

A large number of knights, riding white spirit horses, entered the square from outside the city gate.

At the forefront was the first knight, Arlan.

He was riding the only red spirit horse, with a large shield and sword on each side, and a sword at his waist. When he appeared on the square, the cheers almost pierced the sky.

Everyone was shouting his name: "Arlan! Arlan!"Endless cadences swelled into a torrent, drowning out all other noise, as everyone watched the most legendary of heroes with excitement. Men's eyes gleamed with reverence, women's with longing, and even Molly was no exception.

Arlan led a large contingent of knights across the square, saluting the king before proceeding along the first road.

Behind him, the orderly White Spirit Knights flowed like a flood toward the heart of the Thalorian castle, showcasing their unparalleled strength to the citizens of Thalorian.

Not just on the ground, but also in the sky, a multitude of White Spirit Knights swept past overhead.

At this moment, Rode truly felt as if he were witnessing a grand military parade.

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