The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 32: Mathemati al genius

"I am your demonology teacher, Mole. You can call me Old Blind Eye."

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The old man's tone returned to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.

"I'm here to tell you about the threats you will encounter in the future, which you may already encounter now. Be vigilant!"

He shouted again, startling everyone.

Kassan quickly took out her textbook, but Mole pointed a finger at it. Kassan noticed that it was also a prosthetic limb.

"We don't need this thing. Listen to me and take good notes."

The students closed their books and took out their notebooks and charcoal pencils, eagerly looking at him. This independent and special teacher made them feel a little excited.

"Demon, our enemy, the embodiment of dark law, the whisper of the cold universe, the ultimate destination of all chaos, disorder, and deathly silence."

"Everything we learn, strive for, and cultivate, whether we become combat personnel in the future or not, will ultimately face it."

"We can talk endlessly about it and how to deal with it, but now I will only talk about the most important thing - our classification and identification of demons."

"The core of all demons is their dark soul, which is the foundation that supports their existence. When the dark soul is destroyed, everything about them will return to the void, back to the origin of the world. If you have killed a demon, you will know that their body will disintegrate and disappear into countless black dust after death, leaving nothing behind."

Rode's eyes flashed. He had never thought about the reason before and thought it was innate.

"So, be vigilant! If the body does not disintegrate, the demon is not dead!"

Mole shouted loudly, then his tone returned to normal.

"According to the strength of the soul, we have divided demons into six levels. First is the gray level, which is the dust on the battlefield and poses no lethal threat. Its characteristic is that it has no characteristic. When we use spiritual vision to examine their souls, we will find that their soul fluctuations are very flat, like a straight line. But sometimes they can still cause harm to us. Be vigilant!"

The students subconsciously shrunk their necks, but Mole did not shout, just stated it plainly.

"Then there is the unformed level, which means the demons that have not yet formed. They have weak souls, and the most common demons you will encounter on the battlefield are of this level, such as wandering souls and zombies. Their souls have waveforms, like a pubescent girl's breasts."

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom. Many female students blushed, but Kassan had no reaction and accurately wrote down every word in her notebook.

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Mole nodded to their group leader.

"Not bad, there's nothing to be shy about. This is the most accurate description. Later, you will know that eating shit is not a problem when it comes to survival."

The students' faces turned pale, feeling that their happy college life was slowly slipping away, and the grim world was revealing a corner.

Only Kassan remained calm and raised her hand to ask, "Mole teacher, what's the use of eating shit?"Mole revealed a strange smile, and all the wrinkles on his face seemed to be squeezed together.

"Don't underestimate shit. It is the filth of our bodies, a toxin. When we eat shit, we will be poisoned. This poison is mild, but has strong exclusivity. Sometimes it can help us avoid more severe poison."

A red-haired girl covered her mouth and rushed out of the classroom.

Most of the students in the classroom looked very bad, and even Rode felt a bit nauseous.

Mole said coldly, "I hope you can understand that even if it destroys your appetite and dreams, it is better than losing your life."

He considerately asked Kassan to go and bring the red-haired girl back. The latter's face was wax yellow and she still vomited from time to time.

"The third level, Cheng level, means the demon that has fully formed in the black mist. This is the most dangerous level, with the most types of demons, the most unpredictable abilities, and the greatest harm to us. Their soul waveforms are very complicated, but most of them oscillate back and forth like springs. If you encounter them, please call for support immediately."

"For the fourth level, Xiong level, and the fifth level, Qiang level, you only need to know that their soul waveforms are very sharp, like steel needles. Once you see them, turn around and run, and don't do anything."

"This is just a rough classification. There are some more detailed distinctions, which you can learn later. Now I will teach you how to use spiritual vision..."

Kassan suddenly raised her hand, "Teacher Mole, what about the sixth level?"

Mole's one-eyed gaze swept over, and his cloudy eyeball stared at her, revealing a mouthful of broken and yellow teeth. He said calmly, "The sixth level, King level. You don't need to know its soul waveform. When it appears in front of you, you are already dead. All the power of the royal city will be activated to deal with its arrival. It is a moving natural disaster, a terrifying doomsday, a catastrophic disaster."

The classroom was quiet for a while, and the students felt chills all over their bodies because of Mole's description. The temperature in the air seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

Mole's smile also became cold, "So, knowing too much is not good. Many scholars eventually go crazy and commit suicide. I certainly hope that you can be stronger, but strength is the pillar of the heart. Only by taking each step can you learn the corresponding truth. This is what the new king advocates, and I agree. But it seems to have been implemented too much. The academy has become a greenhouse, and our future warriors have become flowers in the greenhouse. Many students have suffered mental breakdowns after leaving the academy, and some have joined the Doomsday Cult, which is very regrettable."

Winter seemed to have descended in the classroom, and every student felt bone-chilling cold, even Kassan's face was terrifyingly pale.

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Only Rode was a little better.

He guessed this situation roughly. This was the phenomenon that should exist in the doomsday environment. He was still amazed by the optimistic and cheerful atmosphere in the royal city at the beginning, but it seemed to be due to the new king's political rules.

"This king is really not simple," Rode thought, noticing Mole's approving gaze towards him."Not bad, it seems we have a real warrior here. Kid, I'll give you full marks. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Is there really such a good thing?

Rode's heart was filled with joy. In the "Kimberly Star" selection, the teacher's score accounted for one-quarter, which instantly improved his impression of the old man.

The atmosphere in the classroom also eased up. Kassan secretly pinched his thigh and spoke with both admiration and some dissatisfaction, "How come I've never seen you so brave before? You didn't even dare to enter my room."

Wayne was also very envious and asked in a low voice, "Did you go to the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office to broaden your horizons last time?"


Mole's prosthetic limb knocked on the floor, immediately silencing the whispers in the classroom.

"So, I, the blind Mole, fully agree with the arrangement of this practical lesson. Although you don't need to leave the academy, the situation is so critical now that no one can guarantee what you will encounter, so be alert!"

He suddenly shouted loudly, startling all the students. This scare was not light, and even the green-haired student fell to the ground.

"Now, I will teach you how to use spirit vision."

Mole limped back to the podium, raising a finger in front of his eyes.

"Spirit vision is our second vision, which can see the flow of spirits and energy. It is a very important ability for us. I hope none of us are wooden-headed."

"Like me, raise your index finger in front of your eyes, concentrate your attention on your forehead, take three deep breaths, and hold your breath on the last one. Move your gaze further behind your finger while keeping your focus on the forehead. Repeat the above actions until you feel something beating in your forehead."

For a moment, the classroom was filled with gasps, and the students repeatedly moved their fingers in front of their noses like a group of performance artists, which was quite funny.

Perhaps because it was very similar to the soul eye, Rode succeeded on his first try. At the moment when he opened his spirit vision, the world was immersed in colorful light, and shining ribbons flowed in the air. Each person turned into a mist of light with a human-shaped outline, and shining nerves ran through them like nerves, making the bright area on their foreheads particularly visible.

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The effect was similar to that of the soul eye.

What if he opened spirit vision and then opened the soul eye?

Rode had a thought, and his spirit energy flashed three times in his forehead, instantly opening the soul eye.

In an instant, the world seemed to be cut open.

The field of vision darkened, and the chaotic light pollution became clear and well-defined. Scattered light clusters floated in the air like fish swimming in water, stirring up fine ripples.

Looking closely, such ripples could be seen in every bright spot. The world seemed to be submerged in some unknown substance, and Rode could clearly see the trajectory of energy circulation and the ripple of spirit energy.

Was this the soul waveform that Mole had mentioned?

However, Rode did not see the waveform on any other student.Each student's waveform was complex and unique. Kassan's was like a grand piano, Wayne's was like an axe, and Zales with green hair was a bit like ice cream, but with darker colors, more like a pile of shit.

Among all of them, Kassan's waveform was the most obvious, followed by the students who had awakened their psychic abilities, while those who had not awakened their abilities were weaker.

This should be a manifestation of the strength of the soul.

Rode shifted his gaze to Mole and unexpectedly found that his waveform was also very weak and very smooth, like a deep bass, but his brow was shining, indicating that he had been observing them with psychic vision.

Rode hesitated, not knowing how to ask, but Kassan, the good student, spoke up at the right time.

"Mole, why aren't there any waveforms like you said among the students?"

Mole turned back, and Rode clearly saw a huge eye open on his forehead, with blood-red pupils staring directly at Kassan.

"It seems that we do have an outstanding seed among us. Your talent is very high, Mibor's Kassan."

Mole's voice was full of satisfaction, and his blood-red eyes closed. Rode was somewhat puzzled. Was this normal? Or was it some kind of ability of his?

"What I just said only applies to demons. The souls of humans and demons are different. Demons have no reason. Their soul waveforms only follow their strength and soul characteristics, and are not affected by emotions. The determination of human waveforms has many factors, and the strength of the soul is only one factor in our self-assessment, not all of it."

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This topic immediately aroused the interest of the students. Kassan asked as expected, "Mole, how are we graded?"

Mole revealed a kind smile, but the wrinkles and black holes of his blind eyes made this smile look a bit grim.

"These contents are harmless, it's better to tell you in advance."

"When you graduate from Kimberly Academy, you will change from a reserve combatant to a formal combatant, that is, a level nine combatant."

"Afterwards, every time you pass a grading exam, you will rise one level. The assessment content includes psychic abilities, which is the strength of your soul."

"The most important indicator of psychic ability is the psychic level, which is the rank of energy essence. Every time the psychic level goes up, the psychic strength triples."

Mole looked at the students.

"Question, how much stronger is a level three psychic than a level one psychic?"

Zales with green hair raised his hand, he had just been scared out of his wits and had already decided to go back and inherit his family business after graduation, and do business safely in the royal city.

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With his business talent, the family business would surely develop rapidly. When he had money, he would marry dozens of beautiful wives and live a good life. The dangerous things could be left to the brave people to do.

Zales was very confident. In terms of calculations, he was the strongest in the group, and even in the entire department.

This was his talent.

Mole had just turned his gaze over when he quickly stood up and answered loudly:

"Six levels!"

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