The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 37: My goddess

Rode's biggest worry was that he would find out in the end that he was the murderer.

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To avoid the tragedy of killing himself, he had to be the first to uncover the truth, while also demonstrating his value as much as possible and finding more backers.

Only then could he survive this crisis.

That was why he had to obtain a Level One "Kimberly Star" medal, which would give him the freedom to come and go from the academy.

Only by leaving the academy could he conduct his investigation, verify the clues he had obtained, find more backers, and more freely obtain more souls.

The last point was the most important.

The practical training at the academy had a deadline, and once it ended, the source of souls would be cut off.

Without souls, the stars would gradually go out, his strength would decline, his value would decrease, and a chain reaction would be triggered, ultimately resulting in him either becoming a discarded soul or dying from an invasion in the dreamland.

Therefore, he not only had to seize this opportunity to plunder enough souls, but also had to figure out the mechanism of the stars in the Monument.

Of course, all of this was premised on avoiding being convicted before he had enough chips.

Although he now had the support of three Grand Arbiters, he could not let his guard down.

Rode put the fifty true silver bullets he had just bought from the green-haired man into his pocket, along with three packs of Reddening Powder that he had just received - the most useful potion he had found after the practical training.

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After last night's practical training, he had gained some confidence and insights.

Tonight, he must kill more monsters and obtain more souls.

"I also need to figure out what the situation is with that ex-girlfriend."

On the double-decker spirit bus, Rode silently made up his mind.

Just like last night, the spirit bus descended again at the Iron Cross Square, and Rode followed the driver into the Defense Department of the Iron Cross District.

The room was crowded with students who had come to hand over their tasks before the end of the first half of the night and students who were waiting to be assigned tasks for the second half of the night.

It was clear that there was a big difference between the students of the first half of the night and those of the second half of the night. The latter were obviously much more experienced, while the former mostly still looked like students, and some were even accompanied by teachers.

The Defense Chief with a large scar on his face and several staff members were busy at work.

Rode found Raisin and the other two who had come on another spirit bus, and they were fiercely arguing about a topic:

"Is grass potato jam better with honey or salt?"

Rode silently listened for a while and found that it was just a dispute between sweet and salty lovers in the other world's version of tofu pudding.This topic is very boring. If there's no sugar in the tofu pudding, is it still tofu pudding?

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Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

Rode coughed and joined their argument, silently bridging the gap caused by their separation throughout the day.

By the time they were assigned their tasks, the atmosphere between them was no different from yesterday.

The defense chief assigned them to patrol the same area, from Baihua Street to Stone Street and all the way to the Fifth Square. He still stuffed the spirit whistle and signal flare into Rode's hand, but gave a special reminder:

"Tonight is the night of the Dark Moon. You must be careful. If there is anything unusual, please use the signal flare or spirit whistle immediately. The guardian, Veli, will come to support you quickly."

Rode immediately saw the guardian wearing a half-iron mask standing on the side, with a cold and silent expression.

After attending Mole's class during the day, Rode already knew that guardians were combatants of level seven or higher, while Raisin and the others had just become official combatants, at level nine. Rode himself was still a reserve combatant without a level.

Rode instantly activated his spiritual vision and soul eye, and saw his soul waveform, which was as low and deep as a bassoon, similar to Mole's.

However, the human soul waveform is more complicated, and he couldn't tell what level of spiritual power the guardian had.

Turning to the defense chief, his soul waveform was like that of a male lion, pacing and roaring fiercely.

The defense chief noticed his gaze, raised his hands, and struck a bodybuilding pose. The lion roared even more frequently.

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"How about it? Am I not very mighty?"

Rode awkwardly turned off his spiritual vision and soul eye, and praised him against his will, "Of course, no one is more mighty than you."

The defense chief laughed heartily, "You're right. The female teachers in the academy must like men like me. You are a special student and must have contact with many teachers. Introduce me to one when you have time."

He patted Rode's shoulder.

"Go and carry out your mission. Don't be late. Be sure to pay attention during the patrol. Once you encounter danger, use the signal flare immediately."

Rode repeatedly nodded and quickly boarded the horseless carriage with Raisin to head to the patrol area.

On the way, Karamon asked in a low voice, "Rode, you don't like men, do you? I declare first that I don't do that kind of thing."

Rode took out the crystal ball, "Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

The three of them laughed together. Raisin patted Karamon's shoulder, "Your girlfriend is really a good person."

Karamon sneered, "You talk as if you've seen her. Except for Brother Rode, who doesn't just listen to what he says?"Shorty Aige sat on the bench, swinging his feet back and forth: "But Rode's description is like a picture appearing in front of us."

Rode was intrigued and took the opportunity to ask, "Can you tell me more about your girlfriend? I'm curious."

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Raisin hooked his neck and laughed, "What do you want to do? Are you interested in Donna? Although she is indeed beautiful, I don't think she's suitable for you."

"That's right!" Karamon gritted his teeth and said, "That slut is only fit to hang out on Red Street, offering herself for free."

Rode quickly explained, "No, no, I'm just curious. I feel like it's difficult for an ordinary woman to do something like that."

Raisin rubbed his chin, "You're right. Why would she do that? If she didn't want to be with Karamon, she could have just kicked him out. Why send a crystal ball?"

Aige exclaimed, "Yeah! Is she trying to mock you for being small and short and fast and unable to satisfy her?"

Karamon's face turned red with anger, "If you guys keep making fun of me, I'll be mad! I haven't even touched her hand!"

Aige slapped his hand, "That's right! She must be mocking you for having a thief's heart but no thief's courage! Not even touching her hand, there's no meaning at all!"

Karamon shouted angrily, "Shut up, you little shorty!"

Aige immediately jumped up and punched him in the stomach, "I'm 1.7 meters tall!"

Rode quickly intervened and brought the conversation back on track, "Tell us about her situation. Maybe we can analyze the reason behind it. Even though you've separated, you should at least know why, right?"

Karamon fell silent for a moment before sighing heavily and saying, "The day I met her, there was a misty rain floating under the Holy White Tree, and the lake surface was shimmering with waves. She was like a goddess, coming towards me on a lotus leaf boat..."

"Her fair body suddenly trembled..." Raisin directly repeated a sentence from Rode, destroying Karamon's mood completely.

There was a furious roar from inside the carriage, "You're all bullying me! I won't say anything!"

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