Rode almost jumped up and shot him.

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Fortunately, he quickly discovered that although Karamon was broken in half and looked terrible, there was a blue water wave wrapped around the wound, maintaining vitality as much as possible.

Moreover, under the observation of the soul eye, his soul still had a complete human form, although it was very weak and had signs of disintegration, but at this moment, it was still "active".

He should not have died.

It's amazing that you're still alive... but considering the strange things in this world, it's not particularly difficult to accept. Rode hurriedly asked, "What should I do?"

Karamon's hand pointed weakly to his waist.

Rode immediately took out a small bottle from his waist, and inside was a yellow-orange liquid that looked like pulp orange.

"Drink?" Rode asked tentatively.

Karamon nodded lightly.

Rode poured the pulp orange into his mouth. The liquid emitted a shiny light when it was poured out, and it evaporated quickly after entering the mouth, disappearing in the blink of an eye, as if it had entered the soul.

This action of drinking seemed like a ritual.

After drinking the bottle, Rode asked anxiously, "Is it okay?"

Karamon did not answer. He closed his eyes, his face as pale as paper, and there was no breath, but Rode clearly saw that his soul had temporarily stabilized and no longer had a tendency to disintegrate.

He should have survived.

Rode stood up and looked at the empty space not far away, where the heart was placed before.

He had noticed that something was calling him since earlier.

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He originally thought it was the strange heart, but he did not expect the feeling to become even stronger after the heart was taken away, as if shouting loudly in his ear.

But Rode had been in a life and death crisis before, and then he had to save Karamon, so he had no time to pay attention.

It wasn't until now that he had the time to glance over and found a strange pattern on the empty space where the heart was originally located.

It was two sharp broken lines, interlaced up and down, like two lightning bolts passing by.

Lightning symbol!

Theft is never good, try looking at

Rode widened his eyes in an instant.

Isn't this the lightning symbol?

It's exactly the same as what he saw when the migration team was wiped out!

Rode's heart was beating fast, and he looked around and immediately saw the black stones placed around.

The composition they formed was no different from what he saw before!

The only difference was that red stones were used back then, and now black stones were used.

What's going on?

Why is there a lightning symbol here?

Why is it calling me?

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Rode's heart was beating extremely fast, and the surging blood flow hit his eardrums.

He felt that he was very close to the truth of the migration team's destruction. Perhaps, he could soon uncover the mystery.

Only one key was missing.

Suddenly, a thought came to Rode's mind.

What if I step on it now? Will I find this key?

Faint voices came from the distance, and the glaring light illuminated the sewer and quickly approached here.

Obviously, the defense forces of the Royal City had discovered the anomaly, and the real supporters were coming.

There was no time to hesitate. Just like before, Rode stepped directly on the pattern with his feet.In the next moment, his body felt hot, as if something scorching had been inserted into him.

Immediately, everything went black, and countless images flooded his mind.

In the dark sewer, four people dressed in black priest robes stood together.

They raised their hands together, holding a huge heart.

They cut open a corpse and used its dark blood to draw a pattern, arranging black stones into a larger ceremonial structure.

Roars could be heard in the darkness, as though demons were approaching.

The scene disappeared, the strange feeling faded, and Rode came back to his senses. The pattern under his feet quickly evaporated, turning into small black dust particles that scattered away.

It was exactly the same as before.

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Rode's heart skipped a beat as he looked down and saw a new pattern on the back of his hand.

It was a regular heptadecagon, with a circle on the outside and a cross on the inside.

What was it?

Rode was suddenly shocked, and the tangled mystery in his mind seemed to have found a thread and unraveled a part of it.

An unknown door was pushed open, and countless new information and possibilities rushed towards him.

But he didn't have time to think about it now, he just wanted to get away from here.

With Karamon on his back, Rode ran towards the light, and a low buzzing sound could be heard behind him. The sewer shook as if some unknown monster had been disturbed.

Five people dressed in guard uniforms came running towards him, their bright lights coming from the lanterns at their waists.

Rode shouted, "Quick, save him! He's badly injured!"

One guard rushed up to take Karamon, while another took out a red stone and placed it in front of him. There was a flash of red light.

"No signs of infection."

He put the red stone in front of Karamon, and there was another flash of red light.

In that instant, Rode clearly saw a black mass deep in Karamon's soul. The red light disappeared, and Karamon's soul returned to normal.

"There are suspicious signs of infection. Hand him over to the Soul Church immediately."

The guard holding Karamon took off into the air, and the other guard grabbed Rode's arm and jumped up to the hole in the top of the sewer, quickly leaving the area.

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When Rode once again reached the surface, the open environment made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The guard pulled him up and jumped onto the roof, running along the buildings. The strong light from their lanterns dissipated the black mist that had been pressing down on their heads. Their speed was fast, like lightning flashing through the clouds on a rainy night.

Occasionally, when they descended through the clouds, Rode could see guards standing on the rooftops of this district, emitting bright light. They were like beacons in the dark night, inexplicably reassuring.

Soon, Rode asked, "Where are we going?"

The guard replied briefly, "The Military War Department of the Royal City."

Rode vaguely remembered that the Military War Department was a very important department in the Royal City, and the Defense Department was one of its subordinate agencies.

"Am I going to be interrogated?"

The guard looked at him strangely. "Report the information and explain the situation."

Okay, I always think of myself as a suspect, although I am indeed very suspicious... Rode collected himself and asked again:

"I have many companions... have you found them?"

The guard nodded slightly.

"How are they... doing?"The guard answered in a softer tone, "Four suspected Doomsday Cultists, three of them are dead, and one is being rescued. Valiant Watcher Levi is currently performing emergency treatment, but his spiritual power is depleted and his spirit is also damaged, so the hope is slim. Your two companions have been sent to the Healing Church's medical center, one of them is relatively lucky, although heavily injured, he has strong healing effects."

"The other one is more dangerous, the corrosive toxin has already begun to erode his spirit, but the Healing Church has arranged for the central medical officer Yusef Thorns to come for emergency treatment, so he should be able to be saved."

Only then did Rode's heart relax.

Soon, the guard crossed the high wall and arrived at the inner city area, stopping in front of a huge castle-like building.

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