The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 65: Free lun h

First of all, the channel that Annabel gave him was ignored by the smugglers, and all the letters and codes received no response.

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According to her, this was normal, as smugglers were always facing searches and arrests by law enforcement officials, and they would disappear when things got tough.

Rode had to look for unfamiliar smugglers.

However, after learning about Rode's situation, their asking prices were all very high, exceeding Rode's limit, and it was not guaranteed to be successful. Some of them were clearly scammers.

Rode tried many people in a row, but none of them succeeded.

Until he met a strange guy.



Hablin had been very painful during this time.

The college life in his dream did not bring him any joy, only huge setbacks.

As the highly regarded eldest son of the ancient Manolobana family, Hablin had always been able to do whatever he wanted before entering college. No one dared to defy him. He had over three hundred servants in his estate, and anyone he fancied would appear in his bed at night.

But everything changed when he entered college.

He had no privileges, his slaves couldn't come in, the teachers didn't flatter him, and the principal didn't favor him.

Although he had obtained the position of group leader through power and money, he didn't have much power.

Manolobana's identity was ineffective here. Although the students were afraid of him, they didn't treat him as their master. The female students didn't pay much attention to him. No one threw themselves at him or accepted his advances. Instead, he was punished twice for harassment and bullying.

What disgusted him the most was that someone insulted him in front of his face, and he couldn't punish the other party. Instead, he was beaten up.

And in the end, he was the one who got punished and confined!

This made Hablin extremely angry.

Therefore, when he found out that this guy might get a first-class "Kimberly Star" medal, he immediately instructed his only two henchmen, Alger and Gori, to contact the chief examiner.

Sure enough, bypassing the college, the name of Manolobana once again showed its magic, and the chief examiner promised to give Rode a math problem that he would never forget, ensuring that he would not get a first-class medal.

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Hablin thought he would finally have some fun, but that country bumpkin actually answered the incomprehensible problem and became the only first-class medal winner in the third college.

At the celebration afterwards, Hablin was so angry that he only ate one roasted cow and had no appetite.

He had planned to drop out of school. He couldn't stay in this hellish place anymore. Those who praised the college as heaven were all liars.

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But on the third day, things changed.

His father sent him a letter, asking him to sell a second-level hunter's license to Rode and instructing him not to use other people's help, but to do it himself.

As the eldest son of the Manolobana family, Hablin quickly understood his father's meaning.

He wanted Rode to suffer a great deal.

Second-level hunters have hunter obligations, and there are designated tasks every week. If they fail to complete them, they will be demoted or have their hunter's license revoked.

With that bumpkin's strength, the mission was sure to fail. At that time, he would not only lose face, but also be expelled from the college for causing the death of his teammates.

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Hablin finally became happy and felt that there was hope in life.

His unlucky experience in college began when he met this country bumpkin. Once he left, his life might welcome the light again. Kassan would fall into his arms, and countless female students would no longer refuse his invitation.Hablin chuckled, he even had a brilliant idea. This country bumpkin must be destitute and wandering the streets after being expelled. He could offer him a bowl of rice and hire him as his personal servant, guarding his bedroom door every night, so that he could feel the pleasure of being with his beloved woman.

This idea excited him so much that he couldn't sleep well all night. The next morning, he put on a disguise and set off to the market district with his license in his pocket.

He skipped all his classes that day to avoid any idiot trying to steal his business.

The smugglers in the market district all had legitimate businesses. They didn't often deal with hunter licenses like the one he was looking for, but rather with students who dropped out of the academy, discharged soldiers, or people who wanted to make some extra money without revealing their identity.

However, the licenses from the academy paid much better, and those who were willing to take the risk were not short of money.

But there was also a certain risk involved. If a student got into trouble, they would be sought out by the Internal Affairs Adjudication Department.

Therefore, they usually only dealt with regular customers or those introduced by regular customers. If the student was for a year, they would also charge extra as a risk fee.

But Rode was actually a poor person who could not afford the high price of over ten thousand silver coins, unless he didn't buy materials.

This made him very depressed. He wasted three days in the academy and had only ten days left for the invasion.

Today, he had decided to buy the license no matter what, even if he had to borrow money from Kassan.

He had no classes in the morning, patrol in the afternoon, and an important combat class in the evening. Rode could only choose to enter the market district early in the morning.

The market district was a bit quiet in the early morning. Many merchants hadn't opened their doors yet, and the street vendors were nowhere to be seen. There were only a few figures on the street.

The merchants were cleaning up their goods, and the shouting had already stopped.

Rode came to the "Alva Jam House", one of the few merchants who had talked to him yesterday.

But he was disappointed to find that the owner of the jam house had changed.

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"Where is the owner of this shop?" Rode asked a fat, burly man.

"She's gone home to have a baby," he answered in a twisted voice, like he had been holding in a jar of pickled cabbage for ten years and couldn't spit it out.

"Mr. Alva is a man!" Rode exclaimed.

The fat man with yellow hair coughed heavily. "It's his wife who's having the baby."

Rode was a little incredulous. "Mr. Alva looks almost seventy years old. Can his wife still give birth?"

The fat man with yellow hair replied impatiently, "He can marry an eighteen-year-old, can't he?"

Rode frowned. Were the people here really that functional? Can they still make babies at the age of seventy?

But that wasn't the issue he was concerned about. How to increase his chances of surviving the invasion was the most important thing to focus on.

"Um... I did some business with Mr. Alva yesterday. Do you know about it?" Rode asked.

"I know. Mr. Ash has already handed everything over to me," the fat man said, taking out a silver card.

"It's the license of the second-level hunter, 'Dawn Blade.' You just need to leave your spiritual imprint on the license and the hunter's holy grail, and you'll be him. You don't need a real name or an identity. It's the most fair price in the industry, twenty thousand silver coins."

Rode refused, "That's too expensive!"

The fat man with yellow hair shouted, "This is a ready-made product! A second-level hunter! There's nothing cheaper outside. If you go to the academy, you'll have to pay at least half again."

Rode shook his head. "I can't afford it."

"Okay, fifteen thousand."

Rode was about to turn and leave, but he turned back. After all, it was a ready-made product, and it was much more convenient than dealing with those who still had to go through various procedures.

"Well, I don't actually have fifteen thousand. Can I..."Rode originally wanted to suggest installment payments, but the chubby guy with yellow hair said directly, "Let's make it 10,000."

Rode looked at him suspiciously. The merchants he had encountered so far were not so easy to bargain with.

Could this be a newbie? Eager to make a deal and reveal his bottom line?

"I don't have 10,000."

"Today is my first deal, I'll give it to you for 8,000."

"Still too expensive."

The chubby guy with yellow hair angrily said, "Are you buying or not?"

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Rode deliberately looked at his bottom line and put on a helpless look.

"I don't want to buy it. Think about it, what's the use of spending so much money? It might be a good thing to accept the Academy's regulatory rules. At least it's safe."

The chubby guy with yellow hair became impatient. "5,000! 5,000!"

"No, my weekly salary is only 42 silver coins. I don't even have 5,000 after 100 weeks."

The chubby guy with yellow hair widened his eyes. "There are still people who rely on weekly wages to eat? What's the use of a few coins? I'll just... cough cough, 3,000! 3,000! That's the lowest price."

Rode still insisted on his opinion.




"What's the final price? Give me a number!"

Rode scratched his head. "I don't have any money on me. Can I..."

Before he could finish saying installment payments, the chubby guy with yellow hair directly stuffed a silver plate into his hand.

"Okay, I'll give it to you! I don't want it anymore! I'm out of business!"


The chubby guy with yellow hair closed the door and left in a huff.

Is this even possible?

Rode held the hunter's license made of silver and looked at the chubby guy with yellow hair disappearing into the distance, feeling incredulous.

I just bargained, and he broke down?

So fragile, can he still do business here?

Most of the students in the Academy are very poor, and their weekly salary is their only source of income. When buying things here, they have to bargain down to half a silver coin.

Rode now roughly understood that the purchasing power of one silver coin was very strong, roughly equivalent to ten dollars. Due to the large denomination, many things had to be bought together.

Ten thousand silver coins are equivalent to one hundred thousand dollars. You're just giving it to me?

Rode felt that something was not quite right. Could there be a trap?

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I need to verify the authenticity of this thing first.

Rode thought.

But who should I ask?

In the Academy, Rode only had three relatively good friends, Kassan, Wayne, and Zalais.

Kassan's father is a high-ranking official in the Internal Affairs Adjudication, and she herself is a maintainer of the rules. It's best not to ask her.

Wayne doesn't have this channel, and he probably can't help.

Only Zalais, his family is part of the United Chamber of Commerce, and many merchants in the Academy's market area are under his family's business association. He should have a way.

There were no classes this morning, and Rode could guess where Zalais usually went.

Sure enough.

Rode found Zalais in the "Fairy's Hometown" tavern in the living area. He had come early in the morning to enjoy the animal performance from the Beast City.

Of course, he was not interested in the animals at all, only the women who performed with the animals.

Perhaps because of the program, the tavern was also very lively in the early morning, with whistles and shouts coming and going. A woman in a beast tamer costume was playing with several big yellow dogs on a wooden display stand that was half a person high.

The content was also very simple, just the common dog catching a frisbee. Due to the small space, the distance and height that the beast tamer threw the frisbee were very low.

But every time the big yellow dog caught it, the audience would burst into thunderous applause, as if they had seen a very exciting performance.

Can this be called a program?

Rode thought, maybe the pets here are very rare.

Hmm... in this environment, it's good enough to survive as a human, and even the flora and fauna can grow normally. It's truly a miracle.It is said that such miracles are brought by the Holy White Tree, also known as the Tree of Life, which is the most important thing for humans besides the Holy Fire.

There is a huge Tree of Life in the royal city, right next to the Holy Fire, absorbing the light and heat of the Holy Fire. Its massive root system purifies the water flowing down from the dark plain, providing the royal city with sufficient clean water.

Under its lush branches and leaves is a life paradise called the Botanical Garden, which not only has a large number of precious flora and fauna, but also produces spiritual materials such as spiritual medicine.

Most of the raw materials for the various potions used by the students come from here.

And in all the settlements outside the royal city that grow or breed plants and animals, there are branches of the Holy White Tree, whose life breath can nourish all life.

Rode withdrew his thoughts and immediately saw the conspicuous green-haired person in the crowd. He was yelling, "Sister, can we have breakfast together?"

Rode squeezed his way to his side and shouted, "Zaza, I need to talk to you about something!"

The green-haired person turned around and said, "Don't call me Zaza!"

"Okay, Zaza, it's too noisy here, let's go outside."

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