The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 75: King of the Sewer

In the huge blue flame, the soul fuel was still faintly visible, like the core of a campfire.

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With a thought, Rode flipped the world upside down, and the pitch-black night sky disappeared. He was now standing in front of a stone monument, with his forehead against the surface.

He raised his head and touched the surface with his finger.

The darkness covered the surface again, and stars appeared.

Now, the blue star was much brighter than the dark red star, and its intensity far exceeded it.

But the position of the blue star was only "fierce fire."

Rode frowned. He now knew that the position of a soul star was divided into five levels.

"Unburned fire," which was ash, an unlit star.

"Dull fire"

"Fierce fire"

"Golden fire"

"Eternal fire"

Only when it reached the eternal fire, would the star's state be fixed in "eternal burning."

And the intensity not only represented the strength of the star, but also the strength of his soul.

Why did the "Dark Devourer" have a higher position than the "Chilling Green" but only a strength of 30?

The knowledge book did not provide an answer to this question.

Rode recalled the many anomalies when he ignited it, and could only conclude that the "Dark Devourer" was a very special star, and everything about it was an exception.

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According to the information provided by the knowledge book:

After joining the soul fuel, the star has a burning core, which greatly improves the efficiency of burning.

After that, only by continuously injecting fuel, when the intensity reaches a certain limit, the star will break through the barrier, improve its position, and eventually reach "eternal fire."

After reaching "eternal fire," the state of the star is fixed, and it cannot be injected with fuel again, only "quantified."

The explanation of "quantification" in the knowledge book is:

"Make the soul star reach its final form, spread its power and influence the soul world."

Rode still did not understand the concept of the soul world, but it was clear that he could not do it now.

He had never even heard of what was required for "quantification."


Rode soon thought of another question.

The "Chilling Green" had only risen to "fierce fire" and had not yet reached the constant burning state of "eternal fire."

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Its intensity would continue to weaken.

That meant if he could not increase the intensity of the star to the limit at once, its intensity would continue to decrease, and he would need to add more soulless souls.

But if he kept the souls saved, wouldn't there be a long period of vacuum?

That would be troublesome.

Rode had to ask the knowledge book again.

Its answer was simple:

"Add humanity."

Rode was moved and asked again, "What are the effects of humanity?"

"The humanity located in the human face of the obelisk can enhance rationality, increase resistance to madness and dementia, and increase resistance to the erosion of darkness."

"The extracted humanity can be used as a material for making or adding fire to the soul fuel, to avoid the power of fire from flowing away."

So that's it!

No wonder the wailing of the plague demon didn't affect him back then.

It was because he had a lot of humanity.

It seemed that he should store more in the obelisk, so that he wouldn't have to fear those strange and weird effects.

The best part was that humanity had such a function.

Rode was very happy. He no longer had to worry about having extra humanity.

Suddenly, he remembered the flower of humanity.

He came to the side of the obelisk and saw a black flower, right at the foot of the monument.

"The Flower of Humanity."

It was condensed from humanity and was an extremely precious item used to make powerful talismans and mix rare rationality medicine.

It could also be crushed to obtain 10 portions of humanity.Of course, it couldn't be crushed.

After reading its information, Rode carefully picked up the black flower and put it into storage.

There were already many materials stored here, besides those obtained in dreams, there were also many purchased in the market area.

Thanks to some unknown kind person giving him a hunter's license for free, Rode was able to save ten thousand silver coins and buy a lot of materials he needed. Now things were progressing smoothly.

Hmm, if he ever met him, he would have to thank him properly.

Afterwards, Rode extracted a bit of humanity and added it to the blue star.

The star fire instantly became stable, and a bit of humanity could maintain it for a day.

And that was only equivalent to ten points of humanity.

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I've already gained more than this from deep conversations with Kassan every day.

Haha, it's really simple.

Now, all I have to do is furiously brush the soulless souls and mindlessly add them to the stars. The stars can quickly become stronger until the "eternal fire."

Thinking of this, Rode came to the Soul Altar and simply sacrificed the last four "complete souls of insane sinners."

The fire of the soul twisted in his hand, divided by an invisible force, its soul body absorbed by the obelisk and stored inside, while its spiritual body separated and condensed into spirituality.

A total of 471 soulless souls were obtained, along with five more spiritualities and four frenzied traits.

"Frenzied Trait"

A concretion with the "frenzied" characteristic.

Rode frowned.

He remembered that the soul characteristic of the "insane sinner" was frenzy. Was its soul characteristic extracted?

Can this really be done?

How much is hidden in the soul?

But the "Book of Knowledge" charges a high price of one hundred radiant stones for this question.

Why don't you go rob them?

One silver coin can buy 3-5 red stones, and one radiant stone costs 5,500 silver coins, which is not even in the same league.

There's no way, Rode could only write down these questions and plan to ask his teacher later. Mina was said to have a close relationship with scholars, maybe he could ask her.

Rode directly added all 471 soulless souls to the "Cold Blue" star.

Its strength suddenly increased to 87.

Rode's soul strength also became 117.

It increased by about 10 strength, an average of 47 increased by 1, which is much more than before.

The effect of "Soul Firewood" is too strong.

In the blink of an eye, my soul strength has tripled.

Now, if I go to the Mechanical Research Institute to test, will my psychic strength also triple?

Rode was full of confidence.

Now, I can go see the invasion again, it shouldn't be "certain death."

Rode knew that the only criterion for evaluation provided by dreams was the difference in soul strength between the two sides. With his strength now greatly increased, the level of threat must have dropped significantly.

Rode came to the back of the obelisk, his forehead lightly touching the surface, and blood-like words falling directly from his eyes, reflected on his retina.


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After nine sunsets, the invasion will come.

Warning: Leaving the Dark Abyss, the "Guardian of the Dark Abyss" cannot be made.

Possible invaders: Eternal Death Spirit, Nightmare, Binding Spirit Prems, and the Red Spirit Tugge of the Death River.

Possible invasion environment: Night of Nightmares.

Escape from invasion: No.

Invasion evaluation: Certain death.



Rode almost suspected that he had read it wrong.

Still "certain death"?

Is my soul strength fake?

Or am I too weak? Is there no difference between ants and strong ants for the invaders to come?

Rode's heart suddenly cooled.The golden light that saved his life twice was almost depleted. According to his previous memory, it takes at least one hundred points of golden light to kill an enemy, and he doesn't have enough, nor can he obtain it.

"It needs you to boost the confidence and strength of all humanity. With Rode's current strength, it's probably equivalent to a chicken pecking at a mountain of rice."

He had already experienced the phrase "certain death" once before, and the soul of the plague demon was "certain death" even if it was severely injured. If Rode challenged it alone, he wouldn't last a second.

If the invading monsters were as strong as the plague demon, am I doomed?

What should I do?

The only solution Rode could think of was to grind for the remaining nine days. If he could grind for thousands or even tens of thousands of soulless souls, there might be a chance.

If he could prepare various supplies, potions, weapons, and items in advance, his chances of survival would be even greater.


A surge of confidence rose in Rode's heart.

What "certain death," I don't believe it.


For the next nine days, I'll live in the sewer and eat your shit!

With a strong determination, Rode returned to the material world and instantly entered a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, Rode left his dormitory. The lights of the academy were still dim, and there was a morning breeze blowing over the lake, giving a sense of tranquility.

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But Rode didn't have the mood to appreciate the beauty of spring. He went straight to a dormitory building and found Hines, who had been taking care of his hairstyle since early morning.

"What's up?" Hines was fixing each hair according to its predetermined curvature, and the heavy work made him irritable.

"You said I could come to you if I needed something."

"Yes, except for borrowing money. You know my hair care product is too expensive."

"I want to take a nine-day leave."


"But don't deduct any credits."

He had already seen the items that could be exchanged for credits, and there were sunstones that he couldn't buy outside.


"Do you have any requests?"

"Yes, contact the Ashen Excavator School now, or you won't be able to go anywhere."


Rode accepted Hines' conditions, which were probably set by the Dean, Theodore. It wouldn't have much impact, and if he managed it well, he could make the school members his employees.

Rode then went to the market area and spent his remaining 4,500 silver coins on five grams of Starry Red Gem Powder, three hundred True Silver Bullets, and thirty Thunderstones. He had officially spent all his money and became a pauper again.

"Maybe I can sell the green grass potion and Holy White Tree Fruit that I received as rewards."

These were controlled items and couldn't be sold legally. But it was well known that illegal goods were the most expensive.

The green grass potion and Holy White Tree Fruit were items that directly strengthened one's power, but they were useless to Rode because he didn't have a spark and couldn't cultivate spiritual power. He had tried, but spiritual power cultivation was useless to him. He couldn't absorb the potions that increased spiritual power no matter how much he drank. In the end, he quietly gave them to Wayne and Zales.

So, after obtaining the "Kimberly Star," he kept these two items for the purpose of exchanging them for a good price. Such precious items should be worth a hundred thousand silver coins, right?

Thunderstones were only thirty silver coins each. With a hundred thousand silver coins, I could set up a landmine array and blow up the monsters.

Of course, Rode hadn't found a channel for this yet, and he couldn't be sure if such a black market really existed. The risk was also very high, and the consequences of illegal transactions were severe. It was best not to take action until the last moment.

Rode sent the purchased items to the dream world in batches and then returned to the dream world himself, arriving at the stone platform. He was going to make a "Sealing Bullet."Rode placed ten grams of true silver bullets, three portions of spirituality, one portion of humanity, and one gram of starlight ruby powder on the stone platform.

With a gentle tap, the large hand flew out again, grabbing all the materials and kneading them together crazily.

A moment later, ten rusty bullets fell down.

These were true silver bullets with a sealing spirit effect, which could hinder the enemy's spiritual power and force them to reveal their flaws.

Since Rode only had a total of six portions of spirituality, he made only twenty sealing spirit bullets.

This was his trump card.

Rode returned to the material world, carrying ten thunderstones, fifty true silver bullets, and ten sealing spirit bullets on his body.

He also placed the poison ivy juice, red powder, and spiritual tree dew on one side of his waist.

Everything was ready.

Afterward, he followed the address on the letter and went to the teaching area to find the Ash Digger's station in the academy.

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