The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 83: Harvesting

Rode tensed up in an instant. If the enemy was human, it would be much more troublesome.

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It was difficult for him to judge a person's strength. The waveform of a human's soul could be hidden and changed, and it was not like monsters that constantly maintained their psychic energy. Generally, psychic energy only erupted when attacking or using certain abilities.

However, a human's defense was also weak. Before opening their psychic energy defense, he could even kill them with a light strike of his psychic gun.

But he couldn't be sure, what if they were allies?

If he was accused of murdering an ally, all his efforts so far would be in vain.

Rode hesitated for a moment and decided to test the waters first.

He turned and turned into the other side of the sewer, out of their sight.

The figure on the passage immediately shrank back and ran towards him, waving frantically.

Soon, another figure ran towards him from the deep end of his line of sight. They quickly ran towards the passage above his head, looking anxious, flustered, and unfriendly.

Obviously, they were tracking him.

This could not be his companion, it must be a member of the Apocalypse Cult.

Unfortunately, his perspective ability was not unlimited. If the physical matter was too thick, it would also block his line of sight, making him unable to see spirits and energy.

Otherwise, he could probably see these guys searching for his figure in the filthy sewage pipe.

The sewer pipe was directly connected to the ground as the second-level pipe. After the filth was collected in the first-level pipe, it flowed into the second-level pipe and then into the wide sewer, washed away by the water flow, and flowed into various sewage channels.

Finally, it would flow into the Black Water River deep underground and, after a long journey, reach its destination, the fetid swamp.

Rode glanced at the wall beside him.

This was a part of a huge bluestone. According to Professor Bince's explanation, any sewer that used this giant bluestone was built by giants.

And the pipes in the bluestone were all excavated by later humans.

At this moment, this group of Apocalypse Cultists was in the pipe above his head, crowded together, holding their breath.

Because such a big thing had never appeared in the pipe before, the waste behind them was blocked, and the amount of sewage flowing out had decreased.

These were a group of unprofessional guys.

Rode made a judgment.

They might be low-level minions.

This also made him slightly relieved. As long as he didn't encounter powerful people like the Black Priest, there would be no particularly great danger.

Rode grabbed a thunderstone, quickly infused it with psychic energy, and shouted:"Wow, this thing is really delicious."

"It's so fragrant."

"Soft, sticky, brown with black, it's simply a delicacy of the mortal world."

While making smacking sounds, their eyes never left the pipe, staring at the figure inside.

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They didn't have any particularly big movements, just covering their mouths one after another.

Rode saw a glimmer of light fly out from someone's hand, and the light had a line of words written on it:

"We found him! He's actually eating shit! We can't accept such unreasonable behavior, sorry we can't work together as planned."

The light flew along the pipe, obviously some kind of communication tool.

Without hesitation, Rode threw the energy-filled thunderstone into the pipe.

With a loud explosion in the pipe, dazzling lightning burst out, and all the souls were extinguished.

Dozens of blue, green, and black threads flew out from the wall and entered their chests.

[Duke's soul]

[Duncan's soul]

[Contaminated Celt's soul]

[Wells' soul]


There were a total of twelve, one of which was a contaminated soul.

It seems that this soul is their leader.

After surveying the area and confirming that there was no threat nearby, Rode quickly squeezed out a lightning symbol.

The soul rose into the air, and after a strong feeling of weightlessness, he returned to the dream world.

It was still as quiet, lifeless, and dull as before, as if time didn't flow here.

Rode turned his head, and many soul fires of various sizes were floating on the soul altar, all of which were his gains during this period of time.

And the twelve souls just obtained were on the outermost side.

Rode jumped onto the altar and looked carefully.

They were quite small, with tiny flames floating unsteadily, mostly in blue, green, and yellow, mixed with black.

The contaminated soul had more black.

Rode was quite disappointed to find that they were all like dust souls, unable to decompose into a few points of soullessness.

However, a person's soul can be listened to. At the moment of death, their strongest and most unwilling will remains in the soul, echoing eternally.

Rode approached a soul and listened closely.

A tiny voice soon appeared in his ear.

"They're all mine! Everything is mine! Money, power, status..."

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Rode frowned and went to listen to the second soul.

"I want eternal life..."

The third one."I don't want to stay in the sewer anymore! Everyone above me must die..."

The fourth one.

"Kneel down, all of you, kneel down!"


After listening to all twelve, there was only noisy desire and hatred, without any information.

Rode was very disappointed and directly sacrificed all twelve souls.

On average, each soul only had two points of soullessness.

However, he obtained twelve "living spirits"!

"Living spirits" are only found in large quantities in human souls, and they can be used to create ghosts, puppets, or perform some strange rituals.

They wriggled like transparent worms in his hand, making Rode feel a bit creepy.

These materials were not needed for the moment, so Rode quickly put them into storage. After confirming that they would not affect other materials, he quickly returned to the physical world.

Opening his eyes, he saw the broken bodies being flushed out of the pipe and falling into the mud. The filth accumulated in the pipe fell on top of them, becoming the final destination for this group of greedy people.

Rode thought for a moment, and still took out a crystal chip to record the scene and planned to report it truthfully after returning to the Defense Department.

After all, being attacked by the Doomsday Cultists could indirectly prove that he was a good person.

Rode had no intention of interrupting his mission. He needed to harvest more complete souls as soon as possible, upgrade [Frigid Green] to the highest level, and then find a way to ignite new stars.

He quickly walked towards the depths, not wanting to be entangled with these Doomsday Cultists who had nothing to offer.


But things did not go as planned. Rode had just dealt with a few rats when he discovered another group of people rushing towards him.

All of their souls were obviously black, with a high and excited soul waveform, and a low horn sound, which had the same characteristics as the previous group.

Another group!

Rode was a little annoyed.

Your souls are as useless as garbage, and it's a waste of my time and spiritual energy.

The effect of "High-level Spirit Resurrection" was indeed powerful, but it still couldn't make up for all the consumption. He had just discovered a large group of rats, and the spiritual energy consumption would be very high next. Saving a little bit was better than nothing.

He didn't want to use Thunderstones again, as they consumed too much spiritual energy and the opponents were relatively scattered, so he might not be able to kill them all at once.

Rode quickly adjusted his spirit gun to light mode, walked behind them, and jumped out while firing seven shots in a row.

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Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Seven people fell to the ground.

He quickly reloaded and fired five more shots.

The remaining five people who hadn't reacted yet also fell.

All twelve were killed on the spot.Twelve souls were collected.



Rode lightly blew the nonexistent smoke off his spirit gun.

"I have X-ray vision, how can you fight me?"

He felt a bit pleased. For him now, a light tap was a quick shot, faster than a regular gun. He didn't even need to pull the trigger. With a surge of spiritual energy, a shot was fired out.

Thanks to Mina's guidance, Rode's pistol skills were also very advanced. With the help of the Soul Eye, it was like using an aimbot, fast and accurate, every shot was a headshot, truly achieving the level of eliminating a teammate with every bullet.

The unused Thunder Stones this time, 80% of the corpses were still intact, so Rode went to scavenge the spoils, and the harvest was unexpectedly not small.

A pile of unknown potions, two spirit guns, more than ten real silver bullets, and dozens of unknown talismans.

What made him happiest was that they had money on them.

Rode searched and found more than 300 silver coins.


Rode almost laughed out loud, what a stroke of luck, I was just worrying about the lack of money and bullets.

He quickly sent the goods back to the dreamland. Some of the larger ones that couldn't fit in his hand, he hung on his belt.

After taking a photo of the scene with a crystal chip, Rode set off.

He walked down a tributary of the sewer and soon found the group of plague rats, using two Thunder Stones to destroy their nest.

[Soul of the Plague Rat] x9

[Faint Soul] x13

[Small Soul Fragment] x22


There were also ten monster ashes.

Not bad, a full harvest.

Rode continued down the path. According to the mission description, there were some poisonous insects active nearby, and their secretions would spread up the pipeline, causing residents to be poisoned.

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Just then, he saw another group of Doomsday Cultists.

A standard twelve-person team, standard blackened souls, standard flamboyant, excited, and low-pitched horn-shaped soul waveforms.

Unlike the previous team, everyone in this team had spirit guns, all rare marksmen.

They seemed to have some kind of detection method. At the same time that Rode discovered them, they also discovered Rode.

So, the two sides engaged in a fierce gun battle.

But unfortunately, Rode was cheating, with X-ray vision and an aimbot, anyone who fought him was looking for death.

In less than thirty seconds, all twelve people were wiped out.

Rode had a big harvest this time. The twelve spirit guns were not worth mentioning. The "Raven" in his hand was a limited edition given by Lauren, and these pieces of junk couldn't compare to it.However, real silver bullets were very scarce, and Rode had a headache every day due to the massive consumption. The royal city didn't seem to regard the Spirit Gun as a regular weapon for combat, so he couldn't even apply for reimbursement. The logistics department didn't have real silver bullets in their regular inventory.

But this time, he harvested more than a hundred rounds.

At this moment, Rode finally laughed.

Real silver bullets were finally enough.

Not only that, they were also very rich, having found more than two thousand silver ropes on the twelve people.

Rode counted and found that he now had 2,561 silver ropes, no longer a pauper, and was getting closer to becoming a top tycoon.


Rode had never laughed so happily before. He quickly moved the spoils found back to the dream world. He didn't have time to disassemble the Spirit Guns, so he hung them all on his back.

Now, there were a total of fourteen Spirit Guns hanging on the belt behind him, a proper arms dealer.

Rode set off in a good mood and soon arrived at his destination. The poisonous insects were hiding under the mud here.

If anyone approached, they would jump up and hug the person's face, spraying poisonous liquid. If unprepared, one would quickly be poisoned to death by them. They were a very troublesome monster.

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

But for Rode, it was simply too easy. Under the observation of the Eye of the Soul, the poisonous insects hiding in the mud were like baring their buttocks at him. Their spiritual power was all concentrated in their heads, and their tails were a huge empty hole, completely undefended.

And they just had to lift their tails up.

Rode shot one by one, feeling extremely satisfied.

The souls provided by the poisonous insects were "relatively weak souls", containing about 15-18 soulless souls, which were already considered quite rich.

Moreover, the harvesting was simple, easy, and stress-free, with low consumption.

Rode's smile almost split his mouth open. If he could grind here for five or six days, his Star Soul would directly reach the top.

Just as Rode was happily shooting the insects, another group of uninvited guests arrived.

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