The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 86: Defe tion

Some people say that Thalorian Kingdom is the last kingdom of humans, the lingering glory of human civilization after the Age of Fire. Although it had its glorious moments, it will eventually extinguish like dying embers.

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The world is sliding into darkness, like a stone falling into an abyss.

However, this statement was strongly opposed by the scholars led by Amides.

They believe that beyond this vast world, in the unseen depths of darkness, there must still exist a Fire Kingdom like theirs, a human civilization like theirs, struggling for survival just like them.

There must be hope for humanity, a way to overcome the seemingly unbeatable black mist.

Whether it is the Goldwort Academy, the Mechanism Research Institute, the Ash Seekers, the Eternal Violet, the Inhuman Voice of Kaliel, the Redemption Rose, or the Elemental Dawn.

Whether it is the study of psychic energy, weapons, history, the black mist, or various incomprehensible monsters.

The ultimate goal is for the survival of humanity.

Survival itself is meaningful.

But within the kingdom, a small group of people, either frightened by the vast and endless black mist, or losing the courage and hope for life, or driven by pure desire and greed, have turned against humanity.

They are the Doomsday Cultists.

They are the most dangerous tumor because they have human faces but kill humans like monsters.

A strong fortress always collapses from within. This is a saying found in ancient ruins, and it is very suitable here.

As the institution in charge of all internal affairs of Thalorian Kingdom, the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office bears this heavy burden.

Undoubtedly, the Doomsday Cultists are the biggest "internal affair".

In the recently discovered stronghold of the Doomsday Cult in the High Court District, the adjudicators obtained a very important piece of information--

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The Polluters plan to contaminate the remaining fire in the King's City by polluting the residual light produced by the fire, causing the residents' soul lamps to extinguish and ultimately triggering a catastrophe.

And in some fragmented information, the adjudicators also discovered that they are attempting to contaminate the Holy Fire.

This is undoubtedly destructive. The Internal Affairs Adjudication Office has already started a thorough investigation of all the fire and fire processing plants, and the isolation and review of all fire producers.

And as the person who contributed the most to all of this, Rode has already been preliminarily considered for the "Fire Guardian Medal".

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Therefore, in the process of moving the Redstone Village, there are basically no people who believe that he is guilty.

Even if there are some minor mistakes, they can be forgiven.

For Manolobana, this is the biggest news among countless bad news during this period.

The Doomsday Cultists are all useless trash.

He firmly believes in this and has decided not to use them to carry out the plan anymore.

At present, it is only necessary to prove that Rode is a member of the Doomsday Cult and the direct murderer in the Redstone Village incident in order to strike a blow to the Fire Candidates who protect him.

"I have a record of Ghost and God Illustrations"

And Manolobana already has a perfect plan for this.

We have already won.

He thought.

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He came to the medical center of the Healing Sect, where the injured team members from the last sewer incident, Raisin, Karamon, and Ege, were staying.

In the patrol mission more than ten days ago, the team composed of them and Rode encountered the Doomsday Cultists in the sewer and suffered heavy injuries. Only Rode was unscathed, which was very suspicious in itself.

And the accompanying guardian, Levi, is one of them, and his testimony is of the highest priority.

If they can also join the three of them, then Rode will definitely be considered as a Doomsday Cultist who infiltrated the internal affairs with special purposes.

His merits are just a bitter plan used by the Doomsday Cultists to gain trust.

Otherwise, how could a student who is not even a formal combatant easily kill so many Doomsday Cultists and easily find the secret stronghold that the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office's professional investigators have not discovered for many years?

As long as Rode is allowed to undergo a special investigation, the information obtained after peeling off his soul can be freely fabricated by Manolobana.

At this stage, it is a very simple matter to defeat the Fire Candidate Green Feather.

You will eventually pay the price for your childish and foolish behavior.

He thought.

He walked into the first ward of the church's medical center.

Living here is "White Smoke" Ege, a student of the 20th class, with the soul attribute of "Smoke", a strong second-class attribute. He lives in Iron Furnace City and is the only fire wielder among his seven siblings. His father accidentally fell into a large iron furnace during forging and his remains were destroyed. His mother is the only one supporting the seven children, and their family conditions are very poor.

He respects his mother very much, and his biggest wish is to bring his mother and six siblings to live in the upper city. His second biggest wish is to grow taller.

Ege's injuries are not serious, but the infection is deep. He has not completely recovered yet and is still in danger. He just woke up yesterday.

He was very surprised by the arrival of the Grand Adjudicator. This is a high-ranking figure in the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office, actually coming to visit an ordinary combatant like him.

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His attitude was also very friendly, without any airs. He seemed to understand him very well in his words, which made Ege feel warm in his heart.

Perhaps, this is what important people are like.

Soon, they talked about what happened that day. This important person seemed to be particularly interested in Rode's actions. He kept asking about every detail and raised many strange questions.

"When you encountered the traitor, did he have any special actions?"

"Did Rode have a conversation with the Black Priest?"

"Why didn't the Black Priest kill Rode?"

"Did he use some seemingly unintentional actions to make your situation worse?"

Ege felt a little impatient, and after denying one by one, he said seriously, "Your Excellency, I have made it clear. Rode helped us sincerely. Although his strength is insufficient, I don't think he did anything wrong."

Manolobana looked at him with a meaningful look.

"Ege, you just joined the City Defense Army. Your current weekly salary is 800 silver coins. To become a team leader, you need to be a combatant of level 8 or above. Your psychic energy level is currently only 3, and you need at least level 4 to be eligible for combat rating. The promotion ceremony for the 4th level psychic energy requires very rare sun crystals. Based on your current standards, if there is no special major contribution, it will take at least a year to apply."

"Even if you become a level 8 combatant, your weekly salary is only 1,200 silver coins, and the cheapest housing in the upper city costs 10,000 silver coins per square. A large soul lamp costs 90,000 silver coins, and the monthly cost of fire is as high as 3,000. You need at least 1,000 weeks to gather this amount."

"Finally, if you are not a combatant of level 7, you are not qualified to purchase properties in the upper city."

Manolobana smiled a little.

"But if you can provide testimony according to the 'truth', I can give you a house belonging to the Manolobana family for free, and I can immediately apply for a sun crystal for you. You can quickly become a level 8 combatant, and I can also transfer you to the inner city for defense, away from those dangerous areas."

Ege's face froze.

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"How about it? You can think about it carefully."

Manolobana smiled calmly and walked out of the room without any hurry. He knew that he couldn't be too pushy and wasn't worried about being bitten back.

In a while, when they fall from their illusory ideals into the cold reality, they will understand that their own interests are the most important thing to pay attention to.

However, before he could push open the door, he heard Ege's resolute voice from behind.

"I refuse! This is the destruction of our homeland, an insult to all the fallen soldiers! I will report you! You are a Doomsday Cultist wearing a mask!"

A cold killing intent flashed in Manolobana's eyes, and he didn't say anything. He left without looking back.

What's worse, Karamon and Raisin also did not agree.

"Rode is my good brother, and I won't frame my good brother. Of course, I heard that the women of the Manolobana family are very beautiful. If your wife and daughter come to sleep with me, maybe I will consider it."

This was Karamon's reply, who was still immersed in the solution and his body was not fully grown.

"I don't know what personal grudges you have, but Archbishop Horus has warned us not to bring any personal grudges into official business. As the Grand Adjudicator of the Internal Affairs Adjudication Office, you should understand this better than me."

This was Raisin's reply.

The curse in his body has not been eliminated and he is still undergoing the purification ritual by the Sister.

None of the three agreed, and the Grand Adjudicator's personal intervention was still rejected.

A cold anger circulated in Manolobana's heart, and he made up his mind to make them pay the price.

"Rode, you can't escape!"

"Ignorance, naivety, and kindness cannot survive in this world! You will all die!"

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