Kimberly College did not hold a grand and lengthy ceremony for the arrival of new students. Instead, a short welcome party was held by hundreds of teachers, but their enthusiasm showed that the college did not underestimate them.

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After the brief welcome party, they actively helped students deal with various matters, enabling them to integrate into the college and settle down as soon as possible.

It must be said that their efficiency was really high. Soon, Rode received a basket of supplies and returned to his assigned dormitory.

To his surprise, the dormitory was a single room. The room was about forty square meters and had a desk, chairs, bookshelves, wardrobes, beds, and all kinds of daily necessities. There was even a separate bathroom and balcony.

This kind of dormitory was no longer just luxurious for students, it was simply an existence in their dreams.

Rode tried it out and found that there was even running water, with hot and cold options. The sewer system was also very advanced, with floor drains and water traps, proving that they fully understood the corresponding engineering and construction knowledge.

This was by no means an ignorant country. Even in such a harsh environment, they had developed knowledge and civilization.

Closing the door, Rode suddenly felt a sense of home. Indeed, in the terrifying night, in a strange and exotic kingdom city, there was a warm and enclosed space, a harbor far away from threats and turmoil.

Wasn't this home?

Rode really wanted to throw all the clutter in his hands and the mixed thoughts in his mind on the ground and just sleep well.

But this was impossible.

He still knew too little about this world, and was unaware of many of their strange characteristics. The danger was not far away, the investigation was still ongoing, and the interrogation from the Internal Adjudication Court was about to come. He did not know any more about the truth than he did before.

He still needed to quickly figure out the secrets in his dreams and find the connections between them.

To stay alive.

Rode thought to himself.

I must survive.

No matter where I am.

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But this was not a simple matter. The environment here was not as relaxed as in his original world. He was unfamiliar with this place and had troubles to deal with.

Over two hundred members of the Redstone Village transfer team died in the wilderness. Rode, as the main suspect, was able to receive the current treatment entirely due to his superb eloquence.

This also proved one thing, in such conditions, holding onto someone's thigh was a very good choice.

"It seems that I have to try to hold onto the thighs of more girls...hmph, my skills were not honed in vain.""Ah, it's a pity that the new king is a man, and I don't know the Banana God Technique."

Rode sighed deeply, feeling like he was losing his principles.

But in order to survive, principles didn't matter.

He could even accept warming the bed for that arrogant little girl Kassan every day.

But that wasn't realistic; she wasn't a princess and didn't have that kind of power.

The second option, besides groveling, was to become self-sufficient.

According to the information he had gathered, the humans here were isolated and trapped in darkness, and they definitely needed fighting power.

If he could demonstrate strong potential, they wouldn't easily harm him.

If he was worth five armored divisions, then maybe even the princess would wear black stockings for him.

But the problem was that he hadn't actually passed the final trial of the Trial of Fire, nor had he ignited his soul.

There must have been something wrong that caused their misjudgment.

The biggest suspect was naturally the strange dream.

And he had many questions that needed answers from the dream.

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"But how do I go back?"

Rode was worried.

"Should I go find the nun for a full-body massage?"

Search for the original.

Although it made sense, he realized it wasn't feasible upon further thought.

If he went back to the Yusef Medical Center, it would probably be Yusef's mother who personally treated him, and her tastes were too heavy for his small frame.

Asking for a specific nun to do it wasn't realistic either; it would definitely offend Yusef's mother.

The only solution was to find a different church medical center.

But an unfamiliar place wouldn't let him freeload; they would definitely charge him.

According to Yusef's mother, their church medical center was a very high-end club.

The cost for a full-body massage at a high-end club would certainly not be cheap.

Rode took out his weekly salary from his pocket.

Seven silver coins in total, the largest no bigger than a thumb, the smallest not even half the size of a fingernail.

The coins were exquisitely crafted, with anti-wear markings on the edges. The front featured the image of Thalorian, the creator of the king's city and a human hero, while the back showed a burning flame surrounded by a great shield and a sword.

These were the silver coins used in Thalorian Kingdom.

Seven silver coins totaled twenty-two silver.

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Rode took out a silver note from his other pocket.

It was about the size of two thumbs, equally exquisite and thin, with hollow patterns. The texture was soft, indicating it was made of pure silver. The front featured a sun pattern, while the back showed a flame-shaped crown.

The face value was twenty silver.From the form of currency, it is clear that there is trade and market within the kingdom, and the population should exceed ten million.

Otherwise, there would be no need to issue currency, and a rationing system would suffice.

But the currency is made of precious metals, not purely a credit currency, proving that their currency concept is not advanced enough, and it's not a true free market.

There should be some items under control and cannot be bought with money alone.

This is in line with the current situation. When a regime faces a powerful external threat, it will inevitably use its power to allocate resources to maximize utilization.

In fact, it is incredible that this kingdom has the existence of currency and a free market.

Rode weighed the money in his hand, a total of forty-two silver soxes.

According to Wayne, a barrel of blue mushroom soup costs one silver sox, a cup of blue lampgrass wine costs two silver soxes, and it takes three silver soxes to eat a full meal a day.

These forty-two silver soxes, no matter how frugal he is, will only be enough to eat for about half a month.

At this consumption rate, the high-end club's "great health" service would cost at least one thousand silver soxes, right?

Then he would have to save up for five months to go to the dreamland?

"No, five months is too long. My grave grass may be ten meters high by then."

Rode found it hard to accept.

Do I have to go to work?

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"Well... as long as there is a free market, there will be many opportunities to make money. Maybe I can go and look for them."

Rode silently noted this as one of the optional plans.

However, what he really wanted was to freeload.

Freeloading is the source of happiness.

"But how can I freeload?"

Rode pondered this question while collecting the distributed items, mainly books, clothes, scales, and rulers.

After taking a comfortable hot bath and washing off the dirt and blood stains on his body, he threw away the worn-out clothes and put on the uniform of the Kimberly Academy.

When Rode stood in front of the mirror again, he looked completely new, with a clean face, wet hair, and light-colored pupils with a strange charm. Paired with the brand new, well-tailored light blue robe, a sunny and scholarly young man appeared before his eyes.


Rode took a deep breath, and the boy in the mirror also exhaled a big breath.

He had experienced too much today, and it was only with his superhuman perseverance and strong will to survive that he had made it this far.Black mist, fire, monsters, transcendent beings, strange dreams, a king's city with peculiar customs, and this academy full of wonders, with enthusiastic classmates.

Looking back at everything, it was like a dream.

Yesterday's life seemed far away from him.

A life full of unknowns had already unfolded before him.

"If this is a dream, then I wish for a good dream."

"If it's not, then I wish to find my worth in the waking world."

Rode chuckled lightly and lay down on the bed.

His spirit was already exhausted, and when his head touched the soft pillow, all thoughts were interrupted.

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