The Last King of Darkness

Chapter 92: Do you want to join us?

"Don't keep looking, come over and lie down."

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Yusef's voice interrupted Rode's thoughts.

"I have been studying in the Great Library for a month with the help of Scholar Amides. We both agree that you have a rare acquired spiritual disorder combined with mental abnormalities that cause memory dysfunction. I have found the perfect treatment method. This time, you will definitely remember wetting your pants when you were a child."

Rode was dumbfounded.

I wasn't even present, how did they determine that I have this strange illness? They didn't just make up a disease to treat me, did they?

However, he had already scheduled Yusef's treatment as a success. If he denied it now, how would the plan proceed?

Rode anxiously lay down on the bed.

This time, Yusef didn't ask him to take off his clothes or use strange essential oils and potions. She raised her hands, and a strange spiritual light shone from her body. The powerful spiritual fluctuation directly touched Rode's spirit, making him realize that this treatment was extraordinary.

He couldn't help but open his Soul Vision and turned to look at Yusef. What he saw was a slender and tall light-red soul, with white spiritual energy emanating from deep within the soul. It formed intricate patterns that rose along her hands like a beautiful veil, enveloping this beautiful soul.

Rode was once again amazed.

He had never seen such exquisite spiritual energy before, and it was the first time he had seen a soul that didn't match the body's appearance.

Yusef's voice of admiration came from his ear, "Little guy, it seems like your spiritual vision is quite high. But now, my treatment is about to begin, so you better turn off your spiritual vision."

Rode's heart trembled. She can even perceive that?

Thinking back to how she had only used one finger to preliminarily measure his spiritual energy earlier, while the Mechanical Research Institute required complex instruments to do the same.

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Yusef was indeed not an ordinary person.

He turned off his Soul Vision and saw Yusef clenching her fists and striking them together.

With a muffled sound, the spiritual light seemed to burst out from her body, and countless white light spots fell like a shower of flowers. Upon closer inspection, each light spot was a small butterfly, rapidly flapping its wings and entering his body.

Rode felt like his soul was bathing in spring rain, with flowers blooming and birds singing.

The cracks in his soul seemed to be repaired, and the hidden pain in his spirit completely disappeared. Rode felt as if he had been reborn.

The light rain continued for a minute. When it ended, Yusef was sweating profusely and looked very exhausted.

A smile appeared on her plump face. "Little guy, how do you feel?"

Rode quickly said, "I feel great, my memory..."

Before he could finish his words, Yusef pressed her finger against his forehead, and her face instantly wrinkled.

"The gaseous layer has changed significantly, but the light layer and this layer's waveform haven't changed... Did the treatment fail again? Why is it like this?"

Rode's heart shook. She can still perceive the changes in my soul?

He immediately changed his tune, "Although I haven't fully recovered, I remember a lot!"

Disappointment appeared on Yusef's face, but she quickly smiled.

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"Really? You really remember? If the treatment can have an effect, it means our theory is correct. We just need to increase the intensity. It seems like my efforts over the past month haven't been in vain."

She forcibly pushed Rode back down and covered him with a blanket.

"According to the treatment process, you should get a good sleep. Resting your soul fully will help you remember more things."

She walked out of the room lightly and closed the door.

Outside, Yusef's serious voice came, "There is an important patient recovering inside. For the next eight hours, no one is allowed to disturb."

In the room, Rode had no choice but to lie down.

It seems like I have to wait for another eight hours. That's half a day.

My nine-day leave has already passed... Hopefully, Chief Theodore will help me extend it, or Kassan will explode again.

Rode couldn't fall asleep at the moment. He looked around and realized that this seemed to be Yusef's room. It shouldn't be dangerous here, so he formed the lightning symbol with his fingers and entered the dream realm.

The dream realm had completely returned to its original state, quiet, peaceful, mysterious, with a fading mist enveloping everything, stretching infinitely into the distance.

Rode walked to the monument and was surprised to find that it had completely recovered. The cracks on the surface had all disappeared.

Is this the effect of Yusef's treatment?

Since the last invasion, the cracks on the monument had never fully healed. But now, they suddenly did, which could only be the result of Yusef's treatment.

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So Yusef has this ability as well. It seems like I should visit this Church Medical Institute more often.

Rode looked around and returned to the cabin. He took out a book of knowledge from the bookshelf and continued studying about the dream realm.

Rode had already understood most of the important parts and now needed to delve into the details.

The entire book was enough for Rode to study for a while.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

After about six hours, Rode temporarily stopped studying, feeling dizzy from the complex ancient language grammar. He put the book back on the shelf.

Looking at the patterns on the book's cover, which seemed displeased, Rode fed it two red stones to ensure smooth learning in the future.

As he watched the patterns on the hardcover stretch happily after swallowing the red stones, Rode felt a peculiar sense of confusion.

Returning from the dream realm, everything remained unchanged, and the room was quiet.

Rode forced himself to sleep for a while but couldn't fall back asleep.

He sat up and shifted his gaze to the crystal wall, where the images displayed the patients undergoing treatment in various rooms.

In fact, most of the patients were relatively normal. The few who flirted with the sister and the few who were flirted with were just a minority.

Most of the treatments didn't involve massages either. When the patients were brought in, many of them were quite bloody, with open wounds. Some even had malignant abscesses, horrifying flesh growths, or extensive ulcerations, corroding deep into the bones, to the point where they no longer resembled humans.

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During these times, the Healing Nuns would be busy. Their bodies shimmered with spiritual light as they wielded shining knives, cutting away the unclean flesh and using a solution that shimmered with a faint light to clean the wounds. Some even sealed strange crystals inside.

This period seemed to be the peak time, with busy figures throughout the Church Medical Institute. Patients were constantly being brought in, and Yusef's large figure shuttled back and forth on the stairs and corridors, seemingly constantly summoned. Many patients needed her support.

Rode became engrossed, as if he caught a glimpse of the true appearance of the human world outside the royal city.

Suddenly, at the bottom of the crystal wall, he saw three familiar figures.

Aren't those Raisin and the others?

After the incident in the sewer, Rode hadn't seen them for a long time. At this moment, in the crystal wall, besides Karamon still lying in the solution, the other two were able to get out of bed and move around. They were gathered in Karamon's ward.

Rode smiled and walked towards them.

When Raisin and the others saw him, they all showed a pleasant surprise.

"Rode, why are you here?"

"Great, we were just about to look for you!"

"Let me tell you something, we found a big tumor. He's really bad, spreading filth everywhere, polluting our environment."

"He even wanted us to frame you, but we refused."

"We've discussed it for a long time and decided to create a major event. We must remove him from the royal city. We can't let this filthy stagnant water spread everywhere."

Raisin smiled and reached out his hand.

"What do you think? Do you want to join us?"

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