Chapter 13 – The wriggling forest

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My eyes scan through the strategy guide in Wiki to search for the boss near Malcott’s forest. It seems that the nearest boss monster located near the capital Malcott is to the north of it.

Come to think of it, Liam had said before that the Orcs reside in the forest north of Meldor. Even so, I thought for sure that there would be an Orc King or Orc-type commanders, but it seems like it isn’t so. Orcs were not the only monsters in the forest.

Perhaps Liam did not know the vicinity well yet.

Considering the boss’s level and my own, it’s an appropriate opponent for me, but it’s still probably stronger than me. Even so, this particular boss’s level is lower than the other bosses. It might be strange not to know that fact.

Well then, should I hurry up and start logging in now?




The kingdom’s army was organized, and it was the fourth day that they had started marching.

There were no foolish bandits or monsters that came to challenge the two-thousand strong army, and they progressed smoothly till they reached the forest where the orcs resided directly. They were able to survey the areas of the forest without any issues.

The advancing army was taking a short break to heal their weariness.

If they were to think of it realistically, it was not really a miracle to move at such a swift speed.

First, the army was trained well. Secondly, when the order to subjugate the orcs was issued, the emergency structure that the kingdom had made it a matter of time to set up the emergency army quickly. Finally, the wizards’ support magic aided in the advancing army’s speed behind the scenes.

Also, one could say it was fortunate there were around 200 adventurers despite the hasty recruitment in the Adventurer Guild. Some of the even had subjugated orcs before, and at least held the sense they were facing dangerous orcs, unlike the ones they had encountered before.

These mercenaries who had real battle experience would be useful in this fight.

However, they had never moved with a large army before. Rafael divided them into two and distributed accordingly in the kingdom’s army in order to lead them properly.

Even though all the matters were supposedly settled, Rafael was pondering deeply on his suspicions.

Just what exactly happened to these orcs that needed to be suppressed?

Why had they become so strong that they were able to launch such a strong assault to the village and destroyed it?

The army had done their due diligence in regards to the monsters’ activity in recent years. It was true that there were monsters had become stronger, but they were either an increase of individual’s skill levels or monsters moving in groups with an increase in numbers, although limited.

So why and how did this happen?

Rafael considered the possibility of a commander amongst the orcs. The orcs were a race that followed their instincts, and was it not impossible for a powerful person they could not defeat who made them submit?

If this were true, defeating that leader would mean that the enemy army’s control would be lost, and their winning chance would probably become higher.

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Still, just how strong was that enemy commander was to control a thousand orcs?

[Commander, what are you thinking about?]

His adjutant asked, and Rafael stopped his thoughts and responded to him.

[No, nothing. I feel a little off because our progress has been excessively smooth.]

[Indeed. It is true that our progress has gone a little too well, but it’s probably better to have that instead of problems.]

Rafael gave a smile of acknowledgment.

His adjutant had been with him for seven long years.

Because of their differences in status, there would be some hesitation to speak informally. Thus, when it was only the two of them together, Rafael would have an affable disposition and they could speak freely.

[Come to think of it, there’s a new type of potion that came from the Academy, but is it usable?]

In order to change the subject, Rafael turned the topic to the new medicine from the Royal Magic Research Institute, otherwise known as the Academy.

[Yes, it’s a product called Elixir, and it has been judged to be quite effective. At any rate, it appears that one can receive both effects of an HP and Mana potion from drinking it. The supporting magicians and a few others have tried it, and it seemed like it reached an Intermediate Mana and Health Potions’ potency.]

[I see, a combination effect, huh. It’s a pity and quite frustrating that we cannot procure a satisfactory amount to ensure our troop’s safety because of the lack of time.]

Medicine that could recover mana and heal injuries was highly practical. It was particularly important for the knights who served as vanguards. Mana was not limited by wizards or spellcasters, and every human and demi-races’ citizen were capable of using mana. Wizards and spellcasters could convert mana and make various miracles, but there were techniques to improve physical strength or strengthen tools by using Mana as well.

Because of that reason, Mana Potions were indispensable. The vanguard knights who were easily susceptible to injuries meant that the Elixir was of great importance because it had the effects of HP and Mana potions at the same time.

The knights did not understand what exactly the people in the Academy were usually doing and why there was a need for them to even exist, but the current evaluation was higher as the voices of praise were going up.

Rafael was astonished at the improvement of the kingdom’s potion-making but was also proud that he belonged to his nation.

This topic filled Rafael and his adjutant’s conversation, until the noise from the hooves of a horse running towards them echoed in their ears.

[Commander, I think the scouts have returned—]

It seemed like the scouts who went out earlier had returned.

[Is that so? But it’s a little fast. I wonder if they found something? In any case, we should listen to the report.]

Rafael and his adjutant turned around to face the rider and receive the report.

[Welcome back. You have returned quickly.]

[Yes, commander! That’s because we found something strange.]


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Rafael responded without thinking before he could reprimand the young knight who went out scouting and returned with an unclear report instead of getting to the point.

[We could not find any presence of the orcs, and besides the rustling of leaves in the forest, it was quiet and seemed uninhabited.]


The forest was indeed big, but was there any possibility of not finding an orc when there were a thousand of them? Perhaps they saw the army’s presence and hid because of that?

(….. Maybe they have set up an ambush.)

Their opponents could be seen as a proper army. It was a high possibility that they had set up ambushes, not to mention his own army were in the enemies’ territory and any fights would be to their advantage.

It was a feeling of dread, even with the superior numbers he had now.

The possibilities for an ambush were many because of the many obstacles in the forest, while the movement of his soldiers was limited. If it was possible, he wanted to deploy the cavalry and lure the enemies out to a spot outside the forest where they could fight an open battle.

(Should I burn the forest and lure them out?)

There was the possibility of bringing out monsters other than orcs, especially when there was no real need to force out the enemies.

The most significant trouble they could face was a dragon or something similar. There were existences of High Dragons which were human-friendly. He had not heard of any such powerful creatures living in this forest, but he could not deny the possibility of such a dragon living deep in the woods where people did not reach.

If the army set off a fire, it would be an apparent act of hostility, and the dragon would bare their fangs at them.

There was once a kingdom who accidentally attacked a dragon’s nest and had their capital city burned and destroyed by it. They could handle a dragon with low intelligence if it appeared, but defeat would be inevitable if orcs were put into the mix.

Then there was also the consideration that the nearby cities and villagers were living on the forest’s grace. It was a negative, inhuman act to burn off the kingdom’s resources.

This meant there was no choice but to dance to the opponents’ tune. He had to advance carefully while paying attention to any ambushes.

(I hope nothing is going to happen.)

He cut off his indescribable bad feelings within him and started getting on his horse, then ordered his army to advance into the forest.

The forest was quiet just like the scouts had reported. However, even though there were no signs of orcs, he felt like someone was watching them.

(As expected, there’s going to be an ambush? Perhaps they are surrounding us from a distance away?)

In any case, they could only advance deeper into the forest when they were unable to see the enemies’ presence.

The trees grew thick enough to block visibility and sunlight did not shine into the area they were in. Compared to the slightly brighter forest they had entered earlier, there was an eerie atmosphere here brought along with coldness.

The orcs might be moving along trails made by large monsters which were wider than the path they were taking.

Due to not seeing the enemies’ presence in the forest and having the possibility of being ambushed, the mental strain was strong; the knights and adventurers’ morale were being worn down.


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Rafael had doubts. They had entered the forest for nearly an hour. It was odd that they had not seen any enemies too, but the real problem was how they were being observed all the time ever since they entered the forest, and yet he knew not where the observation took place from.

How was it possible for the enemies to observe two thousand and two hundred men while hiding their presence?

And it was not just a single person but multiple pairs of eyes. Perhaps they were orcs good at hiding?

He turned towards the direction where he felt the gazes from, but all he saw were dense leaves covering the top of the trees, and there were no signs of the orcs.

[Commander, that is!]

His adjutant pointed at something, and he turned his gaze over.

There were a group of orcs impatiently waiting ahead of the path they were in; their numbers were not a thousand strong, but possibly a mere hundred.

It was true that the path they were currently in limited the number of men they could fight compared to a broader trail used by the monstrous beasts, but it was sheer foolishness for such a small army to fight them. Perhaps there were ambushers coming from the dense foliage or the top of the trees.

He wanted to give out instructions to prepare for an ambush but at that moment —

Perhaps if there was an Elf, a citizen of the forest, they might have noticed the trees’ strange nature, and the results would be different.

But there were nearly no Elves were living in the kingdom Castaal, and the army did not even have a single Elf recruited.

— And thus the outcome was a tragedy.


The sound of a large object cutting through the air reverberated behind Rafael’s back. He had sensed the danger and immediately crouched. However, it was not an ugly orc that jumped down from the tree, but a large branch was cutting through the air.

(A huge tree branch? Is it a trap!?)

Screams broke up one after another. When he turned to the soldiers, he saw tree branches and vines attacking them.

(Trap…… No, that’s wrong!)


A soldier was struck in the abdomen by a tree branch and fainted while vomiting out blood.

[No! No! S-someone help me!]

Another soldier pawed desperately at the ground in order to escape and screamed because he could imagine the near future’s horror, but his desire to run away was not successful as he was thrown in the air; his arms were flailing wildly before he landed on his neck, breaking it and was killed.

[Guh……. khh…..]

Several soldiers were bound tightly as the vines bound them around them repeatedly and strangled voices of anguish could be heard.

[Damn you, damn you — Ahhhh!!]

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A soldier was bravely cutting up the tree branches, but a huge root crushed him.

The trees were attacking as though they had a clear will. Indeed, they were……

(Damn it! These are monsters that mimic trees!)

It was not because they could not see the enemies. It was no wonder that they had been observed all the time.

It was because the figures were always visible.

There were currently no sightings of monsters that could mimic trees in the kingdom. That was why the army was unable to imagine that the trees ambushed them. Rafael was furious at his own carelessness. However, if he continued to do nothing, then the damage would spread.

[Don’t be afraid! Gather up and move together! Our opponents are made of wood, wizards and archers are to deal with them with fire! The priests are to heal our injuries! The rest are to defend tightly!]

He raised his voices to the limits, and his words were transmitted over to the soldiers who were running everywhere due to the ambush, and they started moving collectively.

Not all the trees were monsters, and their numbers were few. Rafael could only see about ten of them from his line of sight. But the immense slow-moving bodies of these creatures coming from both sides were a threat to them.


Rafael temporarily strengthened his physical might and climbed up the tree by jumping on the tree’s trunk and branches.


He leaped up into the air, used his whole body weight to put into his sword while combining it with a mighty swing. He cleaved the tree monster into two, and the two equal parts fell violently onto the ground and caused the area to shake.

[See this! These are opponents that are not unbeatable! Don’t be afraid and attack them!]

The commander’s figure made the army’s morale rise. Their offense was increased with fire magic and fire arrows.

As expected of plant type monsters, they made bizarre groaning noises when they were showered in concentrated fire volleys, and were finally felled by the soldiers overwhelming them. At the same time, the soldiers evaded the toppling of the trees by moving to the left and right in order to avoid being crushed by the monsters’ bodies.

Suddenly, roars could be heard.

The orcs which had been laying in wait attacked the kingdom’s army.

(Damn it, the orcs were waiting for this timing?!)

If he thought about it, the orcs and tree monsters moved and attacked together with intentional timing, making it a collaborative fight. Indeed, their actions were entirely coordinated.

Rafael noticed that the tree monsters were moving in a way that would separate them when they collapsed onto the ground.

[Shit! The soldiers are being divided, if that’s the case–!]

The orcs were striking all sides, and the small numbers of the divided army’s troops had to face them. It was a strategy to isolate and defeat them bit by bit.

— This was the start of the army’s suffering.

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