The Legacy System

Chapter 43: 43

These thoughts were for later, right now he had to go home and think. Today had been a day full of surprises that had changed the entire current situation.

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Now he had a lot more things to think about while trying to become as strong as possible by training and leveling up.

Thinking like this he arrived home, opening the door he could notice by the shoes on the shelf, that his little brother and Mina were still in the house, and Tina too.

He needed to let some steam, so Tina was a perfect choice. Thinking like this he passed through the empty hallway and went towards her room.

His little brother was dead asleep in his room, he seemed to have played too much. On the other hand, Mina seemed to be in Tina's room talking.

Well, more than talking it seemed like Tina screaming in a low voice angrily at her,

Tina:" You bitch, how dare you come here. I paid you to only sleep with him, not for you to trap him, and come here as his girlfriend, or fiancé."

Mina on the other hand seemed really calm, and carefree while she said,

Mina:" Well I thought why should I waste my time drinking from a small bottle when I can directly drink from the spring.

Don't you think it's better!? Not to mention that I will have the status, and won't need to sell myself any more.

But if you want me to disappear there is a way too!"

Her words made Tina almost lose her mind, as she said with disbelief clearly on her face,

Tina:" So you are doing this only for money!?"

Mina seemed to have heard the best joke of her life as she smiled and said,

Mina:" Of course it's only for money. What did you think, I have fallen for your idiot son?

I feel pity that he doesn't know what a sl*t his mom is, but just that. There isn't born yet the man that can make me surrender."

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Tina was ready to kill this bitch right here and now, but she couldn't, her son would never forgive her if she did that, so with a defeated voice she said,

Tina:" Tell me how much you want!?"

Mina��s face bloomed into a full smile, as she looked at her opponent and said,

Mina:" Well considering everything I have been through, 100.000$ would be the least compensation I am looking forwards to."

Tina almost had a heart attack at that moment, and she immediately jumped,

Tina:" Are you an idiot where am I supposed to find 100.000$!?

50.000$ is the most I can get!"

Mina looked towards her probable mother-in-law and said with a grin,

Mina:" Who do you think you are dealing with? You think I don't know about your little network, I was part of it for so long.

So either 100.000$ or welcome me to the family, mother-in-law."

Once again Tina was left without a choice, she couldn't allow this sl*t to be around her son. It was okay at first, to take her son's infatuation, but now this was going too far.

She was defeated, but she wouldn't allow anyone to take her lightly, as she said,

Tina:" Ok, 100.000$ it is, but if I see you close to my son, or this place once again, I will make sure you die a horrifying death, you know what I am capable of."

Mina was frightened for a moment, it was true, this woman was a demon. She had been able to get rid of and destroy so many people.

Knowing her reputation, she was sure going to die, if anything like that happened. Recomposing herself after the threat, she said in a shaky voice,

Mina:" Bu-but of course, no one will see me ever again!"

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Hearing this, Tina took out a checkbook, and wrote the 100.000$ on it, and was going to hand it over to Mina, right at this moment though, she heard a voice she never wanted to hear,

Eric:" Ara~ Ara~! So my little dog is so rich and gives me only crumbles. This is truly heartbreaking you know little dog."

His entrance stunned the two women, one because she knew she had just been caught in the worst situation possible, and the second because she didn't know who he was.

It was truly a weird situation, especially for Mina, she had never seen this guy, but he most probably overheard their talk. She was busted.

She was feeling too much pressure and anxiety right now, to properly process his words, like 'little dog' for example. Even though he used it two times.

On the other hand, Tina was completely gloomy at this moment, she knew that torture and terror were expecting her.

Even though she was in this position she couldn't let Mina know that, so she tried to play it down and said with a strict voice,

Tina:" What is the meaning of this Eric? What are you doing right now in my room?"

She just hoped that Eric would be in a good mood, and would let her go this time, she was ready to accept any punishment later, but now, she needed him to go.

Her eyes were looking at him with imploration, but Eric didn't care at all. His target wasn't just her right now after all.

So with these thoughts in mind, he said with a fake sigh,

Eric:" Sigh~. Who would have thought that my little dog is still so Rambo and untrained? Don't worry I will be sure to train you properly later little dog.

Together with this little sister you have found yourself here."

It was only now that Mina was able to recollect herself and process Eric's words. He was talking like this to Tina, and she didn't seem to be able to refuse it either.

So who was this guy, the name Eric seemed a bit heard to her? Then she remembered about Michaels, useless half-brother. His name was Eric too.

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But there was no way this guy could be him. He was supposed to be a good-for-nothing, useless, and ugly skeleton. This guy was the total opposite of that.

While she couldn't speak, Tina knew this situation was going in a bad direction, that she wanted to avoid at all costs.

Tina:" What do you mean?"

Eric seemed to enjoy this situation and said calmly, with a grin on his face,

Eric:" Well I think you will understand what I want, once you have seen this!"

Then he took out his phone, to show them a short video, it was the earlier conversation they were having, it was all registered.

Tina's nightmare was starting to get real, while Mina's nightmare was just starting. But she couldn't allow this guy to have the upper hand so she thought of threatening him.

Mina:" So what!? You want money too?

Not a chance! That video doesn't prove anything, me and Tina just have to play like it was a game, or you forced us to do it!

So don't make any stupid mistake, and just turn around and leave, we were in the middle of a serious discussion, otherwise, Tina will make you disappear."

Even though she was threatening, she was doing it in Tina's name, and she didn't feel ashamed at all.

Too bad that her threat didn't work though, as a matter of fact, worked against her. Now Tina knew that her nightmare was sure to turn true.

Especially looking at the devilish smile on Eric's face, and pretty soon the verdict arrived. Eric said with a smiling face, but a dominating voice,

Eric:" Little dog, bark twice for Master, and come here to lick your favorite thing, while Master thinks of your punishment."

His face showed a smile but his words were like the verdict of an Emperor. He didn't accept no for an answer. She had to do that, and right now.

Tina knew that if she dared again to not obey his words, she would suffer more than she had imagined. She already made two mistakes and had a punishment in line.

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With what Eric had heard earlier, and with the check still in her hands, she knew that she was going to suffer a lot tonight.

So without losing much time, and anger her Master, she barked twice, 'woof woof', and then she got on her four, walking like a dog waving her tail to its Master.

Reaching him, she immediately went for his zipper with her mouth, she couldn't even use her paw-hands.

Satisfied with Tina's attitude, Eric turned his attention to Mina and said with a devilish smile on his face,

Eric:" What about you, Mina-chan. Will you join your big sister down here, or would you like to disappear?"

Mina was stupefied at first, seeing the scene that happened in front of her, but she was awakened from her reverie from Eric's words.

She was confused about the question though, so she asked with clear confusion on her face,

Mina:" What do you mean!?"

Eric didn't seem to be in a hurry or anything so he said calmly,

Eric:" Well you will either become my little pet, just like Tina is.

Or I will show that short video to my sweet little brother, who is madly in love with you. By the way, if you think that it's okay and you will just leave like that, you are wrong.

I will use the little dog that is serving me to hunt you down and make you suffer a lot. I am sure she would be really pleased to do that."

Mina was with her back against the wall, and Eric in front of her. There didn't seem to be any escape route in between, not with Tina at his legs.

She had to accept though, she was tempted by that thing in between his legs. She had never seen anything like that.

But still accepting to be a little pet, was too much, so she decided to use a woman's biggest weapon, crying…


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