The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 10: 10

Chapter 10: Student Council President.

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"Why do you keep doing that!?" Kaira said as Haru stepped through the rift. "It saves time," Haru said as he walked over to the corner that Mia had put his jacket down in. Haru picked up his jacket before shaking all the dust off it. There was no dust on it but it was just a habit he had picked up from his time in the war. Things tend to get dirty if there are bits of dirt flying around. He then put on his jacket and made sure he took his time adjusting it as when he looked at Kaira he saw her getting angrier and angrier. "Okay nice meeting you VP, But I will be on my way if you don't mind." Haru patted Kaira on the back before attempting to leave.

"Wait a minute! I have to question you about what happened earlier. You are not going anywhere!" She grabbed Haru's arm. "Fine. Fine I will let you question me. Where are we doing this?" Haru said before Kaira let go of his arm. "Just follow me." She said frustrated and led Haru throughout the corridors of the school. On their way to the Student Council office, Jake walked pat in them. "Hey, Haru. Where are you going? Who is this wo...? Is that the VP? What did you do!?" He whispered to Haru. Kaira turned around almost instantly. "Run along Jake or I will take you for interrogation too. Don't forget I haven't dealt with what happened last time..." She said angrily but that stopped herself. Jake gulped nervously.

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"Kiara, I thought I told you to stop using that word?" An eerily calm voice called out from one of the rooms nearby. Haru looked over to where the voice had come from seeing a boy who looked to be about three years older than him stood in the doorway. He had medium-length silver hair that was a mix between neat an "Oh... President I um... Sorry." Kaira said completely defeated in this situation. Haru smiled. I like this guy. He can make the usually demanding girl shut up with just a few words. He thought before he was interrupted. "Ah, Yes. You must be the Haru I have heard so much about." The student council president said before opening a notebook. "That's me," Haru said casually. Kaira and jake both looked at him with fear. What did I do something wrong? He thought before the President looked up from his notebook. "From what I heard you are quite the fighter... Single-handedly taking down three intruders, injuring a teacher who was abusing their power, injuring a student who provoked you, and then defeating his farther and three bodyguards? Not many students here could do that. So why are you marked as F rank?" He stuttered for a moment. "Oh, I see. You were enrolled here by one of our board members so you didn't take the entrance exam. Is that correct?" He looked down at his book and then back to Haru expecting him to answer.

"Yup. That's about it. But it seems you have it all figured out anyway. Am I still needed here?" He asked. The Student Council president looked back up at Haru and grinned menacingly. "Actually, I was wondering If you wanted to spar with me? Not today of course. But sometime in the future?" He asked whilst flipping through a few pages. Haru was baffled at the thought. Why would I spar with him? Does he have a grudge against me? "Nah not really. I don't have any reason to. Unless let's say. If I win you will let me do whatever I want without being questioned by you guys?" Haru stood smugly not expecting him to agree to his request, but too much surprise. "Yes. Okay, I can work with that." The student council president said with a sadistic grin.

"President You can't!" Kaira spoke up but suddenly she was hit with instant regret. He looked over towards her whilst suppressing her with magic. "And why can't I? Who makes the rules here? You or me?" He said with anger in his voice. Kaira looked at him and sheepishly replied. "Ah. Um... You do Sir." [Break] Haru stepped forward between both of them. "Now. There's no need to be angry. Is there? Just pick the time and date you want to spar with me." The president sighed and then walked back inside the room.

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"Why did you do that!?" Kaira busted out in a fit of rage. She began pacing the hallway. "This is bad! I need to write your damn report up before I can worry about this or it will just get worse." Jake was stood nervously waiting for his chance to speak. "Well, I see that everything has turned out okay. I will be going now. See ya!" And then he hurried on his way back through the hallway. Haru was just about to call out to him before Kaira intervened. "Okay now come inside here." She pulled open a door to an empty room on the other side of the hallway. "Take a seat." She walked over to the other side of the room and sat down at a desk. Haru closed the door behind him and took a seat at the opposite side of the desk.

"Okay, so what do you need from me?" He said before Kaira pulled out a notebook from a drawer underneath the desk. "I need to ask you a few questions about what happened today. So, answer with honesty please." She pulled out a pen from the inside of her jacket. "Okay sure," Haru said before sitting back in the seat. "Okay, then how was the fight in the cafeteria instigated earlier this morning?" She asked whilst writing down the question in the notepad. Haru thought for a second before answering. "Um, I believe it was when the older student slammed his hands down on the table when I was eating. I asked him to leave me to eat and that was when he picked up my plate and threw it across the room.

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Kaira began to write down the answer Haru gave to her. "Then what happened next. She asked before looking back up. "Well, I went and picked everything up and then threw it away. And then I went back to the vending machine and ordered another bun. I began to eat it before the student came over and began to call me names in front of everybody. I think he even called me a peasant haha." Haru laughed at the thought of it. "So that was when you attacked him?" Kaira spoke up. After finishing the sentence.

"No. Not at all. I told him he was acting like a child and began to leave the cafeteria. He then challenged me to a fight. I was going to be late for class so I told him I don't have time. And when I turned my back to him, He shot a ball of fire towards me. So in self-defence, I cancelled his attack and then hit him in the leg with a shard of ice. You can even ask Miss Fujima she had a few witnesses tell her what happened." Kaira stopped writing for a second. "Wait you're telling me that he attacked you first? I gathered witnesses for myself and they all told me that you sneak attacked him." She then picked up a phone from the desk and called somebody. "Hello. Can you have somebody send Miss Fujima down to the interview room? Thank you." And then she put the phone down. She returned to writing. A few minutes went by in total silence before there was a knock on the door.

"Yes? Come in!" She looked up for a moment and then returned to writing some more. The door then opened up and Miss Fujima walked into the room. "You needed something? Oh, Not you again. Haru why are you here?" Haru began to speak. "Interrogation" But Kaira interrupted him before he could finish. "I had a few questions to ask about the situation at lunchtime. And apparently, you spoke to a few of the witnesses?" Kaira said whilst looking up and waiting for a reply. "Um yeah. I spoke with three separate people who all told me that Issac attacked Haru when his back was turned." Miss Fujima said nervously. She was thinking that she had done something wrong. "Can you write down the names of these student's here for me please?" Kaira asked Miss Fujima who willingly agreed and wrote down the names.

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"Well, that is a surprise. I spoke to two of these students and they both told me Haru attacked Issac first. I don't so any reason why they would want to gain Haru's favor by lying. But Issac on the other hand comes from a wealthy background so I wonder if he paid them? Or maybe he threatened them?" As they all thought it over there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Kaira shouted and looked over to the door. A short girl with long, brown, and messy hair came in. "Ah, One of our witnesses. What can I help you with?" Kaira asked with a smile now forming on her face. "I, Uhm. I'm sorry! Issac made me lie to you Miss vice president! He told me if I didn't that he would get my farther fired!" She said and bowed her head. Kaira looked at Haru and smiled. "It's not me you should be apologising to. You could have got Haru in a lot of trouble for what you did." The girl looked over and Haru and stuttered. "Ah. I'm sorry Haru!" She shouted nervously. Haru sat back in his seat and giggled a little bit. "It's okay. It's no big deal."

Kaira went back to making notes in her book before she signed her name at the bottom of the page. "Well, this seems to be solved. We have a witness he claims that Issac manipulated her. With any luck, the other witnesses will speak out against him. Haru. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience. And about the matter with Issac's father, it was all caught on camera. He assaulted your magical beast. Here that is the same as attacking a student. He was removed from the property by security and is banned from entering again. But let me warn you. If you push me through another spatial rift, I will torture you! You can leave now."

Haru wasted no time up from his seat and leaving the room with a yawn. He was already exhausted from the eventful six hours he had been awake for. By the time he navigated the hallways and exited the school it was already dark out. He then made his way back to his dorm room and fell asleep almost immediately.

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