The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 3: 3

Chapter 3: First day at school.

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Haru put on his clothes and went downstairs to see what the commotion was about. As he reached the bottom step he was hit by a blast of cold air.

He looked down the hallway and noticed that the front door was wide open. He looked around for his parents and then he heard a voice from outside. "Hurry up Haru." Haru walked outside to see his dad was putting a bag into the back of a black car with tinted windows.

Through the windows, He could see the faint silhouette of the driver. His mom walked out behind him and put her arm on his shoulder. "Make sure you come and visit us when you're on your break from school." Haru looked back at his mom who now had tears forming in her eyes.

He knew that school was supposed to start soon but he must have let it slip from his mind until now. "Yeah, I will," He said before hugging her and walking over to help his dad out. As he reached his dad he had just finished loading up the car.

He then walked around the side of the car and opened the door for Haru. "Come on get your ass in or you will be late." He said whilst rubbing his face with his sleeve.

Haru got into the car and put on his seat belt. "And don't make your mom worry ok." His dad said as he now rubbed his eyes to hold back tears. "Yes Sir" Haru gave him a salute before closing the door.

"Be careful alright." Were his final words before he closed the door. Haru looked out of the window to see both of his parents waving him goodbye as the driver turned around.

"Are you ready now?" He asked before turning back to look at the road. "Yup." The engine started up and they took off. Haru looked back once more before giving a final wave to his home for fifteen years.

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Haru found the long car ride quite boring. He even tried to make small talk with the driver but he just put the window up so he didn't have to listen to him talk.

He then decided to look at the settings on his lux to pass the time. A projected screen appeared from the lux as he read through the code. He looked at the power configurations and saw something weird. (Powerlimit=True.) Now he didn't know much about code but he did realise that meant there was a power limiter in the lux.

That would explain why his parents actually gave him one. What kind of parents would give their child a weapon that has the ability to kill thousands of people in combat without any precautions?

"I can always change it back," He said to himself before setting it to false. He then looked at the form settings to see what weapon is produced when activated. (Swordform=True.) And directly under that. (Gunform=False.) Weird. I probably owned about seventy Luxes in my previous life and not once did I ever see one with two forms. He thought before switching it to the gun form to check it out.

Just as he was about to check out his lux there was a tap on the window. "We have arrived." The driver said as he opened the door. Haru got out of the car and looked around.

There were hundreds of cars pulling up to the school gate, and at one side there was a line of adults all stood still either waving or crying as their children walked into the distance.

As he was looking around he was startled by a voice behind him. "You must be Haru Kitagawa. Is that correct?" It was a boy who looked about the same age as Haru. He had short blond hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah, that's me." He replied and then turned to pick up his bags. "Oh, great my father said you were coming. I'm Jake Ainsworth" He held out his hand. Haru then threw his bags over his shoulder to get them out of the way and then shook his hand.

"Yeah, Nice to meet you, Jake. By any chance do you know where I should put my bags?" Haru looked around for any signs.

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Of course, they didn't make it easy to find out where he was supposed to go. On the other side of the gate, there was what looked to be a train platform.

"Hmm, I'm not sure they will probably tell us when we get there," Jake said before picking up his own bags.

A few seconds went by before the ground started to vibrate a little. And after a few more there was now a train at the platform.

"All students please board within five minutes." A voice said out from a speaker inside the train. "I guess this is us," Jake said as he started to walk towards the train.

"I guess it is." Haru followed behind Jake. The train carriage was quite small and there were about one hundred and forty people on board. It was like one of the subway systems in Tokyo.

Everybody was packed together like canned sardines. I don't even know how they passed safety regulations he thought. Haru stood next to the door to get some extra legroom when there was a girls voice that cried out.

"Wait a minute!" Haru looked outside the window to see there was a girl running towards the train. "Doors now closing." The voice from the speaker started up again.

He then stuck his foot against the side of the door for a few seconds before the girl managed to make it on to the train.

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"That was cutting it close," Jake whispered to Haru as the girl tried to catch her breath. "Just a bit," Haru said back to him. The train suddenly shot forwards making everyone fly back. Haru then felt a slight impact on his chest. He looked down to get a face full of icy blue hair.

The girl then looked up toward him whilst still trying to catch her breath that was now gently hitting Haru's cheek. "I'm sorry!" She managed to get out in between breaths before she made her way through the crowd of people. Blue hair... Surely she can't be? Haru thought before Jake interrupted him.

"Did you see that she had blue hair? Do you think they will expel her?" Jake asked as the girl disappeared from sight.

"Yeah I saw but why would she be expelled?" Haru inquired into Jake's question.

"They said in the school rules that you can't dye your hair," Jake explained.

"Maybe she didn't dye it." Haru blurted out still lost in his own thoughts.

"What do you mean? Her hair was blue. Of course, she dyed it." Jake sounded frustrated as he said it again.

"Ok if you say so." Haru agreed and then put his hands in his pockets. He looked out of the window watching the trees pass by. It was all just a blur with the speed the train was moving.

The train began to slow down and there were people now talking all around. Suddenly they came to a stop and the doors opened to another train platform. Haru picked up his bags and stepped out. It was like they had just appeared in a different country.

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The sidewalks were as white as chalk and there were rows of cherry blossom trees stood perfectly in a line leading to the school's main gate. And the school its self was by far the biggest building Haru had ever seen. There were guards in black suits at each corner of the school grounds and five people on the other side of the gates.

An old man stepped out from the middle of them. "Welcome all new students. I am Malcolm the principal at this school. As you may or may not know. Lessons don't officially start until tomorrow. But the reason we have brought you here today is to assign you to your classes. The class you're assigned to is based on your grades in the entrance exam. So we have your classes assigned already. When you hear your name stand by the teacher you're assigned."

First, they called out all the rank A's then the Rank B's Followed by the C's, D's, E's and then finally Haru heard his name. "Haru Kitagawa Rank F" Haru skipped the entrance exam by the recommendation from that mysterious man. So it was only natural he ended up in at the very bottom.

Jake gave Haru a pat on the back. "Unlucky. Maybe you will get ranked higher next year." Haru couldn't help but laugh. All the other classes were full. What Rank did Jake think he would end up in?

"Jake Ainsworth Rank F" There was a look of shock on his face as he heard those words. He hung his head as he walked over. Haru gave him another laugh and then he looked at the group of people still standing.

So these are my classmates? That's when he noticed the girl with blue hair looking around helplessly. So she's in my class too? He thought.

"Mia Tachibana Rank F" The blue-haired girl stepped forward and walked toward Jake and Haru.

Haru looked at the girl. Tachibana… She's related to him? Maybe I will be able to get some answers If I ever manage to meet him again.

The old man finished calling out names and then took all of the classes to the dorm rooms and handed them their student planners. They were a kind of tablet but had all of the class timetables and the phone numbers of every other student in the school. Just in case you needed to get in touch with them. The school was huge so it was understandable.

Haru finally arrived in his room, put down his bags and then jumped on to his bed. He was extremely exhausted but he still needed to check out his lux. He then poured his mana into the device. Suddenly there was a flash of blinding light...

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