Chapter 103 Taking Leave

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TL: Kyous


Peter was in amazement and astonishment when he witnessed Leo using something similar to the web shooters. With this thing, he didn’t have to worry about his body being drained empty!


When Bucky heard Peter exclaiming, he learned the one who shot the web just now wasn’t Peter but Leo and hurriedly looked in Leo’s direction. At a two meters distance, Leo was raising his arms with both palms aiming at Bucky while smiling at him.


Bucky finally realized the match had yet to end. Exerting his arms and legs, Bucky was preparing to get up and recondition himself.


But, how could Leo let Bucky do as he wished? Thick goo gushed out from his palms. Just as Bucky was getting up, stacks of Mutated Spider Silk plastered upon Bucky one after another.


In the beginning, Bucky was able to swiftly break free from the webs. However, under Leo’s constant shooting of webs, Bucky’s movement became sluggish. Ultimately, Bucky transformed into a white sphere, sticking onto the ground. The white sphere frantically squirmed around, but stacks of webbing were placed upon him, he was unable to break free no matter what.


Back and forth, Leo shot at least a hundred spider silks, and the floor was painted white by them.


Peter, who was watching, was delighted because he discovered the web shooters’ sustainability was much greater than his.


“Stop, stop! I surrender, get me out of here. I’m suffocating!” Bucky’s muffled yells came out of the white sphere. Raising his hand, Leo released a transparent liquid onto the sphere. Soon, the spider webs dried up instantly.


The frantically squirming Bucky finally broke free from the layers of Mutated Spider Silk, digging out from the sphere.


“What sort of tricks you’re using, can you even fight properly…” Bucky was speechless against Leo’s armor.

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Removing his armor, Leo chuckled, “You’ve lost, you can’t go back against your words. Remember to look for me these two days, I’ll improve your metal arm.”


“Why don’t you just give me another armor? There’s no point in messing with my arm. Is pulling my arm off fun…” Bucky powerlessly grumbled while yearning for a Viper.


Leo wasn’t a narrow-minded person who didn’t like to share. Moreover, Bucky was considered one of the pillars of El Tech Company, if possible, Leo was fine with making a watered-down version of armor for him.


But a threshold existed within the armor’s technologies. Bucky was incapable of using, this was proven by he was unable to resist Sinthea’s mind control.


“You can’t wear the armor for now. It puts a heavy load onto the mind, you might turn into an idiot.”


Why can you wear it properly, while I, Bucky, become an idiot when wearing it? Are you treating me as a fool?! Bucky rolled his eyes, visibly not believing Leo’s words.


“Mr. Erwin, are you using Dr. Octavius’s Neural Transmission Technology to control this armor?!” Peter understood Leo’s underlying meaning since he knew flaws existed within this technology. But it was unknown to Peter that Leo was immune to the side effects brought by this technology.


Puzzled and worried, Peter inquired, “Aren’t you afraid of being devoured by it? These kinds of side effects are no joke. Both of us experienced it in person before, long-term usage of it really can turn people into idiots! Mr. Erwin, you shouldn’t take such risks!”


Seeing Leo and Peter weren’t fooling around, Bucky was convinced. He stared at Leo with a gaze filled with concerns and questions. If Leo truly disregarded the risks in pursuit of power, he would don the status of a senior and scold Leo.


Leo was touched by Peter and Bucky’s response. He involuntarily laughed, feeling a sense of warmth blanketing his heart.


“You don’t have to worry. With sufficient mental strength, the side effects can be resisted or even completely immunized.” Leo gingerly smiled, “And I dare say humbly, I just so happen to be immune from these side effects.”


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Admiration filled Peter’s expression before being replaced with a frown, “If only Dr. Octavius is immune to the side effects too. Then, he doesn’t have to worry about his body’s problems…”


“Is there no progress from Otto?” Leo continued Peter’s conversation despite knowing the answer.


Shaking his head, Peter replied, “Not at all.”


“If possible, you should try persuading him to try his luck in Kathmandu.” Leo blatantly stated his objective. He was hoping Otto to be a Techno Sorcerer, then it would lay a foundation for his pathway to being Sorcerer.


Peter nodded, carving this matter onto his heart. He was prepared to persuade Otto at the weekends.


Bucky on the sideline was ignorant of Peter and Leo’s conversation. Besides, he was beaten into pulps by Leo, so he wanted to take his leave. “Leo, if there’s nothing else anymore, I’ll leave first. Tons of matters are waiting for me to settle at the Security Department!”


Bucky added, “Matt, Peter, both of you shouldn’t waste your time here too. Now is the working hours, you should hurry back.” After saying that, Bucky turned around without waiting for the others’ responses.


“Mr. Barnes, please wait for a moment.” Peter suddenly called Bucky.


Turning around, Bucky asked confusedly, “What’s wrong?”


It hadn’t been long since Peter joined El Tech Company, so his interactions with Bucky were minimal.


Bucky’s only impression of Peter was being the Deputy of the Prosthesis Department, and an upside-down hanging Spider-man. Therefore, he was uncertain why Peter was looking for him.


“Mr. Barnes, may I ask if it’s possible to learn combat techniques from you?” Initially, Peter planned to request this matter after the match ended. But the sudden appearance of web shooters and Leo using Neural Transmission Technology disrupted Peter’s mind. So, this matter was cast aside for a moment.

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The moment Bucky was leaving, Peter finally recalled this matter.


In fact, Bucky and Leo’s combat techniques were on par. It should be the case of Peter requesting from Leo, the one he was more familiar with. However, Peter felt Leo was very busy most of the time, so he didn’t wish to delay Leo’s time. These kinds of troublesome matters should be handed to Mr. Barnes instead.


“You wish to learn from me? How are your skills?” Bucky never fought with Peter before. The only thing he knew was Bullseye was powerless against Peter and even kneaded into a white blob by him.


Just several moments ago, he personally experienced the capability of the Mutated Spider Silk. Hence, he assumed Peter had considerable prowess.


“I never had any systematic training before, I know next to nothing,” Peter answered humbly and honestly.


“Alright, come find me at the Security Department after getting off from work. I’ll be waiting for you there.”


“Erm… Tonight might not work. I have a dinner date with Mary Jane! Mr. Barnes, what about tomorrow? It’s Saturday too.”


“Sure, then come tomorrow in the morning. Still the same place, I’ll be there in the morning.”


Peter nodded in excitement.


Bucky’s eyes twinkled as if recalling something joyous as he left in satisfaction. He believed the reason Peter chose to learn from him, instead of Leo, was because Peter knew from the match just now, his combat techniques were superior.


Although Bucky had lost the match, right now he felt he was victorious in another aspect. His spirit instantly refreshed. It was uncertain whether or not Bucky would break into tears if he knew the real reason Peter chose him.

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“Mr. Erwin, if there’s nothing else, I’ll return to the law firm first.”


After Bucky left, Matt also wanted to take his leave.


Presently, Matt was brokenhearted. It was unimaginable how Teacher Bucky’s brain worked. You asked me, a blind man, to watch your match! What am I even supposed to watch…


Furthermore, somehow Peter also wanted to learn combat techniques from Bucky. This sank Matt’s heart even deeper,  Mr. Erwin, Teacher Bucky, did both of you forget the reason I learned combat techniques? It’s to rely on them to fight against Peter, retrieving back my dignity! Did both of you really forget about it?! If Peter learned combat techniques, how can I compete with him???


This matter, both Leo and Bucky had truly forgotten about it. Unless it was the parties involved, who would remember a quarrel between two brats that happened four years ago?!


Only Peter and Matt, both in their twenties, were still being petty about this matter.


Leo didn’t know telepathy, therefore was unaware of what Matt was complaining about in his heart. He genuinely believed Matt was just bidding farewell.


However, after being busy manufacturing the VIper, Leo finally had the time to attempt to make a noise-filtering earpiece for Matt. “Matt, you can go back. But, after getting off from work, swing by my lab for a sec. I want to test your hearing.”


Since Peter was here, it was inconvenient for Leo to voice out Matt’s weakness straight away. So, he could only subtly express it.


Matt was startled for a moment, before understanding Leo’s meaning. He nodded and left too.


“Peter, why are you still here? Don’t you need to keep an eye on your project?!” Obviously, Leo knew why Peter remained. He purposely dragged Peter to watch the match to allusively inform Peter that the Mutated Spider Silk was finally synthesized.


However, Leo suddenly became playful and wanted to tease an honest man. Since Leo was going to play a harmless joke, it might even stimulate Peter’s motivation.

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