Chapter 107 Revenge

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Translator: Kyous


On the other end of the walkie-talkie, Nordril was face-palming while gnashing his teeth as if he suffered a loss.


“Both of you, hands on the back and stand up slowly!” As the underlings received the order, naturally they would check every nook and cranny on Ol’ Tom and Bucky again.


Bucky’s metal arm wasn’t something they could scrutinize. Moreover, from the conversation in the walkie-talkie just now, Bucky knew this group of people had captured other members of El Tech Company. The situation was urgent and couldn’t be delayed for even one sec.


Once the two muscular men approached, Bucky with his hands on his head, slammed one of the muscular men. The man was sent flying into the van’s compartment. As the van’s compartment was cramped, the man’s head crashed into the rear windshield and a dent was left behind on his head. It was impossible for him to survive.


Meanwhile, Ol’ Tom wasn’t to be outdone at all. With a whip of his leg, the other man’s groin was kicked. Before the man could even cover his groin, a punch from Bucky squarely landed on his chest.


The man, with a sunken chest, crashed into the front windshield, and the windshield was shattered.


Everything ended in a blink of an eye. As soon as the driver stopped the car his first reaction wasn’t to pull out the gun, instead, it was to pick up the walkie-talkie. However, Bucky was a step ahead of him. Bucky grabbed the driver’s neck and dragged him to the backseat.


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“Ol’ Tom, drive the car back to the office. Hurry.” Ol’ Tom was also aware of the urgency of the situation and hurriedly hopped into the driver’s seat. He pulled the muscular man on the windshield into the passenger’s seat. Disregarding the bloodstains, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed to El Building.




At the entrance of the El Building was a man with a backpack. Occasionally, he would lower his head to look at his wristwatch before anxiously staring at the passing vehicles as though waiting for someone.


More than ten minutes have passed since the appointment with Mary Jane. Peter was about five minutes late from work because of the project. Supposedly, Mary Jane should be waiting by the entrance while grumbling at him. However, Peter waited for seven minutes yet he didn’t see any sign of Mary Jane.


From the looks of the road, it wasn’t a traffic jam either. How anxious!


All of a sudden, a black van whizzed passed Peter before turning to the back of El Building.


With a quick glance, Peter saw the driver was Ol’ Tom and the windshield was shattered. The vehicle turned to the back of El Building, it probably was entering the office through the back entrance. Did something happen to Ol’ Tom?!


As Peter’s curiosity grew, he hastily headed over. Since the sun was still up, Peter restricted his speed. By the time he caught up with the vehicle, he already reached El Building’s back entrance and Ol’ Tom’s figure couldn’t be seen anywhere. From a distance, Peter only saw Bucky lifting a large black sack from the vehicle.


The black sack was struggling and a living thing was stuffed within it.


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Just as Peter was going to greet Bucky, his nose suddenly twitched, and smelled the scent of fresh blood.


The back of El Building was rather desolate and no pedestrians were around. With a few leaps, Peter instantly landed next to Bucky. Bucky was stunned for a moment before heaving a sigh of relief when he saw it was Peter. Bucky said in a low voice, “Don’t ask, come in first.”


Peter turned his head and peered into the unclosed van. Inside the van were two dead muscular men lying in it. He suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation and shut the van’s door before silently following Bucky into El Building.


After entering El Building, Bucky ordered two of his underlings to guard the back entrance. He also asked them to inform Red Fist to deal with the van and the stuff in it. Then, he headed to the basement straight away through the staircase.




Two minutes earlier, Ol’ Tom followed Boss Bucky’s order. After reaching the back entrance, he immediately dashed into El Building and headed to the basement right away.


But Leo was the only one with the authority to open the basement’s entrance. Ol’ Tom had no time to return to his office and make a call. So, he could only bang the door with all of his might while shouting, “Boss! Open the door, something happens!”


Right now, Leo was testing Matt’s hearing when Steam suddenly gave a prompt, “Buzz! Master, Ol’ Tom is banging on the southwest Entrance 1 of the level one basement. The footage has been displayed.”


Turning his head, Leo saw Ol’ Tom’s panicked face and hurriedly let Steam open the door. He immediately left the lab with Matt, heading to Entrance 1.


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From afar, Leo already saw Ol’ Tom rushing from Entrance 1’s direction while shouting, “Boss, not good. A person called Nordril has kidnapped our people!” Although Ol’ Tom met Nordril at the product launch before, he didn’t know the name of the butler next to Fisk at that time.


Leo didn’t know the name Nordril. He quickly approached the breathless Ol’ Tom and asked, “Who’s Nordril? Who did he kidnap?” 


In fact, Ol’ Tom was also uncertain, so he briefly explained the episode just now to Leo.


“Buzz! Master, Mr. Barnes, and Mr. Parker are at Entrance 1 right now.”


Ol’ Tom couldn’t finish retelling because Bucky, who was delayed due to looking for a black sack, was prepared to look for Leo too.


“Open the door, let them in.”




Several minutes later, the group met, and after a brief exchange of information, Bucky said, “Nordril is the butler of Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin.”


To formulate an assassination plan for Kingpin, Bucky recently was scouting for information about Kingpin. However, the security in Fisk Tower was too tight and until now, Bucky hadn’t found any opportunity.

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Nevertheless, after a period of investigation, Bucky knew more about Kingpin than anyone else present. Despite Leo having knowledge from his past life, who would remember the name of an insignificant butler when watching the movie?!


Hearing that it was Kingpin kidnapping El Tech Company’s people coupled with the matters of product launch and Bullseye, Leo instantly connected the dots and guessed the whole story.


Leo believed Kingpin’s kidnapping this time was most probably for revenge!


But who did the Kingpin kidnap, right now no one had any ideas.


Steam had a high intelligence but was still in its early learning phase. Leo was afraid Steam would learn all kinds of messy things, therefore he didn’t share the surveillance cameras outside the El Building with Steam in real time. Hence, Steam didn’t find out about this matter in time.


Currently, the only way to find out who El Tech Company lost was to go through the security footage in the database.


“Follow me to the lab. I’ll let Steam pull out the recent security footage. We’ll see who Kingpin kidnaps.”


“Leo, I still have a captive here!” Bucky waved the black sack in his arm. After opening it, inside was a muscular man with bruises all over his face. The man was the driver. If Bucky remembered about the man a bit later, the man probably would suffocate to death…


“Bring him to the lab too. Bucky, you’ll interrogate him while I search the database.”

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