Chapter 119 First Time in England

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TL: Kyous


“Ladies and gentlemen, the plane has landed at London City Airport. The temperature outside…”


After the plane finished taxiing, Leo stepped down from the plane along with Ol’ Tom.


“Boss, the car has arrived. Now we can get our equipment first.” As the duo exited and received the car, Ol’ Tom drove it, heading to their destination.


Currently, half a month has gone by since Kingpin’s death. During these days, Leo had remained in the El Tech Company, waiting for possible calls and summons from the cops. While he had destroyed the security footage and burned Rowing Club down, if the cops took their work seriously, they absolutely could find out that he was at the scene that night.


For this reason, Matt prepared all sorts of reasonable excuses beforehand to ensure Leo’s safety. However, the summons from the cops never came. Instead, what appeared was the news “Famous Wilson Fisk died due to overwork, Fisk Industries facing imminent fall down!”


At the time, this news made Leo and the others’ eyes pop out. Through Mary Jane’s channel among her circle, she vaguely discovered the news was released by the mayor’s office. 


Norman, this sly fox, really threw a curveball!


But this also made Leo elated since Norman had accidentally solved a huge problem for him. During this period, Leo wasn’t slacking either. He was preparing for his trip to the British Museum. As insurance, he had prepared to sneak a brand new VIper Mark II to England.


If he couldn’t retrieve the Vibranium from the British Museum with a peaceful method, then he would clad the armor and play rough.

Viper Mark II was the fruit of Leo spending a few days’ worths of effort. It was an upgraded version of Viper Mark I. Besides solving the blurred vision due to the rain, Mark II’s greatest improvement was that the armor was detachable. It could be disassembled and assembled easily.


From procuring new ingredients to building Viper Mark II, it took Leo a total of ten days. Mainly because of the difficulty of purchasing materials, a lot of time had been spent on doing so. 


In the later days, Leo asked Ol’ Tom to secretly sneak the disassembled Viper to England through an underground channel. Just yesterday, the armor had safely arrived in England, and today he was heading to London with Ol’ Tom.

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Presently, the duo was in a car, preparing to head to where England’s local underground forces were located to retrieve Viper Mark II. Along the road, Ol’ Tom faced the map while doing several twists and turns as he was unfamiliar with the places.


Departing from London City Airport at noon, passing through the busy London street, and finally stopping in front of a house at the edge of the city in the evening.


“This place is shabby!” Ol’ Tom grumbled before facing the map. “Boss, it’s this place.”


Leo got off the car and looked at the size of the house before him and sighed, ‘Looks like England’s mobs weren’t as well off as America’s. The difference is too glaring.’


The duo entered the house and found out there were three people, around twenty to thirty years old, in the room. They dressed like typical thugs with cigarettes in their mouths.


“Where’s the package?” The moment they stepped in, Ol’ Tom immediately knew that these young punks were just some nameless figures, probably just to send the package. Without any pleasantries, Ol’ Tom directly stated his purpose.


The leader of the group combed his flattop before leading Ol’ Tom and Leo into another room. Prying a huge wooden box, he said, “It’s here.”


Ol’ Tom took a peek inside the box and respectfully told Leo, “Boss, please have a look yourself.”


Viper Mark II had been disassembled and shipped over separately before all of the parts were gathered here together. Right now, there were almost a hundred components stored within the box and Ol’ Tom couldn’t count all of them.


But Leo wasn’t the same. Surging his Mechanical Force, within 30 seconds he completely counted all of the parts.


A total of 236 pieces, no more or less.


“The package is intact. Ol’ Tom, pack everything onto the car. Let’s leave.”


The sky had darkened and they still needed to check into the hotel. Just relying on Ol’ Tom’s map reading capability, it was a wonder how long they would arrive at the hotel.

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Ol’ Tom nodded with affirmation and was going to lift the cover of the box.


“Hold it!” 


All of a sudden, the flattop pressed his hand on top of the cover. With a ‘thud’, the wooden box was closed, almost crushing Ol’ Tom’s fingers.


Frowning, Ol’ Tom roared in anger, “What do you want? I already paid the money to Crippler. Do you want to go against your words?!”


“Boss Crippler already received the money, but I didn’t receive even a penny.” Flattop exclaimed cockily, “ My brothers and I have been waiting here for three hours. You should at least give us some tips, right?”


Just as Ol’ Tom was going to burst out, Leo stopped him and ordered, “Give them a little.”


Leo’s purpose in London was to get the Vibranium. It was pointless to attract the locals’ attention just because of a few punks.


Ol’ Tom swallowed his anger and pulled out three pieces of 50-pound notes from his wallet and handed them to Flattop. “Here. Leave now.”


Flattop took the money and stashed it in his pocket. He slammed his hand onto the box again, “Are you treating us like a homeless bum?! I knew you spent a total of 10 thousand pounds to ship this thing over! Now you’re chasing us away with just 150 pounds?!”


Ol’ Tom’s expression turned ugly and looked at Leo. Leo furrowed his brows, “How much do you want?”


“At least another thousand. Or else, you won’t be taking this!” Flattop haughtily raised his chin. He believed these two Americans were within his grasp.


“Heh!” Leo was amused by Flattop’s insatiable greed and pointed at the box, “I say, I spent 10 thousand pounds just to ship this. Do you know how much the thing inside is worth?”


“How much?” Flattop was flabbergasted since he never thought of this question before.

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“Millions of pounds,” Leo replied indifferently.


“Millions?!” A hint of greed flashed within Flattop’s eyes before his face pale suddenly. His peanut-sized brain finally understood something…


“Figure it out? Even Crippler doesn’t dare to swallow my expensive packages, yet you’re unwilling to give them to me?”


“No… No. The package is here. I’ll take my leave first, it’s in your hands now.” Flattop was afraid and was speaking rather incoherently.


However, Leo wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. “Flatty, don’t leave so quickly. I’ll let you see what a million-pound package looks like.” Stretching his hand, Leo lifted the box’s cover. As his right hand swept across Viper’s components, his Mechanical Force began surging.


Under the effect of the Mechanical Force, the armor’s components gradually flew up and swiftly assembled before attaching to Leo’s body. Within ten seconds, Leo was fully donned in armor.

Flattop was stunned to the core. His trembling finger was pointing at Viper while unable to utter anything.


Leo was not going to chat with Flattop anymore. With a shot of webs, Flattop’s head was wrapped before being hurled into the wooden box. The other two punks saw things go wrong and were prepared to pull out their guns.


Nonetheless, he was several steps further than the punks. Each of them was rewarded with a shot of webs before being crashed onto Flattop. As the trio was yanked and struck by the webs and stuffed into the wooden, fresh blood splattered across the floor. It was a gruesome scene to watch. 


He shot out a web and pulled the cover, covering the wooden box. With a few more shots of webs, the box was sealed tightly. Since there weren’t any noises from the box, it was uncertain how long the trio would last.


Ol’ Tom, who was watching Leo’s dazzling movements, was still in a daze.


“Ol’ Tom, open the bag.”


“Okay!” Shaking his head, Ol’ Tom opened a black sack.


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Leo flicked his arms while circulating the Mechanical Force, Viper Mark II automatically split apart and flew into the black sack one by one. 


Placing the sack into the car’s trunk, Ol’ Tom started the car and left the house with Leo. 


As for the three unlucky blokes in the box, Leo didn’t forget about them. “Ol’ Tom, later when we reach the hotel, give Crippler a call and tell him some of his underlings had been unruly, but we already helped him settle it.”


Afterward, Leo sat at the backseats and slowly heaved out a sigh. Ever since he killed Kingpin by himself, for some reason he felt Bucky had possessed him. When facing mobs who didn’t follow the rules, he wanted to kill them. 


In the past, Leo always carried a compassionate heart!


Could it be that since ancient times, it’s been part of human nature to use excessive power and authority to violate rules and orders?


Is that why Avengers exist in the Marvel Universe and Captain America, Steve Rogers is the Avengers’ leader.


It was for restraining each of the team members!


As for now, no one was able to forcefully restrain Leo. So in recent times, he couldn’t hold back his punch properly.


“Hoo! Hoo!”




Killing some mobsters is okay, but it can’t affect my mind. Must be careful not to be a villain!’


Otherwise, the abundant superhuman in this magical Marvel Universe would descend and give Leo a couple of justice punches!


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