Chapter 121 Future Sorcerer Supreme

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TL: Kyous


The African tribal era exhibition was located on the fifth floor, which contained a variety of weird items.


Some were spears that looked sharp but had filled with rusted spots. Some were masks in various shapes that were painted with unknown materials. Some were statues and sculptures of gods or some kind. Last but not least, there were also primitive farming tools.


Perhaps due to the weird shapes, they attracted countless modern people’s gaze.


In the exhibition hall, almost a hundred people were admiring the display. There was even a tour group with a professional beautiful tour guide, who was introducing the collections.


Among the tourist in the tour group was a young boy around ten years old. He was pointing at a bull-shaped mask in the exhibition and excitedly asked, “Miss tour guide, what is that?”


“This is protective gear. Back in the day, people weren’t friendly. They fought the moment they met and with this mask, they can protect themselves from being hit in the face.” The tour guide gently explained to the young boy before continuing her introduction to the group.


“This artifact originated from the Tribe of Bobo Asadi, which is today’s Ghana. It’s an artifact from the 18th century that was made from an ancient casting technique.”


“What about this?” A man curiously pointed at another mask.


“This one is from the Ado Tribe of Benin, a 16th-century artifact.”


“Wow, so old!” The crowd exclaimed.


“Then, can you introduce this artifact to me?” Leo with a smile suddenly voiced out behind the tour group while pointing at an object shaped like a hoe.


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“Nice to meet you, sir.” The beautiful guide politely greeted Leo and introduced, “This artifact is even more remarkable. It’s from Benin too, a 7th-century item. It originated from the Sudan Furra tribe and it’s used for cutting rocks in the mountain.”


“Wow, a millennium-old artifact!” The young boy just now widened his mouth.


Leo smiled, but his gleaming eyes were staring at the hoe within the display case. Although its appearance was full of rust and seemed unsightly, it wasn’t from whatever Sudan Furra tribe. Instead, it’s a Wakanda’s Vibranium product.


He was rather certain that this was the exact thing he was looking for because it looked the same as the one from Black Panther’s movie, but also…


【Discover analyzable target, “Vibranium Pickaxe”. Analyze?】


“Yes!” Leo internalized.


【Analysis complete. Gained blueprint, “Pickaxe”. Gained knowledge, “Vibranium material and related technologies”.】


【Description: Vibranium, the strongest metal on Earth. Obtained from a meteorite or a chunk of an asteroid, which only exists on the continent of Africa on Earth. 


Vibranium veins possess special energy that has long-term effects on surrounding plants and animals which will cause mutations.


Vibranium possesses unique properties and is capable of storing energy. It also can be used as an alternative to most of the common materials and greatly promote the development of science and technology.


Vibranium Energy Storage…


Vibranium Rune…


Vibranium Rapid Shaping…】

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Hundreds and hundreds of pages were filled with details about Vibranium. From Vibranium’s properties to theoretical parameters. It also included many applications of Vibranium.


For Leo, this was a piece of meat pie falling from the sky!


The contents were too much, so Leo briefly went through it before closing the system. Regardless, all of this knowledge was already stamped in his brain. It didn’t matter whether or not he read the system’s description.


However, from the system’s description, Vibraniun possessed special energy and Leo was quite curious about this. He stared at the Vibranium pickaxe and activated his Mechanical Force – Insight.


Ordinary sight instantly switched to Mechanical vision. From the pickaxe, he saw countless starry spots occasionally converging, diverging, remaining stationary, and rotating. It was an oddly beautiful scene to witness. The combination of motion and static starlight was akin to peering into the entire universe.


“Mister, your eyes are shining!”


Out of the blue, a voice interrupted Leo’s observation. It was the curious young boy just now as he came up to Leo’s side. His height was only up to Leo’s waist and right now he was raising his head, staring at Leo’s eyes with an astonished face.


Leo was startled by the young boy’s voice. Before the Mechanical Vision dispersed, he looked at the boy. After sizing up the young boy and looking at other people, he realized under the Mechanical Vision that this young boy’s body wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.


Stopping his Mechanical Force and canceling Mechanical Force – Insight, Leo squatted and asked, “Kid, what was that just now?”


“I said mister’s eyes just now are shining.” The boy was slightly disappointed. “But, when you squat down, the light is gone.”


Leo was bewildered. From the young boy’s words just now, it meant he saw Leo using Mechanical Force – Insight. Moreover, from the other’s reaction, only a child noticed Leo’s eyes were shining.


Frowning slightly, Leo pondered but couldn’t come up with anything and prepared to test it first. The next moment, Mechanical Force began circulating and he gently asked, “What about now?”


Yet, the boy didn’t reveal any surprised expression and still watched Leo’s eyes expectantly while shaking his head.

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Mechanical Force – Insight activates!


“It’s shining! It’s shining!” The boy excitedly clapped.


It seemed like the boy couldn’t see the Mechanical Force. Only when Leo used Mechanical Force – Insight, he could see Leo’s eyes shining. Maybe there were still some hidden secrets behind this skill?


“Sorry, I’m very sorry. Sir, my son has caused you trouble.” A pretty woman walked over and pulled the boy to her chest while profusely apologizing to Leo.


“Mom, I really saw that mister’s eyes were shining.” The boy insisted.


“Mister is an Asian and he has black eyes. It’s different from ours. You might see it wrong.” The woman glanced at Leo, confirming Leo’s eyes were okay, and reprimanded the boy. Then, she gave Leo an apologetic smile.


“It’s fine. Maybe he really can see something we can’t see.” Leo smiled and looked at the boy, “Kid, you’re cute. Can you tell mister your name?”


After testing, he was certain the boy could see his secrets, so he was curious to know the boy’s identity.


“Stephen Strange.” The boy smiled sweetly, “Mister, I’m Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you.”


Hearing this name, Leo was stunned to the core. ‘This name… Is this boy Dr. Strange?!’


“Mister, are you British?” Little Stephen was courageous and still conversing with Leo.


“Mister is an American. I’m living in New York.”


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“I’m an American too. Our family lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.” Little Stephen clapped his hands. “I knew it! America has more Chinese and Asians than England. I have three Asian classmates in my class. I just guessed mister is an American.”


An American that lives in Pennsylvania. Without a doubt, this boy is Dr. Strange.


Stephen Strange certainly wasn’t a common person. Even when he was still a child, he was gifted. From Leo’s past life, it was said that Dr. Strange was already being fated to be Sorcerer Supreme. It seemed like it wasn’t a baseless rumor after all!


Today, for whatever reason, Leo was here to search for Vibranium. Yet, he met the future Iron Man, Tony downstairs, and now he met future Dr. Strange, Stephen Strange upstairs. 


If Captain America suddenly popped in front of Leo, then he absolutely believed Thanos would prepare his mass genocide tomorrow.


Nevertheless, all of these were just Leo’s delusions after receiving shock after shock. Captain America is still buried under the ice and Thanos is still wandering in the universe.


“Mister, are you still listening to me?” Maybe it was Leo pondering for too long, causing Little Stephen to stare at him with a pair of round eyes.


Leo was amused by Little Stephen’s cute look. Facing such a cute child, he forgot this boy was the famous Dr. Strange. Instead, he remembered the two children he had from his own Earth. He couldn’t resist teasing, “I’m listening, Stephen. You’re smart, you can even guess this. When you’re older, I’m sure you’ll be a great doctor.”


“Huh?! Why doctor? I’m still not sure what I want to be.”


“Mister is also guessing. Maybe I’ll guess it correctly.”


Little Stephen intended to continue arguing, but his mother tugged him and said, “Stephen, the group is leaving. We should hurry up too.” The mother gave Leo a sweet smile, “Thank you for talking with this child. He’s a jolly kid, he loves to talk with everyone he met. It must be a bother for you.”


“It’s not a bother at all. I love kids too.” Leo waved, bidding Little Stephen goodbye. “Stephen, when you are in New York, come and find me at a company called El Tech Company when you’re free. I’m working there.”


“Okay, mister. Bye!” Little Stephen waved at Leo before skipping towards the tour group.

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