Chapter 126 Making Way For Tony’s Return

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TL: Kyous


Leo thought it was some passengers arguing with the airport’s staff after waiting for too long. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t the case. 


Coming out from the right corridor was a group of twenty burly men in black suits. They formed a human wall caging three people in the middle and headed to Gate 19 where Leo and the other plane were waiting for their plane.


When they walked over, Leo finally had a closer look at the three people within the human wall. Walking at the front was Happy Hogan with a briefcase in his chest while vigilantly examining the surroundings. The two who were following behind and whispering were Tony Stark and Obadiah Stane.


Pricking up his ears, Leo pretended to read the newspaper while secretly eavesdropping.


“… Tony, I’m glad you finally thought it through and wished to accept your father’s position. I’ve prepared a private jet, it’s at Gate 19.”


“Thank you, Obi, for all the troubles you faced during this period.”


“It’s fine, it’s something I ought to do.” Obadiah groaned for a couple of seconds. “But, can I ask why you suddenly give up on traveling across the world and choose to return?”


Fearing Tony would misunderstand, Obadiah hurriedly added, “I don’t mean anything else. I’m just purely curious, it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it.”


“It’s nothing special.” Tony smiled, “It was just that I encountered something interesting during my trip to England. I felt I could build an even better one out.”

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“Is it a weapon?” Obadiah had been following Howard for half of his life as an arms dealer. This was the first thing that came to his mind.


“Sort of…”


They had already entered Gate 19. As the distance increased, Leo couldn’t hear the following conversation anymore. Nevertheless, judging from the conversation just now, he suddenly felt flabbergasted. He felt, besides women, Tony had found another meaning of life…


“Boss, those who entered just now seem to be Stark Industries people.” Ol’ Tom also saw Tony and his company enter the boarding gate. “I think I just saw Obadiah Stane’s shiny bald head.”


“Attention ladies and gentlemen, flight AC2333 from London, England to Toronto, Canada will be taking flight in 40 minutes, and boarding will begin in 10 minutes. Passengers of AC2333, please be ready to board the plane.”


Suddenly, the announcement of the flight was broadcasted.


“S*it! Don’t tell me it’s Stark Industries’ private jet that’s occupying our gate!”


Ol’ Tom managed to comprehend the situation and exclaimed, “Who knows who Obadiah Stane had escorted.”


Leo, “…”


From the looks of it, in the view of the older generation, Obadiah’s fame was still more valiant than the brat Tony Stark’s!


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After several drawbacks, the plane Leo boarded finally arrived at New York airport.


Bucky had been waiting outside the airport. When Leo and Ol’ Tom hopped in the car, he asked, “How’s the trip to England? Did it go well?”


“Pretty good. I met a couple of unexpected people and also hauled a bountiful harvest.” A smile hung on Leo’s face. “Let’s return first. Bucky, tomorrow morning, asks Red Fist and the others to gather at El Tech Company’s Department of Security. I have some arrangements for them.”




The next day, at ten in the morning. El Tech Company’s Department of Security.


Bucky and the Rainbow Brothers sat on both sides of the conference table while Leo was sitting in the main seat.


“Bucky, how many people our security department has?”


“The original gang members in Hell’s Kitchen, especially those from the Wheel Gang, had been integrated by me.” Bucky contemplated for a bit, “Right now, the security has a total of around 700 people. Part of them is working as the company’s guard and the others are maintaining order in Mingde Street.”


“Is there any need for Mingde Street that kind of place to exist? Is there no way to clear it out?” Leo frowned.


“For now, there’s no better way.” Bucky was also bothered by this matter. “Those prostitutes don’t have other surviving methods. If all of their secret operations are closed suddenly, I’m afraid they will die of starvation. Besides, the young men in Hell’s Kitchen need some place to vent out their stress, or else they will be wreaking havoc. So, Mingde Street still needs to exist.”


“Then, we’ll talk about this later. Let’s not worry about this first.” Leo didn’t dwell on this matter for too long. He pondered for a bit and asked, “What’s the origin of those 700 people in the security department?”

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Bucky was aware of the origins of his underling. “Most of them are punks on the streets. Dozens of them worked as security before. There are even two of them who served in the U.S. Army, but were discharged dishonorably.”


“What about their loyalty?”


Bucky smiled, “As loyal as Red Fist and the others.”


“That’s great.” Leo nodded as a plan gradually formulated in his mind. “Bucky, pick 300 people from the security to form a team. Let them go to California and help me search for someone.”




Leo disclosed whatever he could to Bucky. After having a clear image, Bucky thought for a bit, “How about this? Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue Fist. Four of you go and pick 300 people, then head to California to find that person.”


Those being named nodded and listened carefully to Bucky’s following arrangements.


As expected of a scouting soldier. Through Leo’s mere words, Bucky already pinpointed several locations to search within California’s major cities. In this way, only around twenty people were required to search the city. According to his analysis, it wasn’t an issue to search for this person’s location. It just required some time, between several months to a year.


Leo nodded his head and what he had to do next was to wait patiently.


Time flew by in a blink of an eye as three days passed by.

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Crippler’s reputation and channels were guaranteed. During the period when London was searching for illegal traffickers around the harbor, he still shipped Leo’s Viper Mark II and Vibranium products on time.


In El Tech Company’s basement, Leo’s private laboratory’s entrance.


He effortlessly carried two huge sacks and headed inside.


“Buzz! Welcome back, master.” Steam’s voice could be heard, but itself couldn’t be seen.


He didn’t bother Steam. Carrying the two sacks, he walked in front of the container where Viper Mark II was stored. Surging his Mechanical Force, parts of components were sorted and stored neatly.


Casting the sack aside, he picked up the Vibranium shield and pickaxe before excitedly approaching the workbench. With a clunking noise, the shield and pickaxe were tossed onto the workbench. His fingers gently fondled the Vibranium’s surface as if caressing a woman.


In the eyes of a Mechanic, Vibranium was equivalent to a gorgeous lady!


Leo couldn’t hold on any further, “Steam, let’s get to work. Let’s research how to perfectly incorporate Vibranium into Viper.”


“Buzz! Affirmative, master.”


Creak! Creak!


From somewhere in the lab, Steam suddenly pushed a small cart and excitedly rushed towards the workbench’s direction.

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