Chapter 136 Methods to Tame a Temperamental Woman

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The following day at 10 o’clock, Leo stepped out from his private lab and marched towards his office. 


After laboring until midnight, he decided to hit the sack in the lab. He then started working again after resting for two hours.


Throughout the night and morning, he managed to clear out a sufficiently huge area in the basement for installing the Arc Reactor. However, the training site’s area had become smaller by chunk as a result.


Moreover, based on his estimation, the basement wasn’t high enough and unable to house the formed Arc Reactor. When he received the blueprint, he reckoned the floor needed to be dug a little deep. For a stable foundation, he was also required to install metal reinforcement.


However, the blueprint hadn’t arrived, so these matters were for a later period. Now he was idling around, he was prepared to go to his office.


Taking the elevator all the way to the sixth floor, he took a right turn and reached the chairman’s office. The office’s door was broken and hadn’t been locked last night. As he pushed open the door, he instantly retreated.


Raising his head, the sign showed “Chairman’s Office”.


‘It’s correct. This is my office!’ Leo thought in his heart, ‘Why does it look unfamiliar?!’


With doubts in his mind, he walked inside. His office was spacious with an area of a total of two hundred meters square. Yet, he was a genuine male who never cleaned his office before. Except for the desk, cupboard, and chairs, the floor was polished clean by the janitors daily.

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On top of that, the janitors were Bucky’s underlings. They wouldn’t dare to touch things he placed on the desk randomly.


Therefore, on his desk was always a mess of files and documents. However, today was different. Not only were the files and documents on the table had been organized neatly, but there were several newly added flower pots in the spacious office as well.


His gaze traced along the pots’ placement to the left and suddenly, “Oh s*it! Why are you here?!”


By the window was Natasha standing in front of a large half-human-tall vase while admiring the splash of green, silent as a ghost.


Seeing Leo notice herself, Natasha picked up a few documents from the windowsill and headed toward him. She stood before Leo full of playful smiles.


Leo was still slightly perplexed as he pointed at the surroundings and asked, “W-What is going on here?”


“Chief Foggy has arranged a position for me. It’s the CEO’s secretary. Here, these documents require your signature.”


Receiving the documents, Leo took a peek and was relieved when he realized they were the company’s daily documents, not the equity transfer agreement or whatever similar stuff. 


He wasn’t in a hurry to sign them. Placing the documents on the table, he pointed at the room’s flowers and asked, “Where do these flowers come from?”


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“Chief Heather had purchased them for a while, but they were always on the first floor’s storage. Seeing the office was empty, I carried them here.” Natasha pointed at her surroundings with a smile, “Are they pretty?”


Instead of replying, Leo mumbled silently, “So, you’re not treating yourself as an outsider after all!”


“I’m currently your secretary. It’s only natural for me to worry about your working environment and contents.” With a smug face, Natasha answered righteously.


Last night when she was having dinner with Bucky, she asked about quite a lot of trivial stuff regarding Leo. Bucky answered whatever was deemed answerable. Through the conversation, she analyzed that Leo wasn’t a ruthless slaughterer. So, staying at El Tech Company wouldn’t pose any danger to her.


When she returned to her hotel yesterday, she rang Fury up again. Fury provided her with an analysis of the pros and cons before ultimately convincing her to remain in New York. Hence, when she arrived at El Tech Company in the early morning, she met HR Department’s chief, Foggy Nelson under Bucky’s recommendation before smoothly becoming Leo’s secretary.


That was why this episode occurred in the morning.


Although Leo was unaware of what happened in between, he had a rough guess. Sweeping across his office again, he noticed the office was spick and span after Natasha’s cleaning. Furthermore, he once intended to hire a beautiful secretary. Despite Natasha being rather temperamental and unable to be tamed, keeping her around was decent. After all, chasing her away was nil impossible.


Having this thought, he said, “The room is quite clean, you can keep your secretary job first. But you should remember. You, Don’t. Have. A. Salary! Also, before the money is paid clean, no resignation!”


The smile on Natasha’s face suddenly stiffened.


Sitting back in his seat, Leo picked up the documents before swiftly browsing through them and signing his signature on them. “Here, take them to where they’re supposed to be. Oh right, call someone to fix the doorknob you destroyed yesterday. You can leave now.”

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“Understood, Mr. Erwin. I’ve left my numbers on your left side. Call me if you have any problems.” Natasha took the documents and painfully squeezed out a smile before taking leave.


On his seat, Leo crossed his legs and began weighing the pros and cons of keeping Natasha in El Tech Company. Ultimately, his final conclusion was as long as Natasha was working for Fury, besides being eye candy, keeping her around was useless. Nevertheless, what made him helpless was Natasha was akin to a flea that always stuck to his skin, unable to be shaken off.


‘Killing her is not possible, right?! Bucky surely won’t allow it!’


Feeling his teeth itching again, he silently cursed, ‘Nick Fury, you piece of expired charcoal! Is there any way to break this situation?!’


Leo never was a passive person, so his brain began gearing up for every possible strategy to have a grand turnabout. All of a sudden, an abrupt question popped into his mind.


‘Why Natasha Romanoff is willing to follow Nick Fury? Is it possible to let her follow me loyally?’


He began recalling everything information about Black Widow from his previous life, but after his brain juice dried up, he found, ‘S*it, Black Widow’s solo movie hasn’t been released yet. Why is Natasha following Fury loyally, I have no idea at all…’


While his memory from his past life was unable to provide anything, his current life reminded him of something. He remembered when Natasha was imprisoned in the cotton production plant, Dr. Zola mentioned she betrayed her home country and was being hunted by the former Soviet Union.


Maybe that was why Natasha was willing to work for Fury? Because Fury saved her life and she wished to repay the kindness?

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Considering this, his face suddenly brightened because he also coincidentally was a man who saved Natasha’s life. On top of that, Natasha came all the way to New York from Washington DC just to thank him. This proved how upright Natasha was.


“How about I treat her nicer in the future? Perhaps she will turn to me instead.” He caressed his chin while mumbling to himself, “That’s not enough! If it’s the same lifesaver, then there’s no reason for her to backstab again! Is there any way to completely tame her?”


If it was in his previous life, he absolutely would make a tweet asking for help.


‘How to completely tame a temperamental woman? URGENT! Pls reply ASAP!’


Albeit, there wasn’t any passionate netizens’ assistance in the current age of the Marvel Universe. He could only figure some way himself. All of a sudden, a light bulb lit in his mind.


What does a woman want the most? Man!


Not to mention Natasha’s complicated relationship in the comic, even the Black Widow in the cinematic universe have many ambiguous relationships.


“How about letting Bucky seduce her?!” Bucky’s face suddenly emerged in his mind and realized Bucky was surprisingly good-looking. “Besides, he and Natasha are old acquaintances. Maybe the sprout of love had already germinated?”


He was convinced this was a genius idea and could have a go at it. If it succeeded, that old fox certainly would incur a heavy loss. By then, would that old fox have a very very ugly expression?!


With this thought, he reclined on his chair with his legs stacked on the table while humming a tune, evidently over the moon.

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