Chapter 140 Kid, I Can Support You Ascending The Throne

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TL: Kyous


After Leo’s baptism, Erik recalled the toughness he faced these past few months and thought of his deceased father. Grief-stricken, he sat on the drenched floor, hugging his knees with his head lowered.


When his father was still around, his father would often tell him stories about his hometown. Erik loved listening to those stories and had bright visions of Wakanda.


However, these visions were shattered because just a few months ago, Wakanda had murdered his father. Not only did the vision of a beautiful hometown cease to exist, Erik even lost his cozy home.


Without his father as the pillar of support, Erik was miserable and lonely these few months. Nonetheless, he stubbornly persevered. Because he desired vengeance, vengeance for his father, justice for his father, achieved what his father was pursuing.


For this reason, he was willing to seize every opportunity.


He intended to study hard first and apply for a military academy or join the army later. When he was fully equipped with skills and possessed his own power, he would return to Wakanda in search of honor belonging to him and his father.


But now he encountered Leo, a man who claimed to be his father’s ally and seemed to be extremely reliable. More importantly, Leo seemed strong, very very strong!

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“Erwin… Uncle Erwin.” Erik reluctantly gave Leo a title. “Can I ask you something?”


“Call me mister.” But Leo didn’t wish to be his uncle, “Speak, what’s the matter?”


“Mr. Erwin, c-can you help me take revenge? Kill the Black Panther.” Erik raised his head and stared at Leo with a pair of eyes filled with pleas. Nevertheless, all Leo could see from Erik’s eyes were vengeance and killing intent. 


“No! I can’t help you.”


Erik’s words were too outlandish, he was still using a child’s mentality to consider the question. Leo had countless justified reasons to reject him, even hundreds of ways to reprimand him. But the young Erik probably couldn’t understand any of these and Leo also didn’t wish for him to listen to them.


Ultimately, Leo shook his head and said, “Wakanda is a country and has its own laws and orders. I’m not a Wakandan, I can’t get involved in it. But you’re different, Erik. You’re a Wakandan and you have the right to do justice for your father. You also have the right to determine Wakanda’s future. You are the child of Prince N’Jobu and royal blood flow within you. You even have the right to be the King of Wakanda.”


Although Erik was still weak in dealing with social circles, his intelligence wasn’t lacking. He instantly understood Leo’s meaning, “Mr. Erwin, does that mean you’ll help me to ascend the throne?”


Nodding, Leo began spouting nonsense, “In the original plan, I will be helping your father build forces on the outside world and assisting him to ascend the throne. Then, he would be well-prepared to exact his plans. But now with your father gone, this matter naturally fell onto your shoulders.”

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With eyes full of expectation and encouragement, Leo looked at Erik and said, “Are you willing to inherit your father’s will and become the next Black Panther?”


Children are that simple to cheat. A couple of words from Leo were enough to make Erik’s blood boil. Bouncing up from the ground, Erik clenched his fists and shouted, “Yes!”


However, what Leo saw in Erik’s eyes was still vengeance. Erik wasn’t ignorant at all. He didn’t question Leo’s reasons for doing so and the reason he willingly agreed to Leo was to avenge his father.


Leo patted Erik’s head again and said softly, “Erik, your father was an admirable man. I hope you will be like him too. Based on the terms of my previous deal with your father, as long as you can provide Vibranium to me, I will help you to compete for the throne. But, I hope you can carve this in your heart, for one to be a qualified king, what you need within your heart is kindness rather than vengeance.”


Erik gave Leo an understanding gaze, but whether or not he truly understood was another question. But he knew he had to make a promise at this moment. Staring straight at Leo’s eyes, he spoke like an adult, “If I become the King of Wakanda, you can have as much Vibranium as you wish, Mr. Erwin.”


With a smile, Leo caressed Erik’s head. This way, he finally had an agreement with the young Erik. “Erik, my base is located in New York City. Later go with Green Fist, let him bring you to New York. When the time is mature, I’ll bring you back to Wakanda.”


Erik nodded reluctantly. Leo led him and handed him to Green Fist who was waiting below. After giving Green Fist several orders, he let Green Fist accompany Erik to pack things up. When Erik was done, Green Fist would drive the car and return to New York City right away with Erik.


Seeing Erik and Green Fist leaving, he went back to the rooftop. Rain was still pouring from the sky and it was getting increasingly heavier. Puddles of water had accumulated on the rooftop. Drops of rain hit the puddles causing water to splash all over the places.

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Facing this heavy downpour, Leo was willing to hang around for too long otherwise he might be drenched wet. Marching a few steps, his Mechanical Force surged and donned Viper Mark V.


Activating the defense runes, a layer of faint blue barrier appeared, instantly repelling beads of water on the armor’s surface. As the Anti-grav Pulse Blasters ignited and Leo lifted his head. With a ‘boom’, the armor blasted into the sky.


After reaching an altitude of 2000 meters, the thick clouds were finally beneath his feet. Watching the clear sky again, his mood also elevated as well. Continuing climbing up, he soon arrived at the 10000 meters height. Then, he let the autopilot chip do its work.


Backstroke in the sky, he considered how he should settle Erik down when he arrived in New York City. 


The long conversation and persuasion he blurted out just now, even he himself almost believed it.


Ally? Right? Ideal? Honor?


Regardless, N’Jobu was dead and Leo could write the script however he liked.


Nevertheless, Leo wasn’t lying at all. If possible he intended to support Erik to become the King of Wakanda. What was the original objective for Leo to search for Erik? It’s Vibranium!

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If Erik did become the King of Wakanda, Black Panther, then as Erik’s lone supporter, he naturally could receive an unlimited supply of Vibranium. Replaying his conversation just now, he felt what he said was reasonable and there weren’t any holes within it.


Once he brought Erik back to New York City, he decided to be close to him, which should have completely erased Erik’s vigilance. After all, Erik was still a young child who was protected dearly by his father, he wouldn’t do anything bad.


In fact, Leo had mused the idea of brainwashing Erik. Brainwashing Erik from a young age in accordance with agent training, Erik definitely would be loyal in the future. Leo also would get free labor.


But who knew whether or not Wakanda possessed the technology of detecting brainwashing traces? If Leo’s act was unearthed, wouldn’t that be equivalent to attracting troubles to himself?


Hence, he figured he should be a good “ally” of N’Jobu, properly raising Erik up!


For example, let Erik study at a prestigious school, so that he grew up healthy and strong. Laying a foundation for a good king for the future. Besides, he reckoned he could ask the experienced Bucky to teach Erik extracurricular knowledge, letting Erik learn martial arts from early on.


When Erik grew up and with a suitable chance, he could bring Erik to have a stroll in Wakanda. According to Wakanda’s tradition, wasn’t challenging the king a piece of cake?!


Thinking of this, Leo suddenly felt there would be tons of Vibranium waving their hands towards him. A smile involuntarily bloomed on his face.

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