Chapter 144 Doc Ock’s Wrath

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TL: Kyous


Before their conversation could resume, the sound of clinking glasses rang out and attracted everyone’s attention. The guests automatically faced that direction and it was a bearded man in his thirties with a mic in his hand, beginning to speak.


“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Mr. Parker and Miss. Jane’s engagement party…”


After a heartwarming speech, the atmosphere of the party was enlivened. 


“That’s Walkers, Peter’s senior and one of my students. He’s talented in hosting and is working for a TV station. He’ll be hosting Peter’s engagement party today.” Otto briefly introduced Walkers to Leo, before pointing behind Walkers. “Look! Peter and Mary Jane are coming out.”


Peter donned a white suit while Mary Jane was in a light pink dress. Her face was beaming with joy as she held Peter’s arm affectionately. The couple was followed by two middle-aged women. One of them was Aunt May while the other was Mary Jane’s mother.


Then, the venue resounded with applause and cheers of blessing. Leo, too, with a smile on his face, applauded along with the crowd. As the wedding ceremony continued, a melodious tune was played. Peter and Mary Jane exchanged the engagement rings and put them on each others’ ring fingers under Walkers’ officiation.


The venue once again was filled with loud cheers and the atmosphere reached its climax. Some of the guests went forward, surrounding Peter and Mary Jane before beginning to sing along to the melodious tune.


After the party ended, the guests left one by one with smiles plastering on their faces.

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On the following day, a new week began. Most of the people began their busy yet fulfilling work after a weekend’s worth of rest, including Otto. After his morning meditation, he marched to his laboratory. Although the “Neural Arms” project was deemed unavailing, instead of going to the park or nursing home, he still went to the lab out of habit.


Being absent for months, he reckoned the lab probably needed a few hands to do some cleaning first. Since the cryogenic helium had been used up, he also needed to call someone to resupply it.


Subconsciously, he began pondering daily tasks in the lab. Soon, Otto reached the lab’s entrance. All of a sudden, he noticed the lab’s entrance was tightly shut with a white note taped on it. Neil Gates was the chancellor of New York University and the note was dated three days ago.


Removing the note, a frown appeared on Otto’s face. With his annual leave and leave of absence, he had roughly six months’ worth of leave and he still had a few days left. Why did the chancellor take this approach to contact him?


Puzzled, Otto headed to the chancellor’s office without entering his lab.


Arriving at the chancellor’s office, Otto knocked on the door and entered after receiving affirmation.


A balded old man looked at Otto and hurriedly stood from his seat. He smiled, “Dr. Octavius, you’re back! How was it? Do you find the trip enjoyable?”


“Thanks, it was pretty good.”


Pulling out the note from his pocket, Otto placed it on the table and questioned straight away, “Chancellor Gates, what’s the meaning of this?”


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Gates retracted his smile suddenly and began fiddling with his head with a troubled expression. “Dr. Octavius, I’m sorry, but you’ve been terminated.”


Otto’s expression changed as a deep frown with slight disbelief appeared.


Gates lowered his head, unable to face Otto’s expression. Instead, he took out a stack of documents with a red seal stamped on them from the drawer. Placing them on the table, he tapped the desk with his fingers and said, “This is the termination letter. It was issued by the New York City Department of Education. Now, I’m forwarding it to you officially. The department has compiled a list of misconducting academicians and I’m sorry Doctor, but your name is on the list. According to the documents they had issued, from now on, you’re unable to work in any university in New York City.”


Otto picked up the documents. The fresh scarlet stamp on them was real. He shouted with an incredulous expression, “Chancellor Gates, my professorship is a tenured position! This is illegal for the Department of Education to do! I’m appealing.”


“Doctor, they didn’t revoke your professorship. You can continue working in other states, but you can’t remain in New York City anymore.


Anger surged within Otto as he slammed the documents onto the table with a thud.


“Who evaluated this list? On what basis did they evaluate? Why is my name on the list?”


Gates understood Otto’s anger, thus spitting out everything he knew, “It was said to be evaluated by the mayor’s office. It was evaluated based on the usage of funds for the last two years and the academic results. And Doctor, you’ve spent all the funds in these last two years, yet no academic results were published. Besides, during the period of evaluation, you’re taking leaves. So…”


Hearing the words “mayor’s office”, a figure instantly appeared in Otto’s mind. However, he didn’t wish to believe that man was still targeting him. Therefore, he suppressed his anger and calmly asked Gates, “Besides me, who else is on it?”


Gates remained silent for a bit and answered softly, “Only you.”

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“NORMAN!!!” Otto suddenly slammed the documents in his hand onto the table again. Akin to a rampaging bull he shouted out that man’s name out loud.


Seeing Otto was being slightly hysteric, Chancellor Gates tried to find words but failed to find any.


After a while, Otto finally calmed down. Gates took this opening and voiced out, “Dr. Octavius, you still have a week to pack your stuff. After this week, the university will take back your lab. This is the final decision of the Department of Education. I’m very sorry that the university can’t help you in any way. I hope you can look on the bright side. You can continue developing in other states. If required, the university can provide you with recommendations and referrals.”


Otto stayed silent for a while before speaking in a hoarse voice, “I appreciate it, Chancellor Gates. I’ll leave before the weekend.”


However, Otto remained at New York University for a long time. He was attached to this campus. For him to leave just like this, how would it be an easy matter?


Otto left the chancellor’s office and headed straight to the laboratory. On the way to the lab, internal struggles could be witnessed in Otto’s eyes. Ultimately it was as if he decided on something as his pace became determined.


A week went by soon enough and it was early morning on Sunday. After today, someone would come to take back Otto’s lab on Monday. Yet, at the moment, Otto was still in the lab with tons of stuff scattered around the floor. Not only that, but Otto himself was still busy in the lab.


The current Otto was bearded, had messy hair, the bald spots on his head were greasy, and his body reeked. In the corner of the lab, stacks on stacks of takeout containers were piling up.


Otto, who used to be systematic about his life, hadn’t left his lab for six days. During these six days, he had been working in the lab. It was a mystery what he was desperately trying to rush. An ordinary person wouldn’t stand six days of constant labor, not to mention Otto’s age and his body condition.

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Nonetheless, Otto’s body was fatigued, yet his eyes were as bright as a star. In front of him was an armor-like object and he was staring at it with a pair of glowing eyes.


Gritting his teeth, Otto pushed his fatigued body into the armor. Slowly, he fastened all the buckles of the armor and even tied up the buckles. Finally, he solemnly held up a helmet with his hands and placed it on his head.


After putting on the helmet, Otto’s expression contorted into pain as though electric currents were flowing through his body, shocking him. But he clenched his teeth and his eyes were filled with hatred. The next moment, the invisible currents suddenly intensified. Otto shivered involuntarily before his body slowly regained its calmness.


Concurrently, Otto’s eyes increasingly brightened up to the point of being eerie.




Two thick mechanical tentacles suddenly extended from Otto’s back and smashed onto the ground. The tentacles possessed a Herculean strength as they lifted Otto up from the ground, suspending him in midair.


The tentacles began to move, speedily carrying Otto’s body toward the laboratory’s entrance.


Swoosh! Swoosh!


Another two mechanical tentacles appeared from Otto’s back. Using the sharp claws, the lab’s door was torn apart like a piece of paper.


Four mechanical tentacles collaborated nimbly, swiftly carrying Otto and darting toward the final destination.

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