Chapter 16 Planning Against Howard Stark

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Sinthea felt everyone’s gaze on her and she slowly said, “Since we can’t make Super Soldier serum anytime soon, why don’t we take Howard Stark’s fruit of labor? If he really recreated the Super Soldier serum’s formula, won’t this be helping us? What do you think of this idea?”


“This idea is good. We can take his formula and take the serum he created! To make sure this plan succeeds, I suggest sending the Winter Soldier to carry it out. We can kill Howard Stark while we are at it, getting rid of a huge threat for H.Y.D.R.A. . S.H.I.E.L.D. had destroyed one of our crucial bases, so we killed one of their founders as a payback.”, after Dr. Zola did some calculations and determined the feasibility was high. He agreed with Sinthea’s plan.


Sinthea nodded and agreed with Dr. Zola’s suggestion. “That’s great! Katr, this plan requires your cooperation. You have to make haste in contacting our spies within S.H.I.E.L.D. . Let them find a suitable time and spot for us to carry out the plan. And, this plan is confidential. Make sure not to leak any news.”


“Absolutely, I will carry it out for sure!”


They continued discussing some more, and the details have been decided. Leo put an act by giving some contributions.


After some time, everything had finished being discussed, Sinthea said, “Tonight’s meeting ends here and I wish our plan is successful. Hail, Hydra! Dismiss!”, Sinthea stood up and turned around leaving the conference room.


Katr respectfully watched Sinthea leave then finally faced Dr. Zola and Leo and said, “Dr. Zola, Mr. Erwin, the materials and instruments you require are in the warehouse on the second basement level. I’ve modified the second base level into two large-scale laboratories. Please follow me, I will bring you there.”


Thus, three of them rode the private elevator arriving at the second basement level.


After entering the warehouse, Leo saw the piled-up materials and various-kind of instruments and could not help but sighed again at HYDRA’s wealth and abilities.

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Katr brought two of them in front of the warehouse and left after a casual chat.


He had several positions and every day he was as tired as a dog. He wished to spend as little time as possible, so he did not waste too much time staying here.


After Katr left, Dr. Zola brought Leo to survey the available space for both of the laboratories and then did an initial layout plan for the two laboratories.


Later, both of them, with help of various instruments and machines, started working. Leo during the progress of working occasionally used the skill, “Mechanical Force – Inspiration” which he had just received, providing many ideas for Dr. Zola.


In the following days, besides eating and sleeping, Leo stayed on the second basement level manufacturing various components.


Dr. Zola was even more ridiculous! Since he did not require any food, besides the necessary twelve hours of sleep, he never stopped working.




Time flew by quickly, half a month was gone in a blink of an eye.


The two laboratories finally had an initial setup. Dr. Zola’s simplified sleeping device had been made.


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At the present day, eight in the night, second basement level.


Dr. Zola looked at the beautifully crafted sleeping device that was similar to a bed, he nodded with satisfaction and said, “Leo, these past few days have been hard on you! But due to the interesting ideas you provided, the simplified sleeping device was able to be completed this fast. For the following works, we don’t have to rush it.”


It was under Leo’s suggestion that Dr. Zola designed the new sleeping device to look like a bed because he felt the previous way Dr. Zola slept was bad to look at.


Moreover, every time Dr. Zola took out a blueprint for the sleeping device components after he explained the basic use, Leo would use “Mechanical Force – Inspiration” to gain some ideas and improve the components.


This greatly increased the efficiency of their work.


The sleeping device in the cotton production factory was designed and made by Dr. Zola decades ago. During that period, it had been fixed many times but never updated. Thus, many design choices were outdated.


Furthermore, many elements in Leo’s perspective did not have many functions and were burdens. These burdens were the main cause of the power failure in the cotton production factory .Through Leo’s modifications, the new sleeping device’s functionality had greatly increased.


“Teacher, it was my duty. I can think of many ideas due to your great teaching.”


Leo suitably remained humble and instantly continued, “Teacher, why don’t you test the effect of the device? Tomorrow morning, after we collect the device parameters, we can make adjustments and improvements.”


Dr. Zola gratifiedly smiled as he listened to Leo’s advice and lay down on the sleeping device. Leo skillfully connected various transmitters onto Dr. Zola and secured Dr. Zola’s robotic body. He inputted commands into the computer besides him.

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After checking the program, Leo pulled down the handle to activate the sleeping device.


When designing the new sleeping device, Leo strongly suggested keeping the handle, with the reason being “familiarity”. As the machines began humming, the sleeping device started its work and Dr. Zola gradually entered the dreamland.


Leo was also doing his work seriously. After he checked the surrounding surveillance device, 

He could wait to start acting on Dr. Zola’s body. As Leo started concentrating and circulating his Mechanical Force, a system notification appeared in front of his eyes.


【Discover analyzable target, “Multi-functional Self-aware Robot”. Current completion rate, 70%.】


From leaving the cotton production factory until now, this was Leo’s first time analyzing Dr. Zola’s robotic body.


“Mechanical Force Analysis!”


As the analysis began, Leo felt something different. This time, his speed of analysis when compared to before was much faster.


After pondering for a while, Leo found out the reason. This change could only be caused by the “Advanced Mental Resistance” he received from Natasha.


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“Advanced Mental Resistance” greatly enhanced Leo’s mental strength making the Mechanical Force within his body more active. Hence, when analyzing, the speed of analysis naturally increased.


This unexpected surprise made Leo secretly excited. He had spent more than half a year on Dr. Zola’s robotic body, he had great expectations of this body!


As the Mechanical Force emptied, the completion rate went from 70% directly to 72%. The speed compared to before,  was increased by several folds.


From the looks of it, Leo could conquer Dr. Zola’s body soon.


As the analysis speed increased, this hugely motivated Leo. He went to the other laboratory and found a secluded spot. He started using “Mechanical Force Extraction” gradually restoring his Mechanical Force.


As he expected, even the speed of recovery significantly increased!


After ten minutes of extraction, Leo’s Mechanical Force had been fully restored. Originally, he had other matters to attend to, but he could not suppress his excitement. He returned to Dr. Zola’s body and began analyzing again.


Looking at the completion rate increased by another 2%, it made Leo over the moon.


After restoring his Mechanical Force, Leo suppressed his excitement. He started to re-improve and manufacture the Lightweight Power Arm in this laboratory of his.


The pair of Lightweight Power Arms he made before was gifted to Natasha. Thus this time, he decided to make a better one.

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