Chapter 164 Marvel’s Greatest Bug – Pym Particles

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TL: Kyous

Maybe Fury was busy with something as when Leo called, he didn’t pick up the call. Half an hour later, his phone rang once more.

Fury answered, “Mr. Erwin, why are you calling all of a sudden? Is there any emergency?”

Just several hours ago, Leo said he would contact Fury in two to seven days. Yet half a day hadn’t flown by, Fury thought Leo wanted to rescind the agreement!

“Nothing important. It’s just that my subordinate accidentally beat Sinthea to death. So, we need to start our plan in advance.” Leo calmly replied, “Then, Mr. Fury, what part of San Francisco are you in? Let’s set up a place and time, maybe we can have lunch as well.”

In San Francisco, it was ten o’clock in the morning. If Leo flew over right now, he could arrive on time. While he casually said it, it was an utter astonishment for Fury. Fury stayed silent for a while. 

From Leo’s mouth, the H.Y.D.R.A.’s leader dying sounded no different than squishing an ant to death. Fortunately, Leo had provided him a head-up beforehand regarding killing Sinthea. Although he was shocked, it wasn’t to the extent of being speechless. The real reason he was speechless was that Leo talked about having lunch together! How was Leo coming over to San Francisco from New York that fast?! He learned about Leo’s flying ability from Natasha but was unaware Leo could cover a long distance quickly.

So, Fury asked curiously, “Mr. Erwin, are you in San Francisco right now?” Fury thought Leo had planned everything and took the earliest flight.

Leo chuckled, “No, I’m still in my office in New York.”

“But it’s 2500 miles between New York and San Francisco…”

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“No problem. I can fly!” Leo interrupted Fury with a smile.

Fury realized the crazy guess in his mind was correct and was instantly rendered speechless. He subconsciously calculated the fastest speed one required to fly from New York to San Francisco. And the final answer, the speed was even faster than a commercial airplane.

How terrifying!

Fury sucked a deep breath to suppress his astonishment and said, “A fast food joint called Loh’s Burger at 12th Street, Pacific Heights. At noon sharp on my side, we’ll meet there.”

Leo agreed before ending the call. Then, he searched for the accurate location of Loh’s Burger from his computer in the lab. Looking at the time, there were still two and a half hours for him, which was sufficient enough.

Therefore, Leo went back to the Arc Reactor, searching for Bucky. At that moment, Bucky had finished tidying up. He found a body bag from somewhere to pack Sinthea up and now was preparing to carry the body bag away.

Seeing Leo coming over, he explained, “There’s a giant fridge at the security office. Didn’t you say she still got some use? I’m going to place her there for now.”

Leo nodded and Bucky left. Returning to the lab, he instructed Steam, “Clean the bloodstains at the Arc Reactor. I’m heading out for a bit.”

“Buzz! Affirmative, master.” In an instant, Steam was armed with a mop and a basin of water, becoming a janitor.

“Buzz! Here comes Steam!” Then, it revved out of the lab.

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Letting out a chuckle, Leo donned Viper Mark V and rode the specialized elevator before blasting into the sky. 

An hour later, he arrived in San Francisco. However, Viper was unsuitable for exposure in the public eye. Thus, he found an empty spot and pulled a customized black compressed bag from Viper’s storage unit.

Opening the bag, he circulated his Mechanical Force to disassemble Viper into pieces. After that, the pieces went inside the bag with a thought of his before carrying it on his back. With a black bag on his back, he instantly looked like a lame-looking scavenger.

However, he had no solution to this problem at the time. He was researching folding technology for the armor albeit there wasn’t any breakthrough for now. So, it is what it is.

Regardless, he won’t meet Fury just like this. Meeting Fury in this state was too embarrassing and Fury might even slightly look down on him. But he had a countermeasure ready. Not far from where he landed, there was a car rental shop. With a black sack in tow, he rented a car and stashed the sack in the trunk. Then, he drove towards the agreed meeting spot with Fury.

At noon sharp, Leo parked the car at the entrance of Loh’s Burger punctually.

Once he entered, he already saw Fury who was sitting right next to the entrance. Fury’s black skin and his large body were eye-catching. Coupled with that familiar face, it was difficult to recognize wrongly.

Currently, Fury looked rather young, just like the one in the “Captain Marvel” movie. However, Leo felt Fury’s lush black hair and two gleaming eyes were lacking in terms of maturity and charisma compared to the one-eyed bald director.

Leo sat in front of Fury right away. Fury raised his head, sizing up Leo before reaching out his right and asking probingly, “Leo Erwin?”

Leo nodded and shook Fury’s hand, “Nice to meet you, Director Fury.”

Fury hurriedly made a ‘shh’ sign and said, “I haven’t had the director’s seat yet. So just call me Fury is fine.”

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“Alright then, you can call me Leo as well.” Leo softly smiled.

Being a straightforward person, Fury didn’t have any pleasantries with Leo and jumped straight to the point, “Leo, so what’s so plan? Can you tell me about it now?”

Leo wasn’t in a hurry. Instead, he replied, “Aren’t we going to have lunch together? Let’s chat while we eat.”

He ordered a chicken burger and a glass of Coca-Cola for himself. Since the Americans didn’t have the custom of treating guests to lunch, he didn’t overstep his boundary and paid just for his meal.

Fury ordered a set of meals for himself too.

After they received their meals, they sat back. Leo took a bite of his burger and a gulp of his Coca-Cola. He wasn’t in haste to discuss the plan with Fury, he inquired instead, “Fury, how long have you been transferred here?”

“Almost a year. Since I’ve messed up many of the H.Y.D.R.A. bases, Pierce transferred me here.” Fury took a bite of his burger and ate in delight.

“Why did Pierce transfer you here?” Leo casually asked.

Pausing momentarily, Fury answered, “You’re going to be S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top brass anyway, telling you these won’t be any problem. One of the S.H.I.E.L.D.’s founders is Hank Pym. But for some reason, he left S.H.I.E.L.D. and created Pym Technologies. On the surface, I was sent here to monitor Dr. Pym to search for evidence of him creating weapons. But it’s just Pierce’s tricks to transfer me here, giving me idle work.”

“The same Dr. Pym who invented Pym Particles?” However, Leo ignored Fury’s unsatisfactions and complaints as he uncontrollably blurted out this question.

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Fury nodded, “Yes! That’s him. Leo, you know quite a lot about S.H.I.E.L.D. Oh yeah, even H.Y.D.R.A. spies know about it, it makes sense then.”

But Leo didn’t reply to Fury as a huge wave set off within his heart. He couldn’t resist cursing at his stupidity. He forgot about the blackest black technology within the Marvel Universe, the Pym Particles.

This thing was recognized by Marvel fans as the greatest bug within the Marvel Universe in his past life. It was capable of changing the atomic relative distance, thereby freely altering the size of objects. Not only was it able to change the mass of objects, but one also could enter the quantum realm with it, ultimately leading to time travel.

Such a heaven-defying item, how could Leo forget about it?!

With this technology, why did Leo still need Armor Folding Technology?! Who still needs Tony Stark’s Miniaturized Arc Reactor?!

If Leo had the formula of “Pym Particles”, then he could build keychain-sized armor and hang it on himself. He could even hang tons of them on his body. By then, his dream of having an army of armor was no longer a dream.

On top of that, the huge Arc Reactor could be shrunk after having the Pym Particles. After shrinking, wouldn’t its efficiency and total capability shake the Miniaturized Arc Reactor by dozens of blocks of streets?!

No wonder Dr. Pym once mentioned he was always preventing his tech from being stolen by Starks. If Iron Man possessed the Pym Particles, then it would be the definition of invincible. But now, Leo had the opportunity of fusing Iron Man’s technology and Pym Particles. Because for him to obtain the formula of creating the Pym Particles wasn’t an issue at all!

He owned the Mechanic System and had Mechanical Force Analysis. As long as he could find an object that was shrunk or expanded by the Pym Particles, perhaps he could directly analyze it.

This kind of silent thieving method, how should Dr. Pym defend against it?!

Think of this, Leo was extremely thrilled that he couldn’t wait to get his hand on a Pym Particle.

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