Chapter 170 Flying Corpse

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TL: Kyous

The weather in New York City today was bad. It was raining cats and dogs. So, Leo stopped when he flew past the soufflé of dark clouds. Gazing at the horizon, the dark clouds were beneath his feet, and the cerulean sky above his head. The atmosphere was relaxing and serene.

Inhaling a deep breath of fresh air, Leo surged his Mechanical Force and adjusted the regulator. He activated Viper Mark VI’s shrinking function and instantly became as small as an ant.

Out of the blue, the supposedly balanced Leo suddenly burst into the sky, all the way from six thousand feet to sixteen thousand feet. The inertia force immediately acted on his legs and even his chin was knocked onto the helmet.

He hastily switched off Anti-gravity Pulse Blaster through Intracranial Transmitter, only then did he decelerate under the effect of gravity. After reaching an altitude of thirty thousand feet, he finally recovered and started to free fall.

It turned out that after he shrunk, his mass was reduced but the armor’s output remained unchanged. Although the Anti-gravity Pulse Blasters became small as well, the thrust generated didn’t decrease at all. On top of that, the air resistance he faced when he shrunk was next to zero, thus the episode just now.

Facing this issue, he didn’t have any solution either. To achieve unhindered flight, diligent learning and constant practice were the only ways.

Viewing from a distance, one could see a black dot in the sky that was occasionally big and small in size, just like a headless fly rampaging all over the place at a high speed.

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Eight hours later, the black dot was as swift as a swallow, and shifting in size was as easy as drinking water. These were all on account of Leo’s rich experience in flying and Daredevil’s “Enhanced Body Body”. Otherwise, it was unthinkable to master such a dynamic flying technique in this short amount of time.

Instead of being annoyed, Leo was overjoyed despite taking eight hours of constant training to adapt flying and aerial combat skills. This was because when he flew in small size, not only was the speed extremely fast but it was energy-saving as well! Flying for the same distance, the energy required was one percent of the original requirement.

Besides, this series of tests also allowed him to experience a unique and novel experience. Whether it was the pool-sized raindrops or endless icebergs floating in the sky, he was amazed by the beauty of the scenery.

After finishing the test, a black figure descended from the sky. And just as it was about to land on El Building’s rooftop, it vanished instantly. The next moment, the black figure appeared in the underground laboratory. This kind of flying method was swift and stealthy.

Leo removed the armor. However, he didn’t disassemble the armor this time, he chose to shrink it to palm-sized instead, before stuffing it into the pocket on his chest. This way, he could carry the armor everywhere he went and never fear any unexpected incident.

Patting his pocket in satisfaction, he had a smile on his face as he exited the basement in delight. He was going to have a feast before going to sleep. Then, it would be the moment to carry out the plan he agreed with Fury.



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On a road outside of Washington, D.C., a broad black man was leaning against an off-road SUV, occasionally raising his hand to check his watch.

In the passenger seat was a woman and she said, “Officer Fury, don’t worry. Since Leo said he would be here by eight, then he will.”

With a slightly gaping mouth and widened eyes, Fury was a bit startled. He then laughed, “Agent Romanoff, it’s only been a while yet you’ve learned to side with outsiders instead of your people?”

“Tsk!” Natasha snorted in response before leisurely resting her legs on the steering wheel.

Yesterday morning, she was busy in the office when she abruptly received a call from Fury, asking her to rush to Washington, D.C. at night. Although she agreed, she left unwillingly. She asked permission from Leo first and arranged for Ol’ Tom to send Erik to school for her before rushing to the airport.

When she arrived at Washington, Fury unexpectedly was waiting for her at the airport’s entrance. Then, she learned the following arrangements of the plan. However, in the entire plan, she felt she was just being extra by being a bodyguard on the surface. Therefore, she treated this as a vacation and was happy with it.

Meanwhile, there was an extremely astonishing scene occurring several tens of thousands of feet in the sky.

In the sky was a woman facing upward with tightly shut eyes. And in her bare body, she was beelining in the sky. The surface of her body was almost covered by frost and even her hair turned into popsicles. Nonetheless, the woman seemed indifferent about it, at least it seemed so.

In reality, under the back of the woman was a palm-sized black figurine. It was radiating in a faint blue glow while dragging her in the sky.

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The woman was the dead Sinthea Schmidt and the black figurine was Leo who was activating Vibranium Defensive Runes.

According to his plan with Fury, Sinthea’s corpse was the essence of the plan. He would be escorting it and it must reach Fury’s hand before eight in the morning. However, driving the car while having a corpse on board, what if he bumped into police officers? So, he chose to airlift Sinthea over.

But he realized hugging Sinthea’s corpse was rather diabolical. Thus, he shrunk himself and held her, and behold, the bizarre scene.

Glancing at the armor’s internal GPS, he realized he had arrived at the sky of the agreed location and it was ten minutes to eight. He changed his direction while carrying Sinthea. Aiming at the ground, he swooped down as the speed was gradually increasing.

Eight minutes later, Leo with the woman’s corpse in tow, had reached sixteen hundred feet in height. He could see the car parked by the roadside with his naked eyes.

Right now, Fury wasn’t leaning against the car. Instead, he was looking at the west side of the road. But the road was void of any car in the distance within half a mile.

“Agent Romanoff, there are only two minutes left before eight. But where the hell is your punctual Boss Erwin?!” Fury was very irritated. The people he should contact had been contacted and the boast he should boast had been boasted. If Leo suddenly ghosted him, then everything would be a trainwreck!

Natasha was puzzled too. She got out of the car and looked at her surroundings and also didn’t see any sign of cars. However, Leo Erwin in her impression was a man of his word. Is he going to break his code?!

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All of a sudden, as if remembering something, she promptly lifted her head. “Sir, in the sky!”

Fury raised his head right away. The brilliant sunshine pierced his eyes, making him squint uncontrollably. But he suddenly disregarded the blinding sunshine as he involuntarily took a few steps back with a pair of widened eyes.

A woman in a red dress dropped in front of Fury, lying on the roadside.

Natasha took a few steps forward and saw the woman’s face. “Sir, this is Sinthea Schmidt! Leo had sent her body over on time.”

Fury opened his mouth several times but was unable to utter anything. Then, his phone started ringing. He pulled out his phone and saw the number displayed was his phone number. Startled for a second, he understood straight away who the caller was.

Pressing the call button, he placed the phone next to his ear and Leo’s voice came out of the speaker, “Fury, the body has been delivered. I wish you all the best with your plan. I’ll be waiting for your good news in New York.”

Fury had tons of words he wanted to say, but everything converged into a word, “Alright!”

But in reality, what he wanted to do was to curse.

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