Chapter 182 It’s Just A Billion Dollars!

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TL: Kyous


In the underground lab filled with sci-fi aesthetics, Leo was busy. Thanks to the fact that he was building an Arc Reactor and it was still unfinished, there was a large pile of construction material lying around.


He took out all of the metal from the storage and shifted them to an empty space next to the Arc Reactor. Glancing at the construction materials, he nodded inwardly and reckoned the amount was enough.


Next, he returned to the lab and took out two precious bottles of Pym Particles before donning the Mechanical Tentacles suit and returning to the “construction site” filled with materials.


Waving his hand, the metals lying on the ground levitated and swiftly circled him. Then, based on the knowledge he mastered, he used the metals and created a ten by ten by three meters rectangular box. Due to the time constraint, the box didn’t contain any technical stuff, ugly and crude. Its only advantage was that it was enormous.


But this was what Leo wanted, he wanted it to be huge. As he stood next to the box, he circulated his Mechanical Force and activated the box’s shrinking function. The next moment, the box became as small as a fingernail. The shrunk box looked rather delicate and beautiful.


The corner of his lips arched up as he smiled slightly. This was the effect he wanted!


After that, he repeated the same process and built three similar-sized large metal boxes in one go while using up the whole bottle of Pym Particles.


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Looking at the empty bottles, he wasn’t heartbroken by them but clicked his mouth instead as he silently decided to take some time to produce more Pym Particles in the future. The three boxes consumed a lot of Pym Particles. When he built his mechanical army later on, consumption would only increase.


Apart from that, he believed that it was necessary to research the possibility of automation of Pym Particles’ production. Otherwise, using more than ten hours just to produce two tubes of Pym Particles was a waste of time.


While he pondered, he grabbed the boxes and strode to his private elevator. After reaching the rooftop, he pulled out Viper Mark VI from his pocket and tossed it out. Under the Mechanical Force’s effect, Viper Mark Vi instantly enlarged and wrapped itself onto Leo. The three boxes were also stuffed into the storage compartment in Viper Mark VI’s chest.


As the Anti-gravity Pulse Blasters immediately detonated, Leo was shrunk into ant size simultaneously.


When Leo built the three boxes, it took him two hours. And now, he was flying back to the mountain range where the H.Y.D.R.A.’s base was located and it was only a little over three hours since he left.


Right now, the base was still void of people and it was a wonder why the U.S. military was this inefficient!


But having no one around was better since Leo could brazenly loot things without fearing being discovered.


According to what he had scouted previously, he flew into the armory first. This was where various kinds of ammunition and some rare metals were stored, including the raw materials for manufacturing H.Y.D.R.A. missiles.


Besides, perhaps the base had just been built a year ago, the H.Y.D.R.A. had no bases left, and the cave was prone to landslides, the H.Y.D.R.A. was spiritless to build a self-destruction device since there wasn’t any need to.

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Apart from that, H.Y.D.R.A.’s evacuation was done hastily and many valuable supplies were left behind. However, Leo couldn’t care less why these supplies were left behind. All he wanted to do right now was to pack everything away.


In the armory, Leo returned to his original size and took out a tiny box model from his chest before activating its enlarging function. A moment later, the box turned huge but not just three meters, it was as tall as the cave’s ceiling!


Then, with a pair of money eyes, he shifted the supplies into the box based on their value. The entire process took two hours.


Two hours later, he had emptied half of the armory and filled the whole giant box. Since he only picked valuable items first, the giant box brimmed with supplies was worth around two billion dollars. For every item he moved into the box, he picked up tens of thousands of dollars for nothing. So after two hours of continuous labor, he wasn’t tired at all and was more energetic instead.


He took out another giant box afterward, preparing to store the remaining supplies. In his plan, he was going to clear every place he passed by. If three boxes weren’t enough, then he would make another trip!


But just as the box was filled halfway, Leo suddenly heard some commotion from outside the cave. He promptly shut the box and shrunk it down before storing it. The next moment, he shrunk himself too and quietly made his way out of the cave to check the situation.


Outside the cave were dense woods and the only path connected to the outside world was a five-meter-wide road. The H.Y.D.R.A.s often drove on the road, so the ground was rather sturdy.


However, Leo didn’t see anyone on the road. Instead, the commotion he heard a moment ago came from the sky.


At the moment, three military helicopters were hovering in the sky, and the U.S. military’s logo was imprinted on them. Their rotors were rapidly spinning, releasing a loud roar. But the helicopters didn’t land but were constantly moving in the air as if concerned about hidden enemies in the H.Y.D.R.A. base.

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When Leo saw this, he hurriedly returned to the armory and continued brazenly moving the supplies. Regardless, seeing how vigilant the military was, they wouldn’t be coming down any time soon. So, he should use this opening to move more stuff!


After moving for another thirty minutes, he emptied the armory before hearing some faint movements near the cave’s entrance. Therefore, after he shrunk the box, he shrunk himself and hid in the dark, quietly observing.


The one who entered was a dozen U.S. soldiers. All of them were armed to the teeth and were leaning against the cave to find their way. This wasn’t the only cave the soldiers had entered. Meanwhile, several eight-man squads of U.S. soldiers also entered the other caves.


Aside from the soldiers entering the caves, almost a hundred soldiers were taking cover outside the cave while nervously staring at the empty caves. Several machine guns were even set up.


In addition, dozens of armored personnel carriers were driving on the nearest road to the H.Y.D.R.A. base. They had discovered the road to the base and were driving through the woods, hastily making their way here. The vehicles were loaded with a total of five hundred soldiers and they were expected to arrive in an hour and a half.


The H.Y.D.R.A. was notorious for its unprincipled and villainous acts, so the military believed they should be cautious and dispatch more soldiers to deal with the H.Y.D.R.A. But they were destined to be disappointed.


An hour and a half later, the soldiers who had gone inside the caves had checked the entire base inside and out several times and finally confirmed that it was indeed empty. The commander swiftly reported to the headquarters, stopping them from sending more soldiers, and instead told them to hurry up and send the three military supply trucks.


Around eight hundred soldiers had arrived and began orderly sweeping through supplies and equipment in the base as per command.


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Leo didn’t leave at all since the things inside the base, he had deemed them as his. Although he had collected seventy percent of the supplies, the remaining thirty percent still amounted to almost a billion dollars!


It was comparable to ten Leos’ two years of painstaking effort to operate the El Tech Company. He wasn’t going to let go of this large amount of wealth.


So he began to wait.


The current time was nearly six in the evening and the soldiers were working hard. After arriving at the base, they took an inventory of the supplies and started shifting the equipment, materials, and ammunition outside the cave. Since there were several hundreds of people, in just three hours, they had cleared all of the caves and neatly placed the supplies in an open space outside the cave.


Another hour later, three large military supply trucks gradually arrived. The soldiers, who had just rested for an hour, began working tirelessly again to move all the supplies onto the trucks. And one more hour later, all of the trucks had been filled to the brim.


These were the supplies that Leo didn’t manage to move but the military had seized them and prepared to send them back to their logistics department.


However, the secretly observing Leo hadn’t given up yet. In what rights did the unproductive soldiers take the supplies he meticulously searched for?!


‘Also, I, Leo, had stopped the missile flying to New York and helped you guys avoid a loss of hundreds of billions of dollars. This is just around a billion dollars, shouldn’t you be leaving them for me?!’


Leo felt he couldn’t stand it anymore. He must take all these supplies for himself!

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