Chapter 196 Aftermath of Howard’s Death

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TL: Kyous

Silver-white metal walls, black rounded cameras, plain wooden chairs and tables, and a wooden plank bed. This was the interior decoration of the detention room where Fury was held and Fury had been staying here for two weeks.

However, Fury didn’t suffer any mistreatment and has been eating well instead. But after a long time, it was inevitable to feel some boredom.

Of course, Leo sure would be bored. But whether or not Fury would, that only he knew.

Carrying the Capsule House, he entered the detention room through the air vent and gently landed on Fury’s head. This was the first time Natasha had this marvelous experience. She hurriedly pressed her face against the window, curiously sizing up everything.

“Fury, I’ve come to see you,” Leo said.

Fury heard Leo’s voice but didn’t hear it clearly. His lips trembled, “Leo, what did you say? Can you repeat it?”

Leo decided to fly into Fury’s ear canal with the Capsule House and said, “Can you hear me now?”

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“I can.” Fury resisted the urge to pick his ears and softly replied before asking, “Why are you here this early? You’re usually here after dinner, right?”

“I’m not here for you this time, it’s Natasha. She wants to have a talk with you.” Leo explained, “Her investigation was done just this morning and the result is rather optimistic. She’s free now.”

“Oh?” Fury was quite surprised, “Leo not only can you shrink, but you can also shrink others too?”

During these two weeks of interaction, he had long discovered how Leo was secretly talking with him. Although it wasn’t the mysterious magic that he initially imagined, Leo’s ability to freely resize was akin to magic in his eyes. Naturally, he knew that Leo’s ability must be related to the Pym Particles but he was unaware that Pym Particles was this powerful, capable of resizing anything and anyone!

“Of course, I’ll let you have a try when you’re free later.” Leo firmly answered.

Fury was baffled by Leo’s suggestion and momentarily didn’t say anything and his mind wandered away.

Then, Natasha said, “Officer Fury, I’ve been released and you’re not caring about me first? You can at least give me a congratulation!” Her voice carried some dissatisfaction.

“As long as those from the council aren’t mad, you’ll be fine. I’ve never been worried about your safety, Agent Romanoff.” Fury calmly replied.

Although what Fury stated was the truth, directly saying it outright somehow killed the emotion.

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Stunned for a bit, Natasha still gave Fury a recap of the council’s treatment of her. Then, she said, “Officer, where should I go now? Do you have any arrangements?”

Fury never thought of this problem before and was momentarily dumbfounded.

Waiting for two seconds, she continued, “Leo wanted me to continue working for Erwin Tech Company. What do you think about this?”

Starting to contemplate this proposal seriously, Fury was weighing its pros and cons.

At that moment, Bucky standing next to Natasha suddenly asked, “Isn’t it El Tech Company? When did it become the Erwin Tech Company?!”

“I’m going to change the company’s name and haven’t told you yet.” Leo briefly explained.

Fury stared blankly and abruptly asked, “Who is the third person that spoke just now?”

“I’m Bucky Barnes, El Tech… No, Erwin Tech Company’s Chief Security.”

Leo and Natasha were well-acquainted with Fury, so Bucky didn’t treat Fury as a stranger and introduced himself while mentioning wanted to befriend Fury. He came from a military background and had naturally carried goodwill towards those with a military background as well, such as Fury.

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However, Fury frowned instead and his complexion changed repeatedly yet didn’t reply anything.

Leo and the others were hiding in Fury’s ear canal, and were unable to see Fury’s complexion changing, thus didn’t notice the anomaly right away.

Several seconds later, the atmosphere turned eerily heavy. Natasha couldn’t resist urging him, “Officer, Leo suggested I continue working for Erwin Tech Company. What do you think about this?”

“Sure.” Fury finally responded, “But…”

“But?” Natasha pursued.

“Hmm!” Fury sighed heavily. “Agent Romanoff, remember when you reported to me that you escaped the production factory under Leo’s assistance and you said H.Y.D.R.A. had a Super Soldier with a mechanical left arm? Is that person… Sergeant Barnes?”

Hearing this, Leo, Natasha, and Bucky felt a chill in their hearts.

Natasha thought for a bit before explaining, “Yes. Bucky was my combat mentor during my training in the Red Room. So… I lied to you back then.”

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“It’s fine, I don’t blame you.” Fury paused momentarily before continuing, “Sergeant Barnes, I wish to confirm something with you. On the night of 16th December 1991, are you the one who murdered Starks?”

After a fierce internal struggle and considering Leo and Natasha’s relationship with Bucky, he finally still asked that question. Howard Stark was a benefactor of his and now he met their murderer, he couldn’t sit still and pretend to see nothing. Besides, he had been tracking Bucky’s location for a long time back then.

Leo scrunched up his brows and immediately replied, “Fury, Bucky was controlled by Sinthea and Dr. Zola at that time. Starks’ death is H.Y.D.R.A.’s fault.”

Without pausing, he continued explaining, “H.Y.D.R.A. had brainwashed Bucky and even placed a chip in his brain, controlling his mind. During that period, he didn’t possess his own consciousness. Just like three weeks ago, when Sinthea suddenly appeared in New York with the chip controller, she regained control of Bucky. When he saw me, he even dared to charge at me. So… he wasn’t acting on his volition.”

Listening to everything, Fury remained silent and his thoughts were unknown.

Then, Bucky voiced out, “Agent Fury, regarding Howard and his wife’s death. I’m truly sorry and terribly guilty of it.”

His voice was solemn, “Agent Fury since you know my name, then you must know my past. Howard and I don’t have any grudge and we’re even comrades-in-arms. We spent hard years in World War II together and surviving it was a miracle. I didn’t even have the chance to bless them to have a long life, how can I bear to kill them? However… it’s a fact that it happened. They survived the brutal war yet they, unfortunately, died in the end. Died by my hands.”

Bucky let out a long sigh, speaking with a powerless voice, “When Leo helped to escape the H.Y.D.R.A. and awakened my consciousness, I finally realized what had I done. I regret it. I’m ashamed. I’m guilty… During these two years, I’ll visit Manhattan Cemetery every year and offer a bouquet of flowers for Starks. Of course, no matter what I did, I couldn’t change the fact that I killed them. I’m telling you this much isn’t for me to ask for your sympathy and forgiveness. I’m just telling you my real thoughts, as simple as that.”

After saying all of these, Bucky chose to close his mouth. Natasha looked at Bucky and saw the sadness on his face and knew he wasn’t lying.

Fury focused on listening to everything Bucky said and ultimately replied, “Sergeant Barnes, regardless of anything, we can’t be friends.”

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