Chapter 199 What Exactly Are You?

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TL: Kyous


Hanging high in the sky, the sun brightly shone on New York City’s beautiful scenery.


Construction was progressing in full swing in a vacant lot in the southern suburb of Queens with the workers as busy as a bee.


With a safety helmet on, Leo was accompanied by Ol’ Tom inspecting the construction of the second base along with some leaders of the construction team. The second base had a large area and was designed by Leo himself with plans to set up an Arc Reactor for an independent power supply. Various buildings were included in the design, such as research areas, sales areas, manufacturing areas, etc.


However, due to the limited amount of liquid funds available for Erwin Technology, not all buildings were started simultaneously, and the construction force was focused on the main building of research areas.


Once it was completed, the building would be Leo’s personal lab and by then, he would modify the lab into a piece of luggage.


Currently, Leo stood before the uncompleted laboratory, looking around. As far as the eye can view, there weren’t any large buildings around. Truly, it was the suburbs of the suburbs.


The large empty land in the surrounding area was purchased by Ol’ Tom under Leo’s name for a total amount of tens of millions of dollars. Gazing at the surroundings, he straightened his back as a sense of pride suddenly brimmed within him with this piece of large land. All of these would be his soon.


Even if he did nothing and waited patiently for two to three decades, the value of this piece of land alone would increase by dozens of hundreds of times.

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“Boss, are you happy with this place?” Ol’ Tom asked Leo after sending the construction team away.


Patting Ol’ Tom’s shoulder, Leo smiled, “I’m very happy with it. You did a good job.”


Ol’ Tom chuckled happily while imitating Leo’s action and looked at the surroundings. He asked, “Boss, we bought such a large piece of land to build a base. Have you decided on a name for her?”


Leo had already thought of it. “This building that’s under construction will be called Erwin Research Center.”


As Ol’ Tom’s face stiffened, he was deeply impressed by Leo’s naming ability. He swallowed his saliva and prudently asked, “What about the other buildings?”


“I haven’t thought about those yet. But I’ve already thought of a name for the entire base.” Leo suddenly became spirited and announced, “The base will be called Marvel.”


“Marvel Base?” Ol’ Tom was puzzled, “Is there any special meaning?”


“Of course it does.” Leo gave Ol’ Tom a meaningful gaze.


Tring! Tring! Tring!


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Just as Ol’ Tom was about to ask more questions, Leo’s phone suddenly rang. Ol’ Tom wisely stopped asking questions and moved aside. Leo took out his phone and saw the phone displaying an unknown number.


Realizing who it was, Leo smiled slightly and answered the call.


“Hello, Leo. It’s Fury.” A deep voice came from the phone.


Unsurprised by it, Leo said, “When I saw the unknown number, I figured it was you. So? Has the investigation ended?”


“Well, it ended this morning. I just got back to my place after taking care of some formalities and I’m calling you right now.”


Without waiting for Leo to pose a follow-up question, Fury took the initiative to state the result of the investigation, “My agent rank is reduced to Level 1, restricted from leaving the country for ten years, regular weekly reports to S.H.I.E.L.D. That’s about it.”


“Tsk, rather miserable.” Leo shook his head.


“It’s fine, I guess. It doesn’t matter.” Fury let out a chuckle and resumed in a serious manner, saying, “I didn’t call you today to recite a sad story for you. What I want to tell you is that the council ultimately didn’t discover evidence that Pierce is a H.Y.D.R.A. His punishment is the same as mine and is released today.”


Leo raised his brow, “Then, what do you want me to do with Pierce?”


“That’s up to you. I’m assured of you handling it.” Chuckling, Fury hung up the call.

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As Leo slowly stuffed his phone back into his pocket, a playful smile surfaced on his face. If he were to make the decision, Pierce must be erased from this world completely.


Having this thought, he said goodbye to Ol’ Tom and left the still unfinished Marvel Base in a car. The car sped on the road and after turning at a corner, a screeching voice of the brake sounded out.


Leo got off the car and sized up the surrounding, making sure the road was empty. Then, waving his hand, the car became a tiny toy car and was kept in the Storage Belt. The next moment, he took out a palm-sized locator from the Storage Belt through the Forwarding Box. Switching on the locator, it displayed Pierce’s current location on its screen.


What made Leo surprised was Pierce had already left Washington and was swiftly moving south, almost reaching Florida.


Is he fleeing from his punishment?!


Leo initially thought Pierce attempted to play some tricks by continuing to remain in S.H.I.E.L.D. with his attitude. But Pierce running away was more convenient for Leo to deal with him.


Thus, he attached the locator to his waist and donned Viper Mark VII, instantly blasting into the sky, charging straight at Pierce.




In the open wilderness, a white car was speeding down the road and the roar of the engine could be heard from afar.

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All of a sudden, a black figure descended from the sky and directly landed two hundred meters in front of the white car. But as if the white car didn’t see it, its speed didn’t reduce at all and crashed right at the black figure.


The black figure waved his hand and a faint blue glow gathered on his hand. The next moment, the white car flipped over. The components flew all over the place and the tires rolled a hundred meters away. The black figure was Leo while the driver of the white car was Pierce, who just left S.H.I.E.L.D.


The instant the car shattered, Leo shrunk down to avoid the impact of the car debris and then returned to his original size unharmed. Examining the mess on the ground, he saw Pierce lying on the side of the road, facing upwards thirty meters away in front of him.


Leo strode over and bent down, looking at Pierce with a condescending gaze as his helmet automatically shrunk down.


“Mr. Pierce, speeding is a bad habit, and attempting to run people over was even more of a bad habit. How do you feel now?”


Right now, Pierce was lying on the ground. His right leg was twisted at a weird angle. Blood was flowing from his forehead and the corner of his mouth ruptured, appearing abnormally miserable. But instead of dying, he opened his eyes wide and viciously glared at Leo.


Gnashing his teeth, he uttered, “Are you Leo Erwin, Dr. Zola’s assistant, the traitor who escaped the H.Y.D.R.A.?”


Then, it occurred to him, “The destruction of H.Y.D.R.A., disclosure of the spies in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even the death of Leader Sinthea. Were all of those caused by you?”


Without waiting for Leo to answer or more accurately, Pierce wasn’t going to listen to Leo. The original breathless Pierce suddenly swung his right fist, aiming at Leo’s face.


Smirking, Leo leisurely raised his hand to block Pierce’s fist. He smiled playfully and said, “I already expected this. Being thrown out for more than thirty meters away from a speeding car yet only a couple of scratches and a twisted leg. You neither cry nor scream. Huh, Pierce, what exactly are you?“

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