Chapter 202 Patiently Waiting For Captain Marvel’s Arrival

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TL: Kyous


Erwin Tech Company’s conference room boasted a solid wood table, complemented by genuine leather chairs and a pristine, gleaming floor.


After gaining wealth, Leo wasn’t one to hoard his riches. He firmly believed that money should be spent to fulfill its purpose and demonstrate its value. One area that he placed great importance on was improving the company’s environment and enhancing the comfort of its employees while they worked.


As a result, the conference room underwent a transformation and now boasted a slightly more luxurious appearance.


A rare meeting, mainly because of Leo being busy, of the company’s leaders, both high and lower-ranking, took place today. The conference was filled with over thirty individuals, with him occupying the main seat at the northernmost end of the solid wood table. Seated to his left and right were Natasha and Bucky, followed by Peter and Matt, then Ol’ Tom and Foggy. Heather and Garwain sat behind them. And Leo struggled to recall the names of those situated further back in the room.


As the company expanded over the past year, it brought on board numerous talented and hardworking individuals who were all eligible to attend this meeting. Leo had only a faint impression of them, having met them briefly as employees of his company. 


Once everyone was seated, Natasha declared the start of the meeting.

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Clearing his throat, Leo began speaking into the microphone in front of him. He had a series of announcements to make as he convened the meeting today.


“Gentlemen, through the board of directors’ consideration and decision, from today onward, El Tech Company officially changes its name to Erwin Tech Company and at the same time, the El Building will also change its name to Erwin Building.”


In truth, Erwin Tech Company’s board of directors consisted of only one person, the chairman, Leo.


He used the term “board of directors” as he wanted to present the meeting with a more formal structure, and referring to himself as the sole decision-maker might have appeared too authoritative.


The company’s employees had heard rumors about a potential rebranding beforehand, so they weren’t particularly surprised when the topic was brought up during the meeting. No one objected or spoke out against the idea. 


So, Leo continued to give orders and stated, “Mr. Murdock, Mr. Nelson. I’d like you both to handle the legal matters pertaining to the company’s rebranding and ensure that all the necessary procedures are properly carried out.”


Matt and Foggy nodded their heads.


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“Ol’ Tom, you’re in charge of hiring someone to change the sign outside the Erwin Building with a new design. Remember, the new sign will be with us for a long time, so make sure it’s well thought out. I’ll oversee the final approval process.”


Without prior preparation of a script, Leo found himself improvising on the spot and unsure how to proceed. Nevertheless, everyone nodded in agreement and provided reassurance that they would put forth their best effort to complete their tasks.


After a satisfied smile at the company’s work atmosphere, he continued, “A little over a year ago, Erwin Tech Company started with the production of high-performance chips, and over the past year, they have gradually established a foothold in the industry, and earned a reputation. It’s no exaggeration to say that in the past two years with the rapid development of computer technology worldwide, our company’s high-performance chips have played a significant role. We have matured in the research and development of chips and their promotion, earning substantial profits Therefore, the company plans to expand into a new sector, particularly the high-tech industry, which will be our main focus in the future.”


Pausing for a bit, he picked up the documents in front of him and pretended to flip through them before adding, “I’ve recently researched the trends of technological advancement in various countries over the past three decades and I’ve come to the following conclusion. The Digital Revolution, although ongoing for several decades, is far from over and the climax has yet to arrive. I boldly predict that the next two decades will be the peak period of technological advancement, especially in the industries of Internet technology, electronic computer manufacturing, and mobile phone manufacturing, which will undoubtedly be the three extremely hot industries. Therefore, after the discussions by the board of directors, we are preparing to actively establish three new departments to adapt to industry development. The new departments will be located in the under-construction Marvel Base, which is a beautiful and conveniently located place to work. Within the next year, many important buildings in the Marvel Base will be completed and the three departments will also be established and begin to operate. I hope that everyone present can cooperate and recommend outstanding talents to join our Erwin Tech Company…”


With a clear vision of the future, Leo had a clear understanding of what would be the most profitable venture. And with that knowledge, he poured vast amounts of money into seizing the market, confident that he would rake in untold riches.


His passionate and well-founded speech stirred up the emotions of everyone present, as the company was intending to establish new departments with many positions waiting to be filled. Among those present were many young people with a strong drive to succeed, eager to seize the opportunity and contribute to the company’s growth.


At this point, he had achieved his goal for the meeting. With others taking on the necessary tasks, he only needed to oversee things in a general sense. He then gave Natasha a subtle nod, signaling for her to announce the conclusion of the meeting.


After the meeting was adjourned, everyone left the conference room and went back to their work. However, Bucky and Matt, under Leo’s instructions, followed him to his office.

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In the office, Bucky and Matt sat side by side while Leo sat across from them. He said, “Once the three new departments of the company are established, we will start manufacturing new products. In addition to outsourcing to factories, we will also open our own manufacturing plants. I plan to hire workers for the factories from Hell’s Kitchen. Matt, since you’re a local of Hell’s Kitchen, I’ll leave the recruiting to you. I believe that this time, we can provide a significant number of job opportunities for the residents of Hell’s Kitchen.”


Possessing exceptional hearing, many of Leo’s secrets weren’t secrets to Matt. Hence, he was well aware that over the past year, Leo had quietly accomplished many earth-shattering things. Now, he was deeply moved to see that someone as important as Leo still remembered the “small” promise he made to him and was working hard in searching for ways to lead Hell’s Kitchen out of poverty.


Matt took off his sunglasses, faced Leo, and said earnestly, “Mr. Erwin, thank you.”


“No, this is something I ought to do. Don’t worry about it.” Leo smiled.


“Bucky, I think it’s time to shut down the many bars on Mingde Street. Laws and policies are changing, and time waits for no one. I believe that in the future, those women can no longer rely on their bodies to make a living,” said Leo, shifting his focus to Bucky.


“You want them to work in factories too?”


Leo nodded.

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Stroking his chin, Bucky said, “It’s a good idea, but they are used to making money by lying down. I’m afraid they will find it difficult to use their hands to make a living.”


“Hell’s Kitchen is now ours, we call the shots. They don’t have a choice.” Leo added, “Besides, there are also those who are truly desperate and have been wanting to change their way of living for a long time.”


After some thought, Bucky nodded his head. Now that Leo had spoken, he was determined to enforce this matter by force.


For the women who were willing to change, Erwin Tech Company would provide them with new job opportunities. As for those who were unwilling to change and wanted to make money by lying down, Bucky would kick them out of Hell’s Kitchen. After all, there would be no more prostitutes in Hell’s Kitchen from now on.


With the matter settled, Leo waved his hand and motioned for Bucky and Matt to leave.

Sitting alone in his office, Leo contemplated both the past and the future. He had already formulated a detailed plan for the future but he knew it was not yet time for him to take action.


Over the past two weeks, Leo had several interactions with Fury. Not only did he confirm the existence of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S., but he also visited Project’s base himself. He even had the chance to encounter the legendary “Flerken” in the base.


However, he didn’t rush to make a move. All he had to do was to wait patiently, waiting for the arrival of Captain Marvel and Fury to bring him the good news.

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