Chapter 205 Ulysses’ Shock

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TL: Kyous

Erik was a crucial key to Leo’s plan to unify Wakanda. So, naturally, Leo took some countermeasures to protect him. Giving Erik powerful weapons for self-defense was infeasible, but secretly placing a locator on his body was a piece of cake.

Therefore, Leo donned Viper Mark VII and quietly trailed the car carrying Ulysses and Erik. He shrank down and slipped through a crack in the window.

In fact, Leo had arrived earlier, but he didn’t reveal himself when he heard Ulysses speaking so eloquently and twisting the truth. Firstly, he wanted to hear what Ulysses had to say and secondly, he wanted to test Erik’s reaction. He didn’t want to raise Erik as his own only to find out later that he had been nurturing a viper.

He was rather satisfied with the results of the test. At least in Erik’s mind, he still trusted Leo and had no intention of backstabbing. 

Although after listening to Ulysses’ nonsense, Erik, who had just started his third year of junior high, inevitably had some new thoughts in his mind. But Leo didn’t care about those thoughts as there was still plenty of time for him to slowly correct them in the future.

As the car was speeding at eighty miles per hour, all four windows were tightly closed. A strange armored figure no smaller than Ulysses abruptly appeared in the passenger seat, startling both Ulysses and the burly driver. Despite being accustomed to the life of using knives and guns, the “morphing” ability still greatly shocked them.

Regardless, both men were veterans who had survived countless gunfights and battles. After their initial shock, they quickly reacted. The driver slammed on the brakes and reached for a dagger at his waist, intending to stab Leo.

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Meanwhile, Ulysses was even more direct, pulling out a handgun from his waist. The handgun was no ordinary firearm. It was silver-colored and had a faint blue light emanating from the muzzle. Obviously, it was a weapon made by Ulysses using Vibranium.

Right then, Leo’s calm voice suddenly rang out, “Take a look at what’s on your foreheads first! If I were you two, I would raise my hands obediently.”

Stopping their hands, they rolled their eyes slightly upwards, glancing toward their foreheads.

It was a strange weapon floating above them, though it was unclear when it had appeared. The weapon was the size of a palm, with four circular openings that glimmered with a faint light, seemingly providing propulsion for the weapon to fly. If necessary, the weapon could grow from its palm size to the size of a washbasin easily. The front end of the weapon had two dark gun barrels, as if deadly bullets were about to be fired at any moment.

This weapon was created by Leo inspired by Stark drones in “Spider-Man: Far From Home”, but it only carried the weapon system and had no virtual reality effects.

Moreover, due to the limitations in the network transmission speed and information accuracy, the effective range of these weapons wasn’t very far. They only worked best within a radius of about one kilometer from Leo’s location. On the other hand, if the target was within ten meters of Leo and coupled with his Mechanical Force, these weapons could unleash their full power.

Nonetheless, these limitations would gradually be overcome with the development of technology. Leo’s goal was to cover the entire globe with these weapons, enabling him to strike anywhere at any time.

Naturally, this weapon possessed its own name, and it was called the Hummingbird.

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Generally speaking, animals such as snakes, bees, birds, ants, and so on have their nests.

To that end, Leo allocated a portion of his Storage Belt to create a weapon nest which he called the Mother Nest. And all the weapons built by him were stored in the Mother Nest after undergoing Pym Particles’ manipulation and were named after animals such as ants, bees, and birds.

Currently, Ulysses and the burly driver froze in place as they saw the high-tech weapon suddenly appear on their foreheads. The movements of their hands came to an immediate halt. At such a close distance, if Leo wanted to kill them, they would have no chance to dodge nor could they even retaliate in time.

Then, the burly driver parked the car safely on the side of the road, with his right hand still clutching the knife. He spoke up cautiously, “What do we do, boss?”

Ulysses answered his subordinate’s questions with actions. Slowly, he placed his handgun back into his waist and raised his hands slightly.

Next, with a smile on his face, he asked, “Excuse me, sir, may I know who you are?”

As a response, Leo lifted his left hand slowly and snapped his fingers.

Right after, Ulysses’ Vibranium handgun, the driver’s knife, and various weapons hidden in concealed places all flew out and piled up in front of Leo, suspended in midair. As he waved his right hand, a leather bag flasher by and the weapons in front of him vanished.

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The leather bag was the Forwarding Bag that he had invented, similar to the Forwarding Box but easier to open and close, making it more convenient to show off.

As expected, both Ulysses and the driver couldn’t help but gasp in awe. Especially Ulysses, who lost his composure, as he was left weaponless. As an ordinary person, he immediately felt a sense of insecurity.

Ulysses swallowed his saliva silently and glanced at the Hummingbird above his head. He tried to retain calm and asked, “Excuse me, sir. Are you perhaps from Wakanda?”

In Ulysses’ mind, Wakanda was the only place that could possibly possess such mysterious and unexplainable technology.

Leo faced Ulysses and gave a dazzling smile. His helmet automatically shrank, revealing his face.

“I don’t look black at all. How could I be from Wakanda?” He replied.

Ulysses naturally realized that Leo wasn’t from Wakanda but he was also unable to recognize who Leo was.

Staring at the shocked Ulysses, Leo smiled, “Let me introduce myself formally. I am Leo Erwin, the ‘who the hell’ you mentioned just now.”

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Ulysses reacted swiftly, not choosing to abandon his car or beg for mercy, but instead, he attempted to coerce Erik by grabbing him with his right hand. However, his speed was no match to Leo’s.

A white fluid shot out from the palm of Viper Mark VII, turning into a spider web that directly pasted itself onto Ulysses’ face, sending him slumping onto the back seat of the car. Clawing at his face desperately, Ulysses couldn’t manage to remove the web.

Simultaneously, the black muscular driver clenched his fist and lunged toward Leo’s face with a powerful punch.


Viper Mark VII’s helmet automatically enlarged and sealed tightly, while Offensive Vibranium Runes on its forehead shone with a faint light. A small but powerful burst of energy was fired, smashing the driver’s fist. God knows whether his wrist or fingers were broken, but judging by the way he was holding his left hand with his right, it must have been painful.

Leo slowly got out of the car and dragged the groaning driver out of the driver’s seat. He then sprayed the web dissolvent onto Ulysses’ face before pulling him out of the car as well.

As Ulysses wiped his face and took in his surroundings, he noticed two silver metal boxes, each about two meters tall and one square meter in size, which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in front of the car.

Meanwhile, the palm-sized Hummingbird was still tightly attached to his forehead.

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