Chapter 212 Wakanda D-Rank E-Pass

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TL: Kyous


Emptying the Vibranium stored by Ulysses with satisfaction, Leo then picked up a small exquisite electronic device from the shelf of the storage compartment.


The gadget appeared like a luxury car key with only one button on it, which was the decoder for the shield that N’Jobu had given Ulysses. It was with this device that Ulysses had successfully entered Wakanda and stolen the Vibranium. It was also the key item for Leo’s secret entry into Wakanda.


Right after, holding the shield decoder, he activated both “Mechanical Force Analysis” and “Mechanical Force – Insight.”


【Discover analyzable target, “Wakanda D-Rank e-Pass”. Analyze?】


“Yes!” Leo muttered in his heart.


【Analyzing… Analysis complete. Gained blueprint, “Wakanda D-Rank e-Pass”.】


Instantly, the blueprint of the shield decoder, or rather, the pass as it was called now, became clear to Leo.


After some thought, he realized that it was unlikely that the blueprint could be used to reverse engineer the shield technology. But he saw great potential in using it to modify devices and attempt to decrypt the new encryption methods used in the shield technology.


Nodding slightly, he stuffed the e-Pass right into his pocket. His current Mechanical Force, whether its strength or capacity, was vastly improved, and his ability to analyze was naturally very fast. Besides, the speed of his thoughts was even faster.


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As the saying goes, a thought lasts forever, and this was exactly how it was.


So what Bucky and Ulysses saw was Leo picking up the shield decoder, and examining it for two seconds before placing it into the pocket. Completely natural and without any hint of unusualness.


The storage compartments, once filled to the brim, were now empty after Leo had rummaged through them


Standing nearby, Ulysses had a strange expression on his face and in his eyes as his hands were tightly clenched. But since he was under control, he wouldn’t reveal any resistance or anger towards Leo or Bucky anytime soon. Thus, the only emotion on his face right now was a sense of reluctance, commonly known as heartache.


Of course, Leo noticed Ulysses’ expression but he remained unmoved.


‘Ulysses, it’s not a bad thing that you don’t have Vibranium anymore. You can’t sell it for a good price in the short term anyways. Plus, now Ultron won’t come and bother you again. I’m doing this for your own good!’


Since Leo already obtained a large amount of Vibranium, he didn’t want to linger here any longer. He was eager to return and use the Vibranium to upgrade his numerous pieces of equipment.


As for how to deal with Ulysses, he already made up his mind. He spoke up at this moment, “Ulysses, you can stay here and continue your black market business. If you happen to come across any important information, remember to contact me using the contact information I left for you.”


Ulysses carried a notorious reputation, having not only offended Wakanda but also having a criminal record in multiple countries and being listed as a wanted fugitive. He didn’t want to have too much involvement with Ulysses.


Silently recruiting him as an informant was one thing, but it was impossible for Leo to give him any important responsibility.


After all, Leo was an upright citizen with a legitimate business and making money through honest means!

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Ulysses nodded obediently, he knew to keep an eye out on what kind of information as Leo had already briefed him beforehand.


After a moment of pondering, Leo realized there was nothing else to discuss, so he said, “Bucky, let’s head back now.”


However, Bucky shook his head, “Leo, I think this place is quite interesting and I haven’t got chances to ride a ship. It’s quite enjoyable here. Besides, there’s nothing much for me to do in the company, so how about letting me stay here for a bit longer?”


“No!” Leo refused straight away.


Earlier when Bucky was wandering around the abandoned ship and asking Ulysses all sorts of questions with an interested face, Leo had guessed that Bucky was intending to stick around to play for a while.


However, he still sternly rejected Bucky’s request. As for the reason, it was already explained just now.


But he thought his tone was too harsh and explained, “We have to go to Wakanda later. To avoid being exposed, I need to prepare a new set of equipment for you. So you need to follow me back to carry out some necessary training.”


As imagined, Bucky’s eyes lit up. His left arm had been upgraded once by Leo and its strength and toughness had greatly improved. And now hearing that Leo was going to design new equipment for him, he was immediately brimmed with anticipation, and his boredom was swept away instantly.


Since there was something to do back home, Bucky wasn’t so attached to the shipyard and agreed to go back with Leo.


Before leaving, he gave his new underlings, Ulysses, some instructions, telling him to work hard and such. He also ordered Ulysses to visit him in the United States a month later with Mark.


Despite the brainwashing device having undergone various modifications by Leo, improving its control effect, the human brain is still a magical entity with an enigmatic self-repairing function. Thus, it was necessary to reinforce the control of Ulysses and Mark’s consciousness to form a stable thought pattern.

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Coincidentally, the storage compartment had a spacious area, and while Bucky was speaking, Leo took out a hibernation pod from his Storage Belt.


Once Bucky made all the required arrangements, Leo helped him lie down inside the pod. He then secured and shrunk the pod using Pym Particles. In no time, they flew out of the abandoned shipyard and left South Africa, heading towards New York.




Two hours later, Leo had carried Bucky back to his home in Hell’s Kitchen, New York City.


Due to the time difference, it was just getting dark when they left South Africa but when they arrived in New York, it was only half past three in the afternoon, with the sun shining brightly.


Natasha and Ol’ Tom were still at work while Erik was still at school, so there was no one else at home right now.


Flying straight into the basement, he took out the hibernation pod containing Bucky. As he opened the lid, Bucky adjusted to the dim lighting and quickly turned on the basement’s air conditioning. Although his Super Soldier Physique could withstand the cold, who wouldn’t want to enjoy some comfort, right?


“Why don’t you go upstairs and change your clothes?” Leo suggested, glancing at Bucky’s African attire.


Bucky nodded and swiftly ran upstairs.


Leo chuckled and shook his head, pulling out a toolbox from his Storage Belt and starting to dismantle the brainwashing device in the basement. Initially, he had kept the device at home because when he first rented this house, it was the only place he could place it.


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Even after he moved into the Erwin Building, he sealed off the basement and left the equipment behind for Bucky to train his subordinates with. Regardless, now that Natasha and Erik had moved in, it didn’t seem appropriate to bring strangers to their home for brainwashing.


After Bucky mentioned that Natasha had heard some noise coming from the basement last night, Leo decided to relocate the equipment before leaving in the morning.


Erwin Research Center, located in the Marvel base, had plenty of vacant rooms. So he was certain that he could move the equipment there and use it without any issues.


Bucky went upstairs for a quick change of clothes and returned to the basement in no time.


“I’m going to move this thing to Marvel Base. If you want to use it, just go to Erwin Research Center and then tell Steam. I’ll give it a head-up beforehand.” Leo casually explained.


Having no objections, Bucky nodded his head and was even ready to lend a helping hand. Nonetheless, as he stood amidst a swirling mess of scattered parts, he gazed at the pile for a long while without a clue as to where to start. In the end, he had to forget his goodwill.


Leo chuckled and struck up a conversation with Bucky while working, “Just now you mentioned at Ulysses’ shipyard that you enjoy life aboard a ship?”


“Not really. It’s just that I don’t have many chances to experience it and I want to try it out. Thanks to you, I’ve been freed from the endless cycle of ‘unfreeze, mission, and refreeze’ for the past two years. But the whole world has changed while I was sleeping. So I want to explore new stuff and find some fun for myself.”


Originally, Leo wanted to say, “You may have forgotten about Sinthea’s love…”, but he thought that it wasn’t appropriate, so the words that come out of his mouth were, “I plan to sail in the future. When that time comes, I’ll take you on a more luxurious ship and travel to even further places.”


“Do you plan on going on long voyages? Where to and why?” Bucky became interested and asked eagerly.


“To find a way to fix your brain.” Leo chuckled without further explanation.

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