Chapter 222 Vibranium Warehouse

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TL: Kyous


The Wakandan would never imagine that an outsider could slip into the depths of the Vibranium mine undetected. 


As a result, there were no security measures in place at the entrance to the mine. The gate was wide open, without even a door panel, making it effortless for Leo to sneak in without being noticed.


Inside the cave was an irregular circular chamber illuminated by light tubes hanging from the ceiling, emitting a blueish-white glow.


All of a sudden, Leo suddenly became interested in learning and activated his Mechanical Force Analysis on the light tubes, which resulted in a blueprint called the “Vibranium Lamp/” However, this lamp was nothing special compared to regular lighting fixtures, except that it was powered by raw Vibranium, which was a waste of energy.


He didn’t spend much time examining the blueprint and closed the system panel before refocusing his attention on the cave.


The ground inside the cave was becoming uneven, and the cave itself wasn’t straight but winding. No wonder it was impossible to install a maglev train here, and they had to use forklift-like tractors to transport goods.


By then, a forklift carrying ten tubes of Vibranium drove past him at a high speed. The forklift was powered by a non-conventional engine that made very little noise. The sound of the wheels crushing the ground was louder than the forklift’s engine.


Glancing at the forklift, he accelerated and flew rapidly along the winding cave. After flying around seventy meters, he suddenly emerged into a spacious circular area with a diameter of over a hundred meters and a height of about twenty meters.


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The lighting in this area was much brighter than in the previous cave, and the ground was polished smoothly.


For a moment, he took in the surroundings and was amazed by the size of the space.


Here, he saw the “All-purpose Maintenance Bot” he had analyzed earlier, and there were quite a few of them flying around, scanning and probing the area like geologists. However, his attention was clearly not on the robots at this moment as he stared straight ahead through his helmet, fixated on the ground.


On the ground, he saw huge glass cabinets, each filled with neatly arranged Vibranium glass tubes that were visually striking and impressive.


One, two, three…




Four hundred and twelve, Five hundred and twelve…


Leo gave up on counting the number of Vibranium tubes on the ground and estimated that there were tens of thousands of standard-quality Vibranium stored there. 


It turned out to be Wakanda’s Vibranium warehouse!


The middle-aged man that he saw at the opening earlier was now walking around in the warehouse, directing Wakandan workers to load the standard Vibranium onto the forklifts and transport them outside.

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That was why Wakanda’s Vibranium output suddenly doubled like a female pig giving birth to piglets. They were eating into their inventory.


The Wakandans were truly cunning. Instead of transporting the Vibranium out of the mine, they stored it right here. Don’t they know they could build a warehouse outside? Or maybe if they stored it outside, someone would dare to steal it from them? Weren’t they afraid that the mine would suddenly collapse and buried all the hard-earned Vibranium underground?!


Leo started to rant frantically to ease the impulse in his heart.


Because facing so much Vibranium, he suddenly had a strong desire to pack them all up and take them away. The desire was so strong that his hand subconsciously reached for his Storage Belt.


It was tens of thousands of tubes of Vibranium, worth trillions of dollars and he could manufacture countless powerful machines with it. 


Since it was raw Vibranium, he didn’t have to worry too much about the energy issue when he built machines out of it. Unlike the Vibranium Energy Crystal, he had made before using the Vibranium pickaxe and shield which needed to be recharged.


But at the critical moment, Leo restrained himself.


Without having a chance to learn about Wakanda’s black tech oology or try the heart-shaped herb yet, he chose to keep a low profile to avoid jeopardizing his future plans.


As long as he understood the principles behind Wakanda’s shield generator, he could come and go in Wakanda as he pleased. Whether the Vibranium was stored in Wakanda or in his pocket, it made no difference.


“Don’t be impulsive, don’t be impulsive! Impulsive is the devil!” Leo reminded himself, taking a few deep breaths to calm his emotion. Then, he walked out of the warehouse while arrogantly holding his head up, ignoring the piles of Vibranium on the ground. Leaving the warehouse, he continued to fly deeper into the cave.

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He figured that he was approaching the frontline of the Vibranium mine, where the metal hadn’t been weighed or packaged yet and he could take as much as he wanted without fear of being caught.


As his fragile heart was stimulated by the visual impact of the numerous tubes of Vibranium just now, he felt too gut-wrenching to not nick some of them.


After passing the Vibranium warehouse, the path became uneven again, but fortunately, he was flying and didn’t need to walk. Shortly after, he flew to the end of the mine and suddenly heard a huge noise in the mine.


The sound was creaking and occasionally accompanied by the sound of collapse. It was akin to a giant beast gnawing and chewing on rocks with great force and it felt a bit creepy.


With doubts, he followed the sound to the end of the mine and was slightly stunned by the scene before him. After a long while, he finally closed his mouth and figured out how the Wakandans mined the Vibranium.


Before him was a colossal metallic creature resembling a fish. It was around five meters long, three meters wide, and covered in black metallic scales. Its massive tail was swaying left and right, radiating a faint blue light that powered its movement, making it glide through the air.


What caught his attention was the creature’s head. It had four giant metal claws capable of easily snapping boulders and sharp rolling teeth that rotated at high speeds. Layer by layer, it gnawed at the rock walls, consuming the rocks mixed with Vibranium and swallowing them into its belly.


The grating sound that echoed throughout the mine was produced by the metallic creature.


Watching it for a bit, Leo directly flew onto its body and used his Mechanical Force to secure himself in place. Next, he used his Mechanical Analysis and scanned the creature beneath his feet.


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【Discover analyzable target, “Semi-auto Vibranium Excavator”. Analyze?】


“Yes,” Leo muttered inwardly.




Ten seconds later, Leo voluntarily interrupted his Mechanical Force Analysis.


Because based on his estimation, fully analyzing the extraterrestrial “excavator” monster required a whopping ten hours. Although the excavator appeared to have high technological value and the analysis would yield useful information and blueprints, Leo didn’t want to waste ten hours on it.


So he swiftly flew around the excavator and gathered intelligence. To his surprise, he learned that the excavator had a cockpit, and two Wakandan, a male and a female, were operating it.


No wonder the name of the huge creature had the prefix “semi-auto.” It turned out that it still required manual operation.


Originally, his plan was to use Pym Particles equipment in his storage belt to shrink the massive object and successfully analyze it in a short amount of time if there was nobody inside the excavator.


However, now that there were people inside it, he had to abandon this plan.


Standing inside the cockpit, he was watching two Wakandans skillfully operate the excavator while listening to their rhythmic and incomprehensible conversation, lost in thought.

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