Chapter 240 Panther God

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TL: Kyous


In no time, Bucky used the Vibranium mortar and pestle and the Vibranium bottle filled with snow water from the Jabari Mountains to grind a bowl of herb concoction for Leo.

Sitting on the fine sand, Leo took the mortar and tilted his head back, drinking all the concoction in one gulp.


“It is a bit sweet,” Leo wiped his mouth. The taste was somewhat similar to mineral water mixed with sugar he used to drink in his previous life.


The next moment, before he could even set down the mortar, a sense of searing heat assaulted him on the throat and was accompanied by waves of pain. This sensation quickly filled his head and began spreading toward his stomach.


Meanwhile, Bucky hastily took the mortar from Leo’s hand and exclaimed, “Leo, why are you becoming blue?! Hurry up and lie down, I’ll bury you now.”


Bucky’s tone sounded as if burying a pile of bones and was filled with a strong trace of revenge.


However, Leo didn’t have the time to argue with Bucky. He obediently laid himself down on the sacred pool and closed his eyes, allowing Bucky to cover him with handfuls of sand. The painful feelings gradually faded away and the searing heat transformed into a warm and comforting feeling.


Lying in the sand, he felt as if he was submerged in a mother’s womb, surrounded by warmth and tranquillity. His body and mind became one with the vast earth, drifting off to sleep in a drowsy state, and was unaware of the passage of time.


Out of the blue, a beam of light emerged from nowhere, capturing Leo’s attention.


As he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in an endless expanse of grassland. It was night, with a radiant full moon illuminating the grassland and casting a golden hue upon the leaves.


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A gentle breeze brushed against his face, causing the grass to sway like a golden ocean.


Not far from his right hand, there was a tree adorned with dozens of shimmering beads that danced with the breeze. All of a sudden, the beads began to fall from the tree, pair by pair.


It was then that Leo realized that these weren’t pairs of beads at all, but rather individual black cats. And upon closer inspection, they weren’t just black cats for they were larger in size and had much bigger eyes.


Seeing this, he was enlightened suddenly. These large-eyed beads must be the previous Black Panthers of Wakanda!


Perhaps sensing Leo’s thoughts, these big-eyed panthers immediately stood on their hind legs and transformed into human forms.


They wore a variety of attire, some decorated themselves with gold and silver, others draped in animal skins, a few covered their bodies in vibrant tattoos, and there were even those with nothing but a grass skirt barely covering their vital parts.


Fortunately, all of them were men, sparing Leo from feeling overly awkward.


Dozens of men, each with a unique appearance, approached Leo and formed a circle around him. In unison, they shouted indignantly, “Shameless thief!”


But Leo was unlike Bucky since he wasn’t inclined to duke it out. Thus, he utterly ignored these scantily clad individuals and instead, he curiously surveyed the surrounding environment, trying to decipher how this space came into existence.


It was rather odd that the Black Panthers, upon realizing that Leo neither initiated an attack nor engaged in conversion, halted their approach and stood three meters away while pointing at Leo and loudly berating him.


And their vocabulary seemed lacking as their repetitive tirade consisted of only one phrase, “Shameless thief!”


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At most, they would add one more sentence, “Get out!” It felt as if Leo had desecrated their ancestral tombs.


As Leo carefully observed his surroundings, he found nothing out of the ordinary. The amalgamation of voices from the generations of Black Panthers sounded authentic.


Suddenly, he raised his hand and pinched his arm forcefully, “Ouch! That hurts!”


The sensation of pain was as real as it could get, explaining why Bucky could engage in such intense battles with the Black Panthers within this space. Besides, he also noticed he was adored in a pure black robe, which combined with his demeanor, exuded a strikingly cool and handsome aura.


He then tugged at the sleeve of the rob and felt the fabric’s texture, which was also equally genuine. With a yank, he tore the robe apart and the frayed threads at the tear were clearly visible.


“What a waste! This texture, this level of pain, this level of detail… With this kind of technology, I can create an immersive online game in the outside world for the benefit of teenagers!” Leo grumbled and complained, pondering the possibilities.


Next, following his premeditated plan, his activated Mechanical Force – Insight straight away.


True to its reputation as the Mechanic System, the quality was guaranteed.


Leo was unsure in what form he was currently moving and thinking, but his Mechanical Force – Insight remained fully functional.


Right after, under his Mechanical Force – Insight, the illusion with 100% realism shattered and fragmented like a mirror cracked by a rock. The Black Panthers vanished one by one, revealing a dazzling display of Mechanical Force Vision.


His gaze abruptly concentrated and within the flickering colorful lights of the Mechanical Force Vision, he spotted a translucent, enormous figure silently staring at him.


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Adopting a defensive posture, he demanded in a stern voice, “Who are you?”


A delicate voice resonated from all directions simultaneously, “I never expected that you would actually be able to see me!”


The voice belonged to a female and it was an eargasm. Merely by her voice, Leo’s imagination conjured the image of a goddess. Nevertheless, he wasn’t someone who let his carnal desire guide him. Instead, he became even more vigilant upon hearing the voice.


With a deliberate pause between each word, he once again questioned solemnly, “Who. Are. You.”


The enormous translucent figure suddenly paused and then began to slowly shrink and solidify. After about ten seconds, a petite translucent figure appeared in front of Leo.


“Ugh! Close that vision of yours already! You made me feel naked,” the ethereal voice scolded, tinged with annoyance.


‘She can detect my Mechanical Force – Insight?!’ Leo was greatly surprised.

Since the time the future Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange, discovered Leo’s eyes emitting a radiant glow while using the skill, this was the second time… that a person could see through his secret.


Well, a person might be the most appropriate term for now.


Under the special vision, Leo once again observed the person in front of him and noticed that she was petite in stature but had a rather fulfilling… chest!


No staring allowed!


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He promptly disabled his skill and the previously vanished moon and the golden-hued grassland reappeared in his vision. But the Black Panthers were nowhere to be found. Only a young girl remained, with long golden hair, fair skin, and dressed in a black one-piece gown. She stood barefoot before Leo, looking lively and vibrant.


“Who are you?” Leo maintained his vigilance, retreating two steps back and assuming a defensive stance as he questioned her once more.


“Can you only say “Who are you?”?” the girl in black retorted with a huff while stomping her foot.


Growing even more nervous, Leo’s body tensed up and his eyebrows furrowed as he silently examined the girl in black while not uttering anything. His posture conveyed that as long as the girl in black didn’t answer his question, he wouldn’t say another word.


Unyiendly, the girl in black met Leo’s gaze with a huff.


After a while, the girl in black was the first to relent and took the initiative to say, “You’re really annoying. The person earlier was so brave, fighting a thrilling fight with the Black Panthers. It was amazing. Compared to him, you’re way worse!”


“The person you’re referring to as brave, is he Bucky?” Leo pondered for a bit and probed.


“Yeah!” replied the girl in black. “That’s why I gave him extra life essence and strengthened his body further.”


“You gave him some extra life essence?!” Leo asked in astonishment.


The girl in black seemed very pleased with Leo’s shocked reaction and nodded playfully.


“So, who are you really?!” Leo put away his surprise but his face now showed concern and even a trace of fear.


Seeing Leo circling back to the question, the girl in black snorted, raising her head arrogantly, “I’m the Panther God, the deity worshipped by the people of Wakanda!”

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