Chapter 243 Origin of Black Panther

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TL: Kyous


The term “someone” naturally referred to Leo himself.


A moment ago, he imagined a scene where the girl in front of him suddenly turned into an octopus and waved her tentacles on the ground. Right away, his fondness for the girl in black diminished considerably.


Right then, Leo regained his composure and carefully contemplated the words the girl in black had just spoken.


All of a sudden, he noticed something was amiss.


The reason being the girl in black had previously stated that he was the first person she could communicate with within thousands of years, yet he was the second person who could see her. Wasn’t there an inconsistency in this situation?!


Then he voiced his doubts and questioned the girl in black.


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She didn’t consider it an inconsistency at all, and she explained straight away, “Fifty thousand years ago, that person awakened my consciousness and transferred some knowledge to me before leaving immediately. We didn’t have a conversation. So you’re the second person who can see me but the first person I can talk with normally. It makes sense, right?”


“But what about when you turned into a black panther?” Leo continued his question. “According to the legends of Wakanda, the ancestors of Wakanda were guided by the Panther God and discovered the heart-shaped herb. Shouldn’t the ancestors also be considered as people who have seen you?”


“No really, he didn’t actually see me,” she replied. “The first person in Wakanda to consume the herb was named Bashenga. That was 47,130 years ago. At that time, I had only been conscious for a little over two thousand years, and I had just successfully cultivated the heart-shaped herb using Vibranium.”


The girl’s face filled with reminiscence as she added, “During that time, there was indeed a group of black panthers living in this region. When Bashenga went hunting, he chased after a black panther and unfortunately fell into a valley. He accidentally discovered the herb there and being starved, he ate it.”


“Hold on,” Leo interrupted the girl’s story and asked, “Can you see what happens in the real world?”


“I can’t!” the girl replied. “I can only sense things that grow in the ground, such as minerals, Vibranium, and some plants. I don’t have eyes in the real world, so I can’t see what’s happening outside.”


“Then how do you know so many details about the origin of the first Black Panther?”


“All of that comes from when Bashenga consumed the herb and was infused with the life essence, entering my domain. I saw it in his dreams!” the girl in black explained.

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“Life essence?” This was the second time the girl mentioned this term, and Leo suddenly realized, “Are you referring to Vibranium’s inherent vibratory energy?”


“That’s what the humans call it, but I believe calling it life essence is more fitting. Because the energy contained in the Vibranium can be combined with the cells of carbon-based organisms to give birth to entirely new life forms,” emphasized the girl in black.


Regarding this point, Leo was quite certain about it because, in the storyline, Vision was created through the combination of the Mind Stone and raw Vibraniums in the “Regeneration Cradle.”


With this in mind, he began to trust the girl in black’s words a little more. It seemed like she hadn’t been deceiving him.


He thought carefully and found out that there was nothing further to question from what the girl in black had just said. So he said, “Please continue telling the story of the first Black Panther, Bashenga.”


The girl in black bared her teeth and waved her claws at Leo several times, seemingly expressing her dissatisfaction at being interrupted while telling her story.


But seeing no sign of guilt on Leo’s face, she reluctantly continued with the story, “After Bashenga ate the herb, he entered my domain. He firmly believed that it was the black panther that led him to the herb, so naturally, within the space in my domain, he actively imagined the presence of a black panther. Fifty thousand years ago, that person awakened me and imparted some basic knowledge to me, so I knew that humans, as a species, existed in the real world. But for over two thousand years, Bashenga was the first person I encountered, so I felt excited and amused. And with my control over the space, I strengthened the illusion of the black panther he created. Then that black panther was overly real, leading Bashenga to believe that the panther was a god who guided him towards becoming stronger. Thus, Bashenga was enhanced by the life essence contained within the herb and he unified the tribes of Wakanda, firmly believing in the existence of the Panther God.”


After listening to a story spanning tens of thousands of years, Leo didn’t show any surprise. Instead, he raised an eyebrow and pointed out a flaw, “During this long period, there must have been hundreds or even thousands of Black Panthers born and entering your domain. Apart from me, even if none of them could discover you, couldn’t you initiate communication with them?”

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“I can’t do that,” the girl in black responded, equally perplexed.


“They can’t see me hear me speak, and I can’t actively influence them either. I can only passively receive knowledge from the outside through the domain I possess.”


Suddenly, the girl’s face lit up with a smile, “that’s why I was so excited when I realized you can truly see me. You’re the first person in millions of years who can talk to me.”


“Are you sure you can’t actively communicate with people from the outside?” Leo frowned and asked again.


“Absolutely certain,” she nodded.


‘Then, why can you talk with me?’ Leo was greatly puzzled. After considering for a bit, he could only attribute this to his Mechanical Force. It was through the Mechanical Force – Insight that he discovered the girl in black and since then, she was able to have a normal conversation with him.


It appears that the Mechanical Force and its abilities are filled with wonders, waiting for Leo to slowly unearth them.


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Meanwhile, the girl had been deep in thought as her face showed a perplexed expression.


Leo snapped back to reality and noticed the girl’s confused expression. He asked, “What’s wrong?”


“I do have some memories, but they’re somewhat hazy,” the girl continued with a confused face. “In my memories, I shouldn’t be in this state. I could actually have a more active influence on the real world, actively communicate with the outside, and even gradually grow and control the Earth. But now, I’m restricted in every way, and have no idea why it turned out this way.”


She abruptly shook her head vigorously, displaying signs of distress.


Upon hearing this, Leo started to form his opinions based on his previous life’s web novels. He realized that having control over the Earth wasn’t a desirable outcome, akin to the actions of a great demon lord. If someone were to pursue such a goal, they would undoubtedly face resistance from countless individuals.


He suddenly felt that the mysterious woman who awakened the girl must have secretly influenced her, and it might not have been for the better!


Regardless, this matter had little to do with him at the moment. After brief contemplation, he pushed it aside and shifted his focus elsewhere. Now he had an even more important question to ask the girl.


After a while, the girl recovered from her momentary distress, and Leo hurriedly asked, “You mentioned earlier that you used the Vibranium to cultivate the herb. So, what exactly is the relationship between you, the Vibranium, and the herb? Can you explain it to me?”

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