Chapter 268 Marvel Mercenaries

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TL: Kyous


After making preliminary arrangements for each person, Leo continued, “According to my plan, the plan to venture into the space will be set for late next year or early the year after. But before that, I wish to make every effort to eliminate potential threats on Earth. Currently, the greatest threat to Erwin Tech Company is H.Y.D.R.A. And among them, the most dangerous individual is Arnim Zola.”


A soft hum filled the room as Steam projected a holographic image of Arnim Zola, accompanied by a series of text and audio explanations, highlighting Dr. Zola’s background and abilities.


Once Steam finished explaining, Leo added, “It just so happens that during a recent business trip to Wakanda in Africa, Bucky and I bumped into a squad of H.Y.D.R.A. agents. Bucky personally tracked them down and discovered a large H.Y.D.R.A. base. After some consideration, we decided to destroy this base. As for the members selected for this mission, we have chosen Bucky, Natasha, and Matt. Are there any objections?”


The three who were called out shook their heads, indicating no objections. Even though Heather was pregnant, Matt had no qualms about going on a field operation on Earth. After all, Heather wasn’t the type of fragile woman who needed constant companionship and Matt enjoyed having some personal time as well.


Besides, Matt knew many of Leo’s secrets due to his hearing. For instance, he was aware of Leo’s ability to transport people to and from Africa in a short period.


So, going on a field operation to Africa was no different from a round trip from New York to Washington. It could be completed in a day.


Given these circumstances, Matt wasn’t planning to refuse.


However, Peter, who wasn’t called out raised his hand and expressed, “Mr. Erwin, I also want to go and take them out, especially that robot called Arnim Zola.”

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Before Leo could reply, a fierce glint appeared in Peter’s eyes as he gritted his teeth, “A year ago, they launched a missile toward New York, causing chaos all over. Since they threatened the lives of all New Yorkers, I’ve been wanting to teach them a lesson!”


Hearing Peter’s words, Leo immediately understood the source of Peter’s sudden anger. Back then, due to his location being exposed, one of the three missiles launched by H..Y.D.R.A. was aiming at Hell’s Kitchen. Although they aimed at Hell’s Kitchen, everywhere in New York City sounded the air raid sirens.


Startled by the shrill sound of the alarm, Aunt May, who lived alone in Queens, instinctively thought of her only family member, Peter. However, as she was going to call Peter, in her haste and age, she accidentally tripped and broke her leg.


After the fall, she couldn’t stand up and walk. Braving the agonizing pain, she crawled to the table and struggled to reach for the phone. With sheer determination, she exerted herself and press the buttons, dialing Peter’s number.


Fortunately, the call went through.


Once the call connected, she didn’t ask for help but instead said to Peter, “Pete, the air raid alarm is sounding. Find a safe place to hide right away. I’m fine and about to seek shelter in the nearby bomb shelter. We don’t have much time, so I won’t say much. I have to go, but you must take care of yourself!”


Being the naive one, Peter actually believed her words. Then, he swiftly crawled the walls and rooftops to search for his beloved Mary Jane.


After Leo managed to intercept the missile and the alarm stopped, they rushed to Aunt May’s house to check it out. It was then they discovered Aunt May fainted on the floor, overwhelmed by the pain.


When Leo later questioned Mary Jane about the incident, she recounted the terrifying state Peter was in at the time.

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It was truly a stroke of luck that the missile didn’t strike, or else Peter would have likely blamed himself for a lifetime. Right after, they hastily sent Aunt May to a chaotic hospital where they struggled to find doctors and nurses before eventually stabilizing Aunt May’s injuries.


Initially, Leo was unaware of this matter. Ultimately, due to Peter and Mary Jane’s insufficient savings for Aunt May’s surgery and subsequent treatment, Peter had no choice but to turn to Leo for help, leading Leo to discover the truth.


Since then, Peter’s hatred and fury towards H.Y.D.R.A. became an irreconcilable part of him.


Originally, Leo hadn’t planned for Peter to join the mission because he needed to take Peter to Nepal and was concerned about the tightness of time. But seeing Peter was seething with anger, it was evident that Peter was determined to go on this mission.


Thus, Leo decided to make a slight alteration to the plan, “Alright, Peter. You’ll join this mission. Since everyone is going to hunt some snakes, I might as well join in. It’ll be an opportunity for us to train and cooperate.”


With the weaponry he currently possessed and the extraordinary strength of their five-member team, annihilating a H.Y.D.R.A. base would probably take less than two hours.


So, before heading to Nepal, they could spare a day to visit Africa. After all, the round trip could be done quickly without causing any delays.


Peter was ecstatic upon hearing Leo’s agreement. Other than that, he had an abrupt fleeting thought and asked, “Mr. Erwin, does our team have a name? In movies, every special task force has a name.”


This question caught Leo off guard as he hadn’t thought of a name for the team. Keenly noticing his expression, Peter’s smile grew wider, “Can I give our team a name?”


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Intrigued by Peter, Leo said, “Sure, be my guest.”


With a serious expression, Peter stated, “The Spider-League!”




“That’s a terrible name.”


“Buzz! It sounds awful.”


Everyone expressed their opinions.


“Come on! It’s a great name! Just think about it, if everyone has web shooters of their own, calling ourselves the Spider-League will be a perfect name!”


Shaking his head, Bucky stated, “Each of us has our own fighting style, and not everyone likes to use web shooters. So, the Spider-League isn’t suitable. It doesn’t sound good either.”


“Fine.” Peter sighed in disappointment, “Then tell me, what name sounds good to you?”


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Instantly, Steam chimed in, “Buzz! How about Erwin Force?”


Leo suddenly had goosebumps and found it extremely awkward. But unexpectedly, the others didn’t voice any objections. Instead, they found it rather preferable.


“Hold on… Do you guys really think this is a good name? We might continue using this name even when we venture to space!” Leo awkwardly asked.


“It’s acceptable,” Natasha answered, “Erwin Tech Company, Erwin Research Center… They all sound good.”


The others also readily agreed, especially Steam, who excitedly buzzed in approval. However, Leo felt it would be better to let go of that idea. He was sure that naming their team that way would incite ridicule when they carried out missions in space.


Furthermore, he wanted to recruit more teammates and allies in the future. Being associated with that name might give others the impression of him being a team bully or dictator, which could negatively impact their first impression.


Feeling uncertain about relying on his teammates for the name, Leo started racking his brain and tried to come up with a good one. Suddenly, a promising idea popped into his brain.


“How about we call ourselves the Marvel Mercenaries?”


Matt, who had been quiet most of the time, suddenly voiced out,  “‘Marvel’ sounds good but why ‘Mercenaries’? Are we going to start charging for our missions?”


Smirking mysteriously, Leo answered, “Of course, we will! From what I know, as residents of a low-civilization planet in the universe, becoming a mercenary is a very good choice to establish ourselves and gain a solid foothold in space.”

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