Chapter 270 Tutorial

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TL: Kyous


Natasha glanced at Bucky, who was grinning like a fool before scooting closer to Leo and casting an expectant gaze at him.


Smiling, Leo pulled out another Marvel Band Controller and gently placed it behind Natasha’s right ear. With his Mechanical Force, he activated the controller and gently reminded, “Natasha, you don’t have to say it out loud like Bucky to activate it. Just think the commands in your mind, you’ll achieve the same results.”


She nodded and silently uttered a couple of phrases, successfully putting on the Marvel Band.


Bucky the “genius” paid no mind to Leo and Natasha’s subtle mockery as all he wanted right now was to summon his beloved Winter and take it for a spin. However, despite yelling words like “Suit, come!” or “Winter!” the suit stubbornly refused to materialize.


As the self-proclaimed genius grew increasingly frustrated, he had no choice but to turn to Leo for help once more.


Leo chuckled and said to Bucky and Natasha, “Since it’s your first time using the Marvel Band, I’ve included a teaching program. Just think ‘tutorial’ in your mind, and the band’s built-in AI assistant will guide you on how to use it properly. Give it a try, explore on your own, and ask me if you have any questions.”

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Bucky hastily followed and successfully summoned a semi-transparent holographic display that came with accompanying text and audio explanations. He earnestly began studying, following the instructions of the tutorial.


Guided by the tutorial, he finally succeeded in summoning his brand-new version of Winter. The suit incorporated technology inspired by the Black Panther Suit, crafted primarily from Vibranium for lightweight functionality. Its appearance mirrored the original Winter but it adopted an advanced modular and folding technology for equipping. Typically the suit could be fully equipped within twenty seconds, and with practice, it could be done even faster.


Apart from that, the suit utilized the key technology of Bucky’s metal arm, the “Muscle Sensing Technology,” which effectively enhanced its strength. This made it more powerful than the Black Panther Suit, which solely focused on defense.


Besides, the suit was equipped with a flight module. But its lightweight design sacrificed the size and power of the Anti-gravity Pulse Blasters. Thus, it could only fly when it was in its shrunken state and it wasn’t as fast as Viper. Nevertheless, its flight speed surpassed conventional civilian aircraft by a considerable margin.


Regarding weaponry, the suit lacked the ability to fire energy cannons, as all hot weapons were stored within the Marvel Band. So, the main combat method while wearing the suit remained close-quarters combat. Using long-range artillery would be an underutilization of its capabilities!


Once the suit was summoned, Bucky promptly followed the tutorial’s instructions and donned the Winter.


Meanwhile, the Marvel Band automatically enlarged to resemble a forearm guard that became a part of the suit, exposing itself outside the suit.


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Then, following the tutorial’s instructions, Bucky picked a cold weapon, a long sword, and began practicing against a dummy in the training area.


Since Leo had no knowledge of forging techniques, the long sword was created by molding and then sharpened through meticulous grinding. However, thanks to the wondrous properties of Vibranium, it was not only extremely durable but also sharp, rivaling any renowned ‘masterpiece’ crafted by skilled smiths.


After a brief training with the long sword, Bucky retrieved an energy weapon and fired a few shots at stationary and moving targets in the testing room. Finally, he managed to shrink down and swiftly entered flight mode for testing.


Having finally realized his dream of taking to the skies, he sought Leo’s approval and impatiently flew out of Erwin Research Center, vanishing in an instant. But his disappearance was merely beyond Leo’s naked eye as his location remained in Steam’s grasp, which was equivalent to Leo’s grasp.


On the other hand, Natasha donned her body-fitting suit that highlighted her curvature, also learned the flying section from the tutorial, and left the lab to test her flight capabilities.


In the blink of an eye, only Matt and Peter remained in the testing area. One of them was bewildered by what he saw and the other was bewildered by what he “saw.” Naturally, both of them impatiently expressed their desire for a suit. 


That was precisely the reason why Leo brought them here, so he agreed, “Let’s hear them, what do you have in mind for the suit?”

“I want a light and body-fitting suit that can fly just like Teacher Bucky’s suit. And I also want to have web shooters on my wrists, with an additional emergency web shooter. Also, the hands and feet of the suit need to be highly flexible so that I can climb freely. Lastly, I don’t want the suit to be black. It would be better if its design resembles the color of my current suit, with a spider on the front and back.”

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Peter finished listing all his requirements in one go and cautiously asked, “Mr. Erwin, am I asking for too much?”


“Not at all. It’s just a paint job, a piece of cake,” Leo reassured with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Peter heaved a sigh of relief as his heart filled with joy.


After noting down Peter’s requirements, Leo turned to Daredevil, Matt, “Matt, it’s your turn. Let’s hear them.”


“Mine can be kept simple. Sufficient defense and flexibility will do, along with the noise-canceling filter you made for me before. If possible, include a weapon similar to a cane. In terms of combat ability, I know I can’t compare to any of you. So, I’m happy with using my advantage and being a human radar, focusing on distance reconnaissance and providing support to all of you.”  Matt stated.


Leo nodded in understanding. Due to Matt’s blindness, he couldn’t fly like the others and because of it, he would find it more challenging to adapt to the rapidly changing environment once he put on the suit that could shrink. Although the Ant-Man suit would enhance his combat prowess, the effect would be minimal when compared to others.


Being a reconnaissance specialist in the rear lines seemed to be the best choice for Matt at the moment.


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Just then, Bucky and Natasha returned from their flight training, landing in the testing room and reverting to their normal size.


“This is incredible! Exhilarating! Now I understand the sheer joy you feel when you fly!” Bucky excitedly cried out after his test flight.


Natasha, having accompanied Leo into space and witnessed more spectacular scenes, had even worn Viper on occasions. Despite that, her face still flushed with excitement after flying through the clouds. Being carried by someone while flying and flying alone were two utterly different experiences.


“Okay, I got it. Calm down, Bucky,” Leo interrupted Bucky who was still excitedly recounting his experience of flying.


“It’s already noon. I’ll treat you all to a meal at the cafeteria. Marvel Base’s food is pretty good. Bucky, Natasha, Matt, you don’t come here often, so you should try them.”


Everyone nodded. Bucky and Natasha took off their suits and stored them back in their Marvel Bands. The group then headed to the cafeteria for their meal.


TL Note:

Sorry, being to busy with college exams lately.

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