Chapter 274 Interrogation

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At 10:34 PM New York time, an invisible spaceship quietly hovered atop Erwin Building.


Peter, Matt, and Natasha leaped off the ship and landed on the rooftop before bidding each other farewell and leaving. The spaceship ascended again, vanishing instantly without a trace.


Shortly after, the spaceship flew to Erwin Research Center located at Marvel Base, and parked on the rooftop. Leo and Bucky exited while carrying a burly man with an indiscernible face except his shining set of teeth.


Bucky led the burly man forward while Leo linked up with the spaceship’s AI and activated the Pym Particles’ effects. The spaceship shrank in size and was neatly stored away. Leo then strode alongside Bucky.


The trio took the elevator to the third floor of Erwin Research Center. Opening the door, Leo gestured for Bucky to enter with Yuri.


“It’s been a while since I’ve seen this thing. So you’ve kept it here, huh!” Bucky remarked, recognizing the familiar brainwashing device with a sense of nostalgia.


“If you like, I can build you another one in your bedroom,” Leo joked casually.


Bucky hastily waved his hands, rejecting, “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll just come to you if I ever need it.”


Leo chuckled softly and walked over to a nearby table, motioning for Bucky to join him.  

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Bucky tied Yuri’s hands and gagged him to prevent any outbursts that could disturb the interrogation. He then clapped his hands and trudged to the table, casually pulling a chair over and sitting down.


From his belt, Leo took out a stack of photos that had been cut into four pieces and tossed them onto the table, “Take a look at them and see if they jog your memory.”


Bucky meticulously pieced the photos together and scrutinized them one by one, “These were stuff that the S.S.R. confiscated. They seem to be some kind of artifacts but I don’t recall seeing any of them. Maybe they were confiscated by the S.S.R. after I fell into the ravine.”


Leo nodded slightly and briefly recounted his encounter with Dr. Zola and how he eliminated him inside the H.Y.D.R.A. base. He summarized, “Dr. Zola seemed particularly interested in these photos. Whatever these numbers represent, they are important to H.Y.D.R.A. We need to find a way to uncover their meaning.”


Putting away the photos, he pointed at the supervisor, Yuri, “Bucky, you’ll be in charge of interrogating this man. Make him reveal everything he knows.”


Bucky nodded and stood up, swiftly securing Yuri to the brainwashing device. Despite Yuri’s frantic struggles, he could only surrender under Bucky’s monstrous strength. Next, Bucky skillfully operated the panel in front of the brainwashing device, beginning the brainwashing procedure.


Meanwhile, in addition to the mental torment of brainwashing, Bucky began inflicting physical torture on Yuri to hasten the extraction of information. Yuri’s agonizing screams filled the room, echoing with unbearable intensity.


With nothing more to do in the room, Leo decided to leave and returned to the laboratory on the ninth floor.


After verifying his identity, the laboratory door automatically opened and Steam immediately approached.


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“Buzz! Master, the data from the H.Y.D.R.A. base has been sorted and organized. Now, it’s waiting for your review.”


“Oh?” Leo’s interest was piqued. “Let me see them.”


“Buzz! Affirmative.” As Steam answered, the holographic projections displayed the data.


Swiping the holographic screen, Leo quickly browsed through the information. Dr. Zola, being a remarkable humanoid consciousness and a professional in computer technology, had undoubtedly demonstrated his expertise in the field of cybersecurity.


Despite Steam copying a substantial amount of data from the H.Y.D.R.A. database, the was surprisingly little useful content.


After manual screening by Steam and Leo, they discovered that among the vast amount of information, there were only two useful pieces of information.


The first one consisted of a collection of image data. He opened the images and realized that they were digital versions of the photographs he had taken from Dr. Zola’s hands. Although these images appeared to be a duplicate, at least he could print a new copy instead of carrying the fragmented ones around.


The second one consisted of several suspicious contact details, presumably used to communicate with other H.Y.D.R.A. bases. However, considering that the African H.Y.D.R.A. base had been destroyed, it was likely that these contact details had been abandoned or changed.


Nevertheless, if someone were to pry further based on these contact details, they could potentially uncover some traces of H.Y.D.R.A. activities. But Leo wasn’t going to waste time on this matter. His current attitude towards the H.Y.D.R.A. outside of the U.S. could be summed up as “up to fate.”  If he encountered them, he would deal with them, but if not, he considered them lucky.


Apart from these two pieces of information, the vast amount of data contained experimental records and outdated weapon specifications, which might be useful to ordinary organizations or individuals but held no importance for him at the moment.

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He retrieved the digital version of the images and had Steam print out a copy. He sighed and remarked, “It seems we need to wait for Bucky if we want to find out more about these photos.”


Looking at the time, he realized it was still early. It would probably take several more hours before Bucky’s interrogation concluded.


Without wasting any more time, he began to design and update various machinery while also practicing his “Mechanical Force Extraction.” He spent the next two hours training his Mechanical Force.


Time slowly passed amidst Leo’s busy activities. 


Five hours later, Bucky’s voice resonated through the transmission provided by Steam, “Leo, we got something. Come over.”


Pausing his work, Leo took the elevator down to the third floor and entered the room. On the brainwashing device, Yuri slumped with his head hanging weakly, while Bucky sat at the table and organize the information he had recorded.


“How is he?” Leo gestured at Yuri as he entered.


Bucky answered without lifting his head, “He couldn’t endure the pain. His heart was overly stimulated and went into cardiac arrest. He’s dead.”



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Well, that works!


An oddly refreshing thought crossed Leo’s mind subconsciously. He approached Bucky and asked, “What did you get from him?”


“Quite a lot,” Bucky handed Leo a small notebook he had written, “Take a look for yourself.”


Glancing at the notebook for a bit, Leo then calmly placed it back on the table, “Your handwriting is too messy, I can’t read it. Just tell me about it.”


Bucky rolled his eyes, took his notebook, and began recounting while flipping through the pages, “Yuri, an African who was recruited by H.Y.D.R.A. during his studies in the former Soviet Union…”


“Hold on!” Leo interrupted. “I don’t want his life story. Just tell me about the photos.”


“Ah, the photos…” Bucky then proceeded to recount the details of Dr. Zola’s ‘Project Insight,’ his conversation with Yuri, and the history behind it all.


After listening to the story, Leo stroked his chin and mumbled to himself, “Werner Reinhardt, Daniel Whitehall, 084, an unknown object… I’ve never heard of them before. Not even a bit!”


Leo, the self-proclaimed Marvel fan in Marvel Universe, was stumped due to him being an uncultured being. He had never watched the TV series “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” so how could he possibly be aware of these details?


If he had watched all six seasons and 132 episodes of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” he would have understood the significance of this 084 and its true nature!

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