Chapter 39 Poison Wolf Gang and Black Bear Gang

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Leo and Bucky took a few steps back when they heard the commotion in the hallway. Ol’ Tom also noticed something was wrong and prepared to open the door to check the situation.


Barno’s furious shout suddenly came from the hallway. “Boss Poison Wolf, our Black Bear Gang has always been peaceful and harmonious with your gang. Why did you suddenly bring your people to barge into our bar today? Although our Black Bear Leader is not here today, this is not a place for you to act atrociously. You know breaking the rules have dire consequences on both of our gang!”


Ol’ Tom in the room was startled when he heard the name, Poison Wolf. He immediately retreated back from the door and found someplace to hide.


“Rules? You are the one who broke the rules first!”


A sharp male voice shouted, then he continued, “According to the rules, all the people who come to Mingde Street for identification will be split fifty-fifty for both of us! But how did you do it? If I hadn’t received this news, you would have secretly swallowed these two fat sheep, right?!”


“Boss Poison Wolf, who did you hear this from? Our Black Bear Gang is open and honest, how could we do such a thing? Someone must be sowing discord between us.”


“Our two gangs were already at odds with each other. There’s no need for someone to sow discord! We can see whether your Black Bear Gang does things honestly or scheming.”


“Poison Wolf, you dare?!”



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The door of Ol’ Tom’s room was kicked open and six men charged in with bats in their hands. The one in the lead was a brawny man with a long face and a beard. That man was Poison Wolf himself.


Poison Wolf swept across Ol’ Tom’s room and saw Leo and Bucky. He pointed his iron bat at Leo and turned his head outside and yelled at Barno, “You still say your Black Bear Gang is honest and open? Then why are these two here? Hm?!”


Barno stayed silent while Ol’ Tom was so frightened that he hid in the compartment.


Poison Wolf became more furious. He turned back and waved the bat in his hand forward. He gritted his teeth and shouted at Leo and Bucky, “You two idiots, don’t you know the rules in Mingde Street?! Don’t you know before doing any business, you have to inform both Black Bear Gang and Poison Wolf Gang? Breaking the rules, are you looking for death?!”


Leo frowned and took a step back to dodge Poison Wolf’s spit. He indifferently said, “Bucky, beat him to death!”


Bucky had long been impatient. He dashed forward when he heard Leo’s order. He raised his left arm and swung at Poison Wolf, sending him flying to the door.


A metal collision sound rang and Poison Wolf flew straight out of the room. He crashed heavily into the hallway corridor with his face covered in blood.


Poison Wolf was worthy of being a leader of a gang as he had some skills. At the critical juncture, he withdrew the iron bat and gripped the iron bat with both hands in front of him. The punch from the Winter Soldier was blocked.


However, Bucky’s strength was too great. The iron bat Poison Wolf held was snapped into half Bucky’s fist. Poison Wolf’s hands were shattered by the huge force and the snapped iron bat smashed onto his face.


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The iron bat had played a buffering role. Although Poison Wolf’s head was smashed at least it did not crack open and was still able to speak.


Poison Wolf sat on the floor shivering while pointing at Bucky. He yelled at his minions, “Q-quick, use the gun to shoot him. Use the gun to shoot this monster to death!”


But everything happened in the blink of an eye, the group of minions simply did not react to what happened.


Bucky saw his punch did not work, he strode forwards and gave another punch.


The Poison Wolf was not that lucky this time. His brain was flattened by Bucky’s punch as he lay limply on the ground and died!


At this moment, everyone finally reacted besides Leo. The five minions Poison Wolf brought began pulling out the guns.


But Leo was faster than them.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!


Five consecutive shots. As Leo ignored the recoil from the handgun, he precisely headshot the five minions.


Finally, the members of the Black Bear Gang from outside reacted and prepared to pull out their guns.

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“Everyone stay put! Members of Black Bear Gang put back your gun.”


At that critical moment, Barno reacted and stopped his minions from doing anything stupid. He faced Leo and respectfully said, “Brother, I don’t know and don’t care who you are. But our Black Bear Gang absolutely has no bad intentions for you! You are here to talk business with us, we are not enemies.”


Leo slowly put the gun back to his waist and pulled out a piece of tissue for Bucky to clean his fist. He said lightly, “I’m also someone afraid of trouble and do not have many enemies.”


Barno felt the weight in his heart drop at last. Leo continued, “I don’t have time, help me deal with the bodies on the floor. Also, I’ll come back for the identification after seven days, I hope you won’t forget it.”


After saying that, Leo and Bucky crossed over the bodies and prepared to leave.


But heaven forbade it. A series of gunfire came from the first floor followed by the music stopping and left with only screams.


Accompanied by the stomping noise on the stairs, Bobby rushed up to the second floor and shouted, “Brother Barno, what happened upstairs? Why is there gunfire? The people from Poison Wolf Gang had blocked the bar’s entrance on the first floor. They fired their guns and demanded to see the leader…”


The next moment, Bobby saw the Poison Wolf’s body and swallowed back his incomplete words.


Bobby looked at the six bodies laying on the floor and swallowed his spit before saying, “Brother Barno, what now? The leader of Poison Wolf is dead and their people are blocking our entrance. Black Bear Leader is not around, you have to give an idea!”

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Barno was the second-in-command of the Black Bear Gang and could be considered smart. He calmly asked Bobby, “How many Poison Wolf people are there?”


“Now there are around thirty. But they had called for more people and there could be around eighty people in the end.”


“How many brothers do we have right now?”


“A total of twenty-eight people. Thirty brothers followed the leader to a banquet to show support. The remaining dozen are probably sneaking all over the street.”


Barno pondered for a bit after hearing this. In the end, he steeled his heart preparing to eliminate the Poison Wolf Gang. He quickly walked in front of Leo who was watching by the side.


“Although I don’t know you two’s real identity, from the way you two do things, you probably are from the same circle. Today our Black Bear Gang and Poison Wolf Gang had a conflict and Poison Wolf died on our bar’s second floor. There’s no chance to make peace anymore, only fight to the death. On behalf of the Black Bear Gang, I, Barno sincerely ask for your assistance. After the score is settled, it will be a great appreciation.”


Leo coldly said without any expression, “I’ve said, I’m someone afraid of trouble. So, I won’t get involved in your conflict. I hope you can win this war, I’ll be back after seven days for the identification.”


Bucky suddenly interjected and coldly said, “Since you took our money, you have to get the job done properly. We don’t want to make a trip after seven days for nothing.”


“Our Black Bear Gang is reputable. Since we accepted your money, we will do our best. It’s fine if you two do not wish to help us, but please be careful and leave as soon as possible. After all, the bullets have no eyes.”


Barno was slightly annoyed seeing that he was unable to persuade Leo and Bucky and was even threatened. But he did not dare to be angry with the two, and could only give in. He turned his head to Bobby again and said, “Inform all brothers to prepare to guard the bar. I’ll go and inform our boss now to ask him to return as soon as possible. When that time comes, we will attack from both sides and destroy the Poison Wolf Gang in one fell swoop!”

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