Chapter 57 The Great Bluffing 2

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Matt did not answer immediately as he lowered his head to ponder. The tiny law firm fell into silence just like this.


After some time, Matt raised his head and asked, “H-how did you deal with Black Fist… No, how did you get the El Building? As far as I know, their bosses are still alive and well. They even occupied Mingde Street’s bar which used to be Black Bear Gang and Poison Wolf’s base.”


Leo did not wish to explain too much to Matt, after all, brainwashing was a terrifying subject. Therefore, he replied perfunctorily, “It’s none of your business how I get El Building, just helping me register my company is enough. Besides the company’s name and address, what else should I provide?”


“There are many materials and proofs required!”


Matt knew he talked too much. He took a deep breath and calmed his nerves before adding, “Mr. Erwin, I’m afraid I can’t help you register your company. You need a lease or deed of the company’s address for registering a company. But as you know, your El Building is ownerless…”

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“Mr. Murdock, El Building has an owner and it’s me.” Leo interrupted Matt and said sternly, “Although legally it’s ownerless, in reality, I’m the owner. I thought you as a lawyer had ways to legally obtain the deed to an ownerless building from the state, right?”


“That’s impossible, I can’t legally get that building’s deed in a short time.”


“Which means you can illegally get it in a short time.”


Matt definitely had illegal methods of obtaining the deed, but he was not a liar. So, he replied, “Lawyers can take advantage of loopholes in the law, but I won’t do it for my personal gains. It should be used to help innocents instead. Mr. Erwin, I’m very sorry but I can’t break the law for you. Please return!”


The atmosphere in the tiny law firm suddenly fell silent and tensed up.

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After a while, Leo broke the silence and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Murdock, I wish to ask, how long have you been living in Hell’s Kitchen?”


Matt was unsure why Leo asked this but he still answered honestly, “Nineteen years and two months. I’ve never left the moment I was born.”


“That’s great and it seems like you love this place very much and have a deep affection for it. However, have you seen any noticeable changes in Hell’s Kitchen these past nineteen years? It’s still in constant chaos, innocents are dying all over the place and vile people are still getting away with it, right?”


Matt asked in puzzlement, “What’s the meaning of these?”


“As you’ve heard, I’ve just arrived here for at most a month but Black Bear Gang and Poison Wolf Gang are wiped out by me and Black Fist Gang now listen to my commands. Listen, Matt, I can change this. I can completely change Hell’s Kitchen’s current situation.”


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“What makes you say this? Because you have a powerful force, so you want to destroy mob gangs one by one?” Matt’s reaction was extreme as he frowned and he questioned Leo.


Leo remained calm to Matt’s questioning. He knew why Matt had such an extreme reaction as Matt’s current state could be described as powerless and rage.


Leo smiled and explained patiently, “Of course, it’s not because I have a powerful force. It can momentarily save Hell’s Kitchen but it can’t save Hell’s Kitchen forever. Why is Hell’s Kitchen so messy? Ultimately it’s because it’s poor and backward! The university you studied in, why is it not chaotic even though both of them are located in Manhattan? Why are the neighborhoods near Stark Industries peaceful? It’s because rich people live there, they can pay the taxes on time. Hence, the New York City government spends a lot of effort to maintain the stability and promote the development of those places to protect their moneybags.”


This rendered Matt silent because he knew what Leo said was the truth. Poverty was the root of chaos in Hell’s Kitchen.


Leo chose to remain silent to give Matt some time to think as he saw Matt not replying. After a long time, Matt stared at Leo and asked, “What makes you the hope of Hell’s Kitchen? What makes you think you can enrich this place?”


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“Kiddo, don’t be so impulsive in speaking. Since I dare to say it out loud, naturally I have a feasible plan.”


Leo consoled Matt then added, “As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, you must build roads! Ahem… I messed up, New York City’s roads are in good condition already. But the saying doesn’t lie and building a road is important! However, how to be rich after building a road?”


Matt shook his head in bewilderment as he never heard the saying before and was uncertain what Leo was indicating.


“After building roads, of course, it’s to attract rich people! To completely change Hell’s Kitchen, we need to make it rich and attract rich people to Hell’s Kitchen.”


Leo as if reprimanding a child and added, “As for how to attract rich people, this will bring back my intention to open a tech company. Do you know what my tech company is going to make? It’s going to make chips, high-performance chips! Its computing speed is far beyond the current Intel’s latest chip! You attended university before, so you should have some understanding of computers, right? Then, you should know the chips I described will bring a huge boost to the entire computer and Internet industry if it’s put on the market. After I opened my company, the chips definitely will be a big hit! At that time, my company not only will solve a large amount of unemployment in Hell’s Kitchen, but it will attract rich people to invest in my company too. With the arrival of big shots, the economy of the surrounding will boom and Hell’s Kitchen’s locals will have more opportunities to make an earning. Soon, banks, malls, schools, and hospitals, these kinds of basic facilities will sprout as if mushrooms grow after the rain. Can you imagine how great Hell’s Kitchen will be?”


Matt was fooled by Leo but he did not blindly trust Leo. After some pondering, he asked an important question, “I’ll admit what you said just now is reasonable and probable. However, all of this is built on the fact you can produce high-performance chips. But your description of it was too exaggerated to the point I can’t even believe it. Can you really make this kind of chip? You are not lying to me, right?”

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