Chapter 73 Peter’s Job

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Mary Jane introduced Leo to Peter based on her memories. Peter nodded, indicating he understood.


Soon, the trio reached the parlor’s entrance. Being smooth-spoken was one of the traits of a journalist, so Mary Jane took the initiative to head toward and greet them, reaching out her hand, “Hello, Mr. Erwin, I’m Mary Jane. I’ve told you I’ll recognize you when we meet again. As I expected, I already remembered the evening that we met in Hell’s Kitchen. I recalled there was a gentleman with you at that time, why didn’t I see him?”


“That’s Bucky Barnes. He’s our company’s Chief of Security. Right now he’s too busy with work. However, he asked me to send his sincere regards to you, Miss Jane.” Leo politely answered while shaking her hand. “Let’s not stand around here. Please enter, let’s talk inside.”


Once everyone entered the parlor, a waiter served a glass of water for everyone.


“Miss Jane, allow me to introduce you, this is Miss Heather, our company’s Deputy of Sales. This is Mr. Matt Murdock, the legal advisor of our company’s Legal Department. Later, we will lead you two to have a tour around El Tech Company.”


“It’s a pleasure meeting you two. I’m Mary Jane and this is my friend, Peter Parker.” Mary Jane graciously introduced Peter to everyone. Peter smiled and gave greetings to each of them.

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However, Leo noticed Peter’s gaze paused a bit on Matt. Judging from it, Leo’s guesses must almost be on target. They definitely met before and had some beef against each other. But both of them were excellent actors, they pretended to be unacquainted and greeted with a smile.


Followed by the time ticking away, Mary Jane and Peter had finished touring El Tech Company’s research laboratory and assembly lines. They even witnessed the process of manufacturing El Tech Company’s high-performance chip, El Gen-1, in detail.


The more Mary Jane and Peter toured, the greater their curiosity was. Mary Jane was curious why the Columbia University graduates were willing to work with Hell’s Kitchen’s locals. Peter, on the other hand, was curious why the mobs in Hell’s Kitchen were obediently working as El Tech Company’s guards.


When the group was visiting the office area. Coincidentally, the ex-leader of the Black Fist Gang, current Deputy of Security, Red Fist was making his rounds.


“Good afternoon, Mr. Erwin!” Red Fist straightened his body and greeted Leo, then left without another glance.


This caused Peter to be even more curious as he recognized Red Fist. Four years ago, he met the Rainbow Brothers when he was punishing evil in Hell’s Kitchen.

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Due to their peculiar names, Peter had a deep impression of them. So, he could vividly remember Red Fist’s appearance. But which part of Red Fist right now was showing banditry? He was even more well-behaved than a professional bodyguard.




Times flew by quickly. Although El Tech Company was huge, there were not many places to visit.


Currently, the group was returning to the parlor after strolling through El Tech Company’s public area.


Mary Jane already had a comprehensive understanding of El Tech Company.


“Mr. Erwin, I’m very surprised by the size of your company and the performance of your product. With such an excellent product, I’m sure no media will decline the invitation of your product launch. Our Daily Bugle certainly will attend the product launch.”

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“Miss Jane, I appreciate your recognition of our company’s product. When we determine the date, we will notify you right away. As for the cooperation details, you can discuss it with Miss Heather.” Heather aptly handed her business card to Mary Jane, exchanging each other’s contact.


The girls always had much to talk about. After exchanging business cards, they began conversing in a low voice. Leo eavesdropped a little, they began chatting about the university friends they knew…


Leo was uninterested in the ladies’ talk, instead, he was looking forward to the drama that would happen between Peter and Matt. 


However, disappointingly, Matt and Peter hung a smile on their face, sitting on the couch while sipping water. Both of them were acting reserved, it was apparent no one would take the initiative to rekindle their past relationships. And the ladies’ conversation gradually derailed, Leo even heard them discussing the brands of perfumes and skin care. 


Looks like Leo’s requirement for the employees was too lenient, it was working time right now!


“Ahem! Ladies, it’s working time right now!” Making a fist, Leo placed it in front of his mouth and coughed, interrupting the ladies’ outlandish conversation and attracting everyone else’s attention to himself.

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Then, he began subtly stating his purpose, “Mr. Parker, during our tour in the laboratory, your evaluation of the El Gen-1 was pertinent and insightful. You seemed knowledgeable in this aspect, I wonder what’s your current job right now. Maybe we may have opportunities to cooperate together.”


Peter was startled by Leo’s question, it was even related to his current job.


Looking at Matt well-heeled, Peter was unwilling to be outdone by him. However, it was true he was unemployed right now and a sense of embarrassment suddenly filled his heart.


In just a single instant, Peter’s acting was broken apart as he even choked on the water. For the sake of saving face, even if the water entered his lungs, he endured it and remained expressionless since his physique was beyond ordinary.


Some time had passed nevertheless Peter remained silent. Mary Jane, as though having a heart connection, sensed Peter’s embarrassment, thus explaining, “After Peter graduated, he remained as an assistant for one of the professors. But the professor had some funding issues recently and his research was halted. So, Peter is unemployed right now.”


Glancing at Peter, Mary Jane saw he had no intention of stopping her but in reality, he was unable to speak due to choking on water. She added, “Actually, the reason Peter came with me today was with the intention of seeking employment. Mr. Erwin, do you think Peter can work in your company?”

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