Chapter 79 The Forbearing Kingpin

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The product launch had ended for a while and a scarce amount of guests remained in the hall.


On the west side of the hall was the resting area for El Tech Company’s employees. Right now, Heather, Ol’ Tom, and the others were packing up company-related things.


And the ruckus just now came from the west side of the hall. To be precise, it was caused by Heather’s shouting, “What the hell are you doing?!”


The shout attracted the remaining people’s attention, including Leo, Peter, and Otto. Leo looked in that direction and saw a total of six people confronting Heather and Ol’ Tom.


Ol’ Tom shielded Heather behind him and the situation was slightly grim.


Among the six people was Wilson Fisk’s eye-catching black-colored baldhead. He was the largest and his scalp was the brightest, it was impossible for Leo to ignore it. Kingpin was a thug who killed without batting an eyelid, if furious, he could even kill his own people.


Presently, Heather was seemingly shouting at Kingpin. Leo involuntarily worried, fearing accidents happened to his company’s employees.

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Without explaining to Otto, Leo hastily headed to the crowd on the west side. Everyone also began closing into the west side, including Peter and Otto.


Before Leo arrived, from afar, he could see someone who seemed to be Kingpin’s minion pointing and yelling at Ol’ Tom. The minion was called Hodor.


When Leo was a little closer, he heard Hodor spitting unpleasant words out.


“What is this cr*ppy El Tech Company? Our Fisk Industries can drown you with our spits! Now our boss wants to invest in your company but you immediately declined us without even acting like a proper leader. What joke is this?! Who the f*ck are you?! Can you even represent your company to speak?! Besides, do you know how influential our company is in New York?! Those who go against us often end up in a very bad situation!” Hodor’s expression was slightly sinister with threats underneath it.


Perhaps Hodor had said something he shouldn’t say, the butler, who was sitting with Kingpin during the product launch, kicked his leg and fiercely stared at him. However, the butler remained silent, let alone apologizing to Ol’ Tom and the others for his minion’s rude words.


As for Kingpin, he remained motionless as if a statue of a god, without any expression on his face.


After Ol’ Tom was brainwashed, he was absolutely loyal to Leo and needless to say, would defend El Tech Company’s interest and image.

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“I’m El Tech Company’s Chief of Logistics, the person in charge of this product launch. Therefore, with all responsibility, I can inform you that today El Tech Company is here for the product launch and will not accept any group or any form of investment. If you wish to have any kind of cooperation with El Tech Company, please contact our company through the method provided at our product launch.” Although Ol’ Tom was surrounded by the six of them, he announced without any condescending or apprehension.


Additionally, Ol’ Tom went a step further to defend El Tech Company’s dignity, “Besides, it is impertinent for some of you to defame our company at will. Moreover, it is even more disgraceful to illy speak to a lady. So, this friend named Hodor, please apologize for your actions and manners just now.”


Hodor was stunned before smiling maliciously. Giving a contemptuous glance and a snort at Ol’ Tom, Hodor ignored the butler’s warning and ruthlessly swung his fist at Ol’ Tom’s face.


Ol’ Tom was no longer young and his body had been corrupted by alcohol, facing the young Hodor’s punch, it was impossible for him to dodge.


Seeing Ol’ Tom was almost punched, Heather, who was behind him, let out a scream.


In the nick of time, Leo rushed over and swiftly grabbed Hodor’s wrist. Slightly yanking Hodor’s arm, Leo clenched his finger, causing Hodor to cry out in pain. At the same time, due to being pulled by Leo, Hodor lost his balance and knelt on the floor.


Leo coldly glanced at him, “What Ol’ Tom meant was you’re just a defiant and shameless pet dog! Why can’t you understand human’s subtle words? You just have to make someone say it out loud for you to understand!”

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Raising his arm, Leo tossed Hodor’s reddened wrist away and Hodor immediately collapsed onto the ground, using his left hand to caress his right wrist miserably.


“Ol’ Tom, Heather, are both of you fine?” Ignoring Hodor, Leo asked his two employees with concern.


Unable to speak coherently, Heather patted her chest and took a few deep breaths with a stunned expression, “We’re fine, we’re fine!”


However, Ol’ Tom remained fearless, “Boos, why are you here? In fact, all of these are just some matters, I, Ol’ Tom can settle. There is no need for you to intervene, boss.” Although after being brainwashed, Ol’ Tom’s timidity was gone, his habit of bootlicking Leo still remained.


Seeing both of them were uninjured, Leo was slightly eased.


Currently, Heather was unable to process her thoughts while Ol’ Tom was babbling nonsense. Leo simply ignored them and focused his attention on Kingpin.


Leo had beat up his minion but Kingpin remained composed. On the contrary, for some reason, he chuckled and reached out his hand to Leo, “This gentleman, are you the boss of El Tech Company? I’m Wilson Fisk, chairman of Fisk Industries. It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

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Although uncertain about what Kingpin was planning, Leo was unafraid of Kingpin. He calmly reached out his hand and shook Kingpin’s hand. He initially thought Kingpin would have a contest of strength when shaking him, perhaps preparing to give a hard time to him. However, it was a normal handshake. Leo couldn’t even feel any wrath and hatred from the chuckling Kingpin.


In fact, this was the scariest, which showed Kingpin hid it too well and too deep.


Leo had read articles about Kingpin and all of them were about Kingpin’s positive side. A successful entrepreneur, a great philanthropist, a constant supporter of government projects… All of these were the public’s impression of Kingpin. 


Who could’ve imagined the entire New York and America’s crime lord was this smiling muscle lump in front of Leo?!


“Mr. Erwin, I apologize about today’s matter. Because of my subordinate miscommunication with your employee, an argument happened and a fight even broke out. On behalf of him, I apologize. I implore your company and this beautiful lady to forgive him.” Smiling, Kingpin apologized while Hodor, who was caressing his hand behind Kingpin, began shivering as his face turned pale all of a sudden.


However, Leo was contemplating Kingpin’s intention, and because Kingpin’s bulky body had covered Hodor, Leo was unable to see Hodor’s anomaly.


Without waiting for Leo’s reply, Kingpin added, “Today I’m here because, after listening to your company’s speech, I felt your product is excellent. However, I fear you may face a funding shortage, so I’m here to inquire whether or not you require investment. But my subordinate’s attitude to your employee was slightly harsh, causing a misunderstanding with your employee. I hope Mr. Erwin can be understanding.”

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